I did a treatment on Tuesday. I used the last end of my EVCO tub. It was quite a bit. I just planned to finish it off and go on to the next container. I only used BFH yarrow and hibiscus, an NG herbal to cowash as well. I had an almond oil rinse and a DC with coffee on the bottom and DB pumpkin and AOHSR on top along with some WGO. I steamed for about an hour. I rinsed with some conditioner premix and honey hemp. Then ACV and a tea rinse to complete. I finished it off with some coconut cream butter by MD. Then GHE. On Thursday prior to my cowash I took the braids down. My ends had converted to silk instead of dry hay. I could not figure out what I had done to make this change. It's like the ends were not my hair. I have had coconut oil prepoo's before. I am not sure what I did. I am joining this challenge to test the hypothesis.:crossfingers: