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I joined! I did a prepoo last night with some coconut oil...But just a question, I was expecting it to reek of coconut like some I had used before had, but it was pretty odorless. Does this mean that it's no good? Anyway, I prepooed and then did a conditioner wash this morning with Nature's gate pomegranate and sunflower oil conditioner. This is the first time I used both products so I don't know who it was but my hair felt like butter while rinsing. I was singing Tribe Called Quest-Butter all morning...Even right now, I did my usual leave in conditioner, apply growth oil, seal with shealoe and my hair is sooo soft now that it's dry. My hair was fine before, but now that I feel this, its on a whole nother level. I'm going to be on this challenge for the rest of my life. Even if it being odorless is bad, it did good by me.