Prayer Against Depression And Anxiety

Please pray for me. I feel like I am going through a quarter life crisis. It has gotten so bad that I sometimes feel like not living anymore. Hope all is well with everyone else.
Please pray for me. I feel like I am going through a quarter life crisis. It has gotten so bad that I sometimes feel like not living anymore. Hope all is well with everyone else.


You are a beautiful person inside and out. Even in one of your darkest moments, you were able to acknowledge what is going with everyone else. (in red) I just want you to know that you are NOT alone. I've actually felt this way (the bolded) off and on for most of my life and I think we are about the same age. I will keep you in my prayers.

Please know that God does not make mistakes. This may sound strange, but seeing your post helped me because this weekend I felt like just giving up on everything. Whenever I feel like that, it embarrasses me to the point that I start isolating myself. It helped me to realize that the Devil really is a liar and I am not the only one going through this. Even though we are going through a lot of pain, God will get the glory out of situations in the end.

I wanted to share a prayer I found in a prayer book I have. ( Someone on this forum posted a link and I ordered it a few months ago.

Prayer for Mind Cleansing & Clarity
Heavenly Father, we come to You now in the name of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, we ask You according to John 14:13-14 to wash over our minds with the Blood of Jesus and cleanse out all darkness and all thoughts that are contrary to Your will and destiny for our lives. We ask You Lord Jesus to shut any doors that need to be shut whether spiritual or natural in our lives. Lord, please forgive us for any bitterness birthed from the spirit of depression and replace it when thoughts and a heart that is pleasing to You. Heavenly Father, we ask You to give us and any person in the need of clarity of thought, clarity of mind, clarity of knowing and hearing Your Voice according to John 16:23. We bind the spirit of depression and suicide in the Name of Jesus Christ and declare all of its works dead in our lives. We ask you Heavenly Father to loose into us the Spirit of Truth according to I John 4:6 and Psalm 51:10. Lord we thank You for being strong when we are weak. Thank you for being our Redeemer Lord. Thank you Lord for being faithful even when we are not. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Be encouraged, Poohbear. :grouphug2:
Thank you Pebbles for starting this thread. It was needed by so many women on LHCF. You have no idea how many lives you will touch, and I hope you continue to do good work on this site. As someone who has battled depression (and isn't done yet), it means a lot to read things like this on this site. Thank you.
Amen and blessings to you sister...
Thank you lots Pebbles. I just realized this thread started in 2005 but I really needed to see this today. I'm so tired ... i'm not where I feel I should be at this point in my life. I've worked incredibly hard to get there but it's just not happening and i'm tired. I'm slowly going into a state of depression and loosing the will to keep trying. I find it difficult to pray because i've prayed about it lots and ... well.
I just read this thread for the first time today, and I'm so glad I did. Even though it's an old thread, I thank God for the lives it's touched and healed through Jesus. It was something I needed to see and something I need to do. It's been a battle I've fought for too long by myself and I realize that I will never win unless I surrender it all to Him. So thank you for this, and God bless all my LHCF sisters.
during this holiday season depression and anxiety are horrible.

I am adding my daughter and I to the prayer list. Thanks Pebbles for starting this.
This prayer is so beautiful. It has really been a blessing in my life! It is so useful to me, and I continue to use it as a tool to combat adversity. God ALWAYS takes care of every little situation that troubles me. I am thankful that I can reference this prayer when depression & anxiety tries to rear their ugly heads. Praise God! :D
I need prayer right now. I am depressed with feelings of hopelessness. I know God loves me but I am constantly battling feelings of anxiety. I have picked up the phone book to find counseling sessions to help me get a little focus but to no avail. All I find is groups for alcoholism and drug addiction and thank God I have neither one of those. I just got married 2 months ago and my husband is in another city but we are both in the same state ..3 hours away. I feel like he is already drifting away from we barely talk. I know he is going through some things right now and I am starting to pray for my husband's peace of mind. His phone will ring and he gets off the phone with me to answer the other being put on a back burner and it hurts. He are having some issues but I keep trying to trust God to see us through and keep me from losing my own peace of mind. My anxiety is increasing and I am looking for prayer from anyone who will remember. I have been praying and rebuking the devil just to have peace...can anyone understand that feeling? It is very consuming. Thanks for listening!
I need prayer right now. I am depressed with feelings of hopelessness. I know God loves me but I am constantly battling feelings of anxiety. I have picked up the phone book to find counseling sessions to help me get a little focus but to no avail. All I find is groups for alcoholism and drug addiction and thank God I have neither one of those. I just got married 2 months ago and my husband is in another city but we are both in the same state ..3 hours away. I feel like he is already drifting away from we barely talk. I know he is going through some things right now and I am starting to pray for my husband's peace of mind. His phone will ring and he gets off the phone with me to answer the other being put on a back burner and it hurts. He are having some issues but I keep trying to trust God to see us through and keep me from losing my own peace of mind. My anxiety is increasing and I am looking for prayer from anyone who will remember. I have been praying and rebuking the devil just to have peace...can anyone understand that feeling? It is very consuming. Thanks for listening!

As difficult as things are for you, please know that you are not forgotten. No matter what it looks like, GOD is still in control. I will pray for you, sis. :Rose:
Thank you have no idea how much that means to me right now. Im very grateful..lots of hugs. In appearances, it doesn't seem to be changing but I know God is working on it somehow. I just feel so sad, you know.
"Be still and know that he is god"

God knows and cares for you. He knows all that is before you... "Be steadfast, unmoveable always abounding in the ways of the lord"... "He will never leave you nor forsake you"..Remember his thoughts are not our thoughts, his ways not your ways.. I believe right now he will fix this for you.. Keep praying for your husband... I pray for your peace of mind, in the name of jesus!!! Hang in there!! You are not alone!!!
God bless u pebbles, i don't know u but truly believe u are God's servant. I have been going through it the last couple of days and i camae on here remembering that there was a christian thread and right at the top was this GOD IS SO GOOD, and he works through people sometimes when they don't even know it . U don't know how God used GOD BLESS u i can't say this enough. (with tears in my eyes)
Talk about the Lord doing knowing where you are going to be and what you are going to be going through in the future. This was an on time post and prayer for me..

This was created a year + ago and God knew I would need it June 30, 2009. Thank you Jesus....for looking out for me inspite of me.

Thank you JESUS! Talk about the power of the Lord and His spirit and word being a comforter.

I'm thinking much heart has calmed down greatly. And I'm thankful...sooo thankful.

Though we may get depressed from time to time, we believe that the act of suicide never takes place apart from demonic influences driving one to take their own life. Suicide is directly counter to the power of life that God has put so strongly into His creation. Everywhere we look we see life growing, even in the most hostile environments. This "survival instinct" is a gift from God. In fact, if He didn't bestow this gift upon His creation there probably wouldn't be any life on this planet at all! Suicide, then, is directly contrary to the will of God, and originated in the realm of the demonic host, who come only to "steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (John 10:10). Though demons may try to tempt us to kill ourselves, as Christians we have power over the devil and he cannot push us to do this if we sincerely call on the name of the Lord!
SOURCE: What does the Bible say about Suicide
I read this prayer years ago and it helped me in so many different ways. I had to read it again today just before driving to the "valley of the shadow of death:" my job. I had yet another sleepless night about my job. I prayed today that those dreams go away and that I finally get the rest I need-- that God grants me "unconsciousness" as Pebbles said.

I changed my resume around yesterday and started looking at job openings today! I feel a breakthrough/new job coming very soon!
Thank you OP. I needed this prayer so badly right now. I have reasons to be happy, but I have been fighting depression for years.:sad: I refuse to be on meds bcI just really need someone to listen and help me with the deeper issues. Pills are just a band-aid. I believe I was meant to find this thread today. I know things will get better for me.
God Bless you Pebbles. I thank God for creating you to speak to and pray for women all over the world in regards to depression and anxiety; the silent killers. I experienced some disheartening events being involved in an episode where I had to jump out of a moving car because of an attempted attack by a taxi driver. I had no broken bones and am a miracle walking and speaking. I had so many events happen that have caused me distress and have just lowered my quality of life. At times I’ve wondered why did all this happen to me, you name it, I’ve probably been through it. Lost friends, had no idea that people who I’d considered to be best friends were really not on my side. I just lost in so many ways. I found comfort in reading the book of Job, because of all he went through I related.

I’ve prayed Pebble’s prayer before and everytime I do, I feel the Lord moving, taking away heaviness and putting the enemy under subjection . God is a healer ladies, we just have to continue to believe on His word and have faith. It may sound hard and you’ve probably been told this before but Faith and hoping for what you do not see is an important weapon to defeat the enemy. Remain steadfast in the hope of the Lord. Everytime you may feel as if you are about to have an attack just call on the name of Jesus. Because "at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Phil 2:10). I would just like to join in the prayer for all the sisters and brothers that need deliverance from depression and anxiety.

Gracious and heavenly Father, first I thank you for using our dear sister Pebbles for placing this prayer here on the Long Hair Care Forum. Thank you for helping her and moving her to her knees and being sensitive to the people that have been dealing with hard times, with depression and anxiety. Lord no one knows how it feels for each person to have to endure the battle of dealing with these illnesses; these tools that Satan uses to keep Your people down. I pray God that others will become more sensitive to the people that battle with anxiety and depression. Father I pray along with Pebbles and the other ladies in this LHCF, that those of us who have had to deal with these attacks of the enemy be delivered from every trace and form of depression and anxiety. Whether it was a breakup with a boyfriend, the death of a loved one, sexual abuse or neglect as a child, the experiencing of some tragic and non-normative event that triggered our having depression and anxiety, I declare in Your name JESUS, freedom from the triggers. Freedom from those things that have led us into a downward spiral. You came so that we might have life; so that we might have it more abundantly. You bled and died on the cross to save us from our sins, from sicknesses, from diseases, from depression and anxiety. Father, I pray for every single person who comes to this thread. As a result of them coming to the thread, praying and believing, send them abundant blessings and move in their lives in a way that You have never moved before.

Help us Father God to remember that each of us has a purpose for being. Help us to remember that we may be down for one season, but by the power of God we will be able to stand and do the work that You have called us to do. Let us not be forgetful of the reason that You have saved us, cleansed us and freed us from depression and anxiety. Help us Lord to march forward in the liberty wherewith you have made us free. Let us not be entangled again with the yolk of bondage. I proclaim freedom from every hindrance, every sin, every attack and plan of the enemy. Thank You for walking with us. Thank You for creating us. Thank You for being with us when we felt as if we had no one; when we felt alone and in despair. When we felt as if no one cared about us. When we feel as if no one loves, Lord Jesus help us to remember that You love us. That even if no one else loves us what matters most is that You love us. You have always loved us and you will love us for an eternity. I speak this into the lives of those currently looking for a way out, those currently dealing with anxiety and depression.

Sweet and wonderful God, help us also to remember that the time is NOW, for those of us who have not done so, to leave the dark and become one with Your marvelous light. It is only by You that we can enter into a life of freedom and liberty. Those of us who have not accepted You as Saviour and Lord help us and move us to want to make the choice today. Let us never cease praising Your Holy name. Wherever I go, I will speak of Your goodness, of Your everlasting mercies. Father I thank You for such a time as this. For moving me into this season and for the all the people on this thread who are being tried before they move into the next dimension that You have ordered for them. I bless Your name Jesus. Who is like the almighty God? No one, Lord there is no one like You. There is no one else but You Lord who can deliver and free us from the chains the enemy uses to try to keep us down. In Your name Jesus is FREEDOM. Let everyone who comes to this forum experience the FREEDOM that can only come from You. I pray this prayer in your name Jesus. That you have total dominion and control over our lives, over our minds, over every cell in our body. Defeat the enemy Jesus. Pulverize every work of darkness, In Jesus’ name I pray AMEN.

God bless every one of you in this year of 2010. Praise be to the Most High God.
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That darkness and despair will be removed and replaced with light and hope for all who frequent here, for those in the network of those who frequent here. May peace and light expand exponentially for all of us and ours.