Prayer Against Depression And Anxiety


New Member
Before the actual prayer, I wanted to say a few words to you all first.

This prayer thread addresses DEPRESSION ONLY. We will have threads for other prayer needs.

God wants us to pray for our sisters, and so this will be the first prayer. As we move through the weeks and months of this year, we will pray for many things:

-strong marriages
-new marriages for the single women of this forum
-our children,
-divine healing for the afflicted
-financial blessings and jobs

But I first wanted to begin with Depression. Too many of us suffer from anxiety and depression, and once you get this thing under control, you’ll find that many other things naturally start to fall in place. The spirit of depression destroys lives. It brings on physical illness, anger, anxiety, low self-esteem, bitterness, anger, strife, addictions, and the list goes on and on… You name it, depression brings it, and God wants His daughters to have a relationship with HIM, and experience supernatural healing, the kind only HE can give.

I’ve posted a prayer that I prayed as I sat at my computer. This is the manner in which I pray for all things. I’m aware that there are many who would like to pray, but don’t know how, and don’t know the words to speak, so The Spirit of The Lord led me to post a prayer that you can pray with me for yourselves, our LHCF sisters, and our loved ones suffering from the spirit of depression and everything that comes with it.

It looks long, but only takes less than 10 minutes to say. I tried to keep it as brief as possible, but there’s a lot that needs to be addressed when it comes to this unclean spirit. If, like me, you have been plagued by depression for a long time, and for some to the point of suicide, as I was 11 years ago, I urge you to take some time each day to begin to heal and loosen the hold this demon has over you. As we pray with you, and you pray for yourself and your LHCF sisters, I promise you that THE LORD will begin to move in your life.

You may not have anyone to pray for you. I’m here, as are so many other prayer warriors on this forum. We want to see you set free from this spirit of heaviness, anxiety, and depression.

Through all your trials, please, know that GOD sees all things, and knows all things, and HE loves YOU!

Don’t sit alone in the dark thinking about how bad things are and crying over the past and what can’t be changed. If you’re going through a difficult and terrible time, turn off the radio and put on some Gospel music. Puffy and Mariah Carey and the rest should not be ministering to you at this time. They cannot help you. They can only depress you more. You need the Spirit of God to heal and strengthen you.

Get some tapes by Bishop T.D. Jakes for uplifting word.

Gather some Gospel cd’s and let them play in the background. Some of you need something to uplift you. Throw on some John P. Kee or Fred Hammond and clap your hands!

Did you know that the spirit of depression CANNOT dwell in a heart and mind that is praising the LORD in song and in dance? Try it! You have nothing to lose except your depression! :)

Let these songs chase away the spirit of depression in your atmosphere. Even when you’re out, let them play in the background on low volume. Loose the Spirit of the LORD in your atmosphere. Change will take place!

For those of you who want something contemporary to play, I HIGHLY recommend Fred Hammond’s cd entitled “Somethin’ Bout Love.” He outdid himself on that one. Just put it on and let it play. Play it in your room, in your cars to and from work, and in your house.

Finally, to my sisters in Christ who are praying with me: Every single day I ask God to bless you for what you’re doing, and to cover you with The Blood of Jesus as you pray for others. I thank-you for praying with me, and may God work mighty miracles in your lives for your sacrifice and selflessness where your sisters are concerned.

Please, feel free to add your own prayers and scripture passages to this thread. I have some powerful Psalms I’ll be adding as well.

Be Blessed, in Jesus’ name,

Pebbles :Rose:
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Prayer Against Depression and Anxiety.

LORD, GOD, we thank-you for the opportunity to come together as a corporate body to pray for ourselves, our sisters, our families, our friends, and our children, who are suffering from anxiety and depression.

LORD, we recognize that we’ve sinned against YOU and YOU alone, and have done things that are not pleasing in YOUR sight, but we thank-you for The Blood of JESUS that washes away our sins, and allows us to come humbly to YOUR THRONE OF GRACE with our prayer requests. Let the words and prayers of our mouths line up with the desires of YOUR HEART, FATHER, for in all things, we pray that YOUR WILL be done.

LORD, in the name of JESUS, we take authority and dominion over the spirits of depression, anxiety, and suicide. We curse them to their very roots! We declare the works of the enemy null and void over the lives of our LHCF sisters, our families, our children, our friends, and ourselves! We bind the works of the enemy who seeks to destroy us and our loved ones through depression, and we loose healing over ourselves, our LHCF sisters, our children, family members, and our friends, in the name of JESUS.

FATHER, we lift up our sisters who are being plagued by the spirit of suicide. LORD, GOD, shut the mouth of the enemy that tells us we would be better off dead, that our families and friends would be better off with us not around because we cause too much trouble, that we’re not important, that we have no purpose, that no-one could ever love us, that no-one would miss us if we were gone, that YOU would never forgive us because of past sins. The devil is a LIAR! Silence him, FATHER. Send YOUR angels to minister to our sisters. Let them hear YOUR voice. Comfort and heal them, LORD, in the name of JESUS. Let them walk in victory and in deliverance, as only YOUR SPIRIT can give.

FATHER, we curse the spirit of low self-esteem and inadequacy. LORD, teach us, as your word says in Psalms 139:14, that we are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made; MARVELOUS are YOUR WORKS, Oh GOD, and that our souls know it well! LORD, whatever negative words somebody spoke over us or to us that caused some of us to suffer with low self-esteem, we declare the power in those words DEAD, in the name of JESUS! Whether it was a parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent, sibling, boyfriend, or whoever said that thing, it is now powerless to control us any longer.

LORD, we ask you to heal us all of past hurts, all manner of abuse, be they psychological, physical, or sexual in nature, addictions of all kinds, and any actions of the past that brought us down. Help us not to live in the past, but to look forward with joy in our hearts, and with expectancy for YOUR GRACE, MERCY, and BLESSINGS in our lives.

LORD, GOD, we ask that you would free us from the spirits of ANGER, BITTERNESS, JEALOUSY, UNFORGIVENESS, VINDICTIVENESS, WITCHCRAFT, ENVY, REBELLION, and just plain old MEANESS. None of these things bring you Honor or Glory, nor do they do anything to uplift us and bring us happiness. They only cause us to be unhappy, to wallow in self-pity, to live and walk in darkness and in unfulfilled lives.

FATHER, some of us have things and situations in our lives that act as an open door and brings the demon of depression in to run amuck all over our lives. LORD, show us what it is, point it out to us, shine a spotlight on it, sharpen our spiritual vision, give your daughters clarity, and strengthen us to remove those things that are causing anxiety and depression to come into our lives.
-If it’s something we’re doing, make us uncomfortable any time we go to do it, speak to us and convict us, so that we may be delivered. FATHER, free us, in the name of JESUS!
-Move us out of these unhealthy, ungodly relationships! Move those people away from us. Give us the strength to turn our backs to these things, once and for all!
-FATHER, if it’s a generational curse, we ask that you remove it from us, in the MIGHTY name of JESUS! What manner of curse can stand before YOU and not be broken at the sound of YOUR name?

We rebuke the enemy who seeks to keep us bound and captive through sin, in JESUS’ name!

FATHER, we speak to these mountains and order them to be moved, by the power and might in the name of JESUS!

LORD, those who have been crying non-stop and don’t even understand why, dry their eyes, and send your spirit of comfort to console and heal them. Let our sisters and loved ones not be troubled over anything, but let them cast their cares at YOUR FEET, knowing that YOU have everything under control.

FATHER, those who haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in ages because of worry, in the name of JESUS, cause them to lay their heads on their pillows tonight and lose consciousness. Don’t let them wake up in the middle of the night, crying. Knock them out, LORD! Give them a peaceful, restful sleep that will rejuvenate their minds and bodies.

FATHER, give us the strength to WAIT ON YOU! LORD, help us to come to an understanding that we CAN’T do it for ourselves! We’ve tried, but failed. Teach us patience, LORD!

FATHER, YOU uphold all who fall and YOU raise those who are bowed down. YOU give freedom to the prisoners. YOU open the eyes of the blind. YOU heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. YOU relieve the fatherless and the widows. YOU lift up the humble, but cast down the wicked.

Restore a JOY and a PEACE that only YOUR SPIRIT can give, to us, to our LHCF sisters, and to our loved ones; one that SURPASSES all our understanding, and goes beyond what we could ever hope or ask for.

FATHER, we thank-you for sound minds, for peace in our spirits and in our hearts, for healing our hurts. Help us to understand that we need to have a relationship with YOU, LORD. That YOUR desire is not to see our deaths, but that we have a closer walk with YOU every day, not just when we’re in trouble.

LORD, let us remember that in all things and for all things, we need to seek YOUR will.

FATHER, GOD, we thank-you that at the sound of the name of JESUS, situations and circumstances have to change, strong-holds are torn down, yolks are broken.

We praise YOU, OH LORD, for being our strong tower, for being mighty in battle! FATHER, with YOU for us, who can be against us? Hallelujah!

LORD,GOD, we thank-you for all that YOU’RE doing, for all YOU’RE going to do in the lives of our LHCF sisters, the lives of our loved ones, and our own lives. We thank-you for the MIRACLES that will come forth because we’ve asked it in JESUS’ name, and believe we receive them.

Let those who have turned away from YOU be brought back, and let those who have never known YOU, come to discover the AWESOME, MIGHTY, POWERFUL, MERCIFUL GOD THAT YOU ARE!

FATHER, we ask that our sisters who pray this prayer and all the other prayers and Psalms to be posted on this thread, believing YOU for their deliverance, be healed and delivered indeed. LORD, cause it to be that even those who don’t ever open this prayer thread, experience breakthroughs anyway, simply because this prayer and those to follow are posted on the forum.

LORD, let YOUR BLESSINGS and HEALING POWER spill out from this thread and onto the forum, and let it be done by YOUR HAND OF GLORY, FOR YOUR HONOR ONLY!


In JESUS’ name we pray,

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FATHER I thank you for your son Christ, I thank you for the finished work of the cross, and I thank you ELOHIM for the blood of Jesus, the blood that wipes away all sin, the blood that heals, the blood that strengthens, the blood that has authority over every thing living, non-living, spiritual, and unspiritual.

so with that stated FATHER GOD, I ask for you to bless these words that come out of my mouth, and I pray that they line up with your words, and are said through the utterance of your HOLY SPIRIT.

....I speak into the spitural realm, and command you unclean spirits IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST to loose your hold upon us and the lives of our loved ones... you have no AUTHORITY what- so-ever over the lives of any of us.... this thread has been started to offically serve you notice.

YOU HAVE TO LEAVE... and NEVER return,because him who the Lord sets free is free indeed...and I know YOU know this, and now so do I. SO with that said, in the never changing, always powerful, wonderfully merciful name of the Anointed Christ, J-E-S-U-S, our minds, our bodies, our thoughts, and our behaivors are no longer able to hear your lying words.

Father God I pray that you will keep us hidden within your wings, so that the enemy cant find us,

Lord I ask in JESUS name ,that you will give us your spirit of wisdom in order to see through any lies the enemy might try to use in the next coming days due to us taking back dominion over our lives, through the strenght of your MIGHT.

LORD, I love you and I thank you for always being available, and willing to hear our prayers. I thank you for sending us Jesus, because of him, we can now live the free and blessed life you've intended for us to live.

your forever in my heart, and I thank your for being you.

thank you Lord, for hearing and answering this prayer in Jesus name
I do pray that people are being blessed by this. Remember to pray these prayers daily. You are involved in spiritual warfare when battling depression, and it's going to take saying these prayers more than once to experience a breakthrough. Be diligent in seeking GOD for HIS healing. We're praying with you! :)

Psalm 143 is one of my favorite psalms. It is the cry of a soldier in combat, and is also a penitential prayer. This psalm addresses 4 things: "Hear me"(1-6), "Answer me"(7-9), "Teach me"(10), and "Revive me"(11-12).

God bless you, sisters! :rosebud:

Psalm 143 (New International Version)

A psalm of David.

1) O LORD , hear my prayer,
listen to my cry for mercy;

in your faithfulness and righteousness

come to my relief.

2) Do not bring your servant into judgment,

for no one living is righteous before you.

3) The enemy pursues me,

he crushes me to the ground;

he makes me dwell in darkness

like those long dead.

4) So my spirit grows faint within me;

my heart within me is dismayed.

5) I remember the days of long ago;

I meditate on all your works

and consider what your hands have done.

6) I spread out my hands to you;

my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.

7) Answer me quickly, O LORD ;

my spirit fails.

Do not hide your face from me

or I will be like those who go down to the pit.

8) Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,

for I have put my trust in you.

Show me the way I should go,

for to you I lift up my soul.

9) Rescue me from my enemies, O LORD ,

for I hide myself in you.

10) Teach me to do your will,

for you are my God;

may your good Spirit

lead me on level ground.

11) For your name's sake, O LORD , preserve my life;

in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.

12) In your unfailing love, silence my enemies;

destroy all my foes,

for I am your servant.

Sisters praying against depression, be encouraged!

If you find that things have been getting fierce all around you, stand your ground. It's a sign that GOD is getting ready to deliver you, so to discourage you, the enemy throws everything at you, including the kitchen sink. Be strong. Pray, don't be discouraged! Press on and keep pleading The Blood of Jesus over yourselves. I'm lifting you all in prayer daily. I have not and will not forget about praying for you. Be blessed, sisters! :rosebud:
This was really a blessing to me. I copied it and sent it out to folx on my mailing list and printed it for my mother. Thanx!!
Sisters, please pray for my best friend. She got saved in September 2004 and was diagnosed with HIV in December. She is devastated, depressed and her faith is beginning to waver. I am trying to help her, I pray with her and encourage her, but she is trully overwhelmed. She gets counselling from my church, which is helpful but we need all the prayers.

And remember:
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16
Yesterday and last night I was really going through some stuff. I was looking for this thread but could not find it. I must have looked right over it. When I just logged in it was the first thing I saw.
pebbles said:
Sisters praying against depression, be encouraged!

If you find that things have been getting fierce all around you, stand your ground. It's a sign that GOD is getting ready to deliver you, so to discourage you, the enemy throws everything at you, including the kitchen sink. Be strong. Pray, don't be discouraged! Press on and keep pleading The Blood of Jesus over yourselves. I'm lifting you all in prayer daily. I have not and will not forget about praying for you. Be blessed, sisters! :rosebud:

Thank you for the prayer and words of encouragement. Those words were so powerful and full of God's love, blessings and his message of courage. I needed that because my mother's death has sent me into a depressive state. I know that God is wise and knows best but sometimes I cannot think straight and cannot see the true picture that "God is too wise to make mistakes". Pebbles you are a true blessing and I believe with all my heart and conviction that alot of us needed that word to show us that God is merciful and hears our prayers and wants to deliver us from the dark spirit of depression.
I was going through a rough time last year. Well actually since 10/03 until now, ok so it is on going. But last year I was so deeply depressed. I didn't know how or when I was going to come out of it. I did, and I can't express to you all the joy I feel. That being said, I will definitely be praying for you all. There is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel.
Pebbles, I have to truly thank you and all the other sistahs here who have posted encouraging words and prayers of faith. Right now as I write, I am going through something; a HUGE ordeal that involves people being deceitful, unprofessional and very demonic. This ordeal has caused me lose sleep at one point and caused me crazy heart palpitations. It has distracted me from everything else that I need to be doing. It has even kept me from coming to the board like I used to.

So, I must thank you guys for starting a Christian Forum. This is wonderful. I'd also like to leave a scripture:

Luke 10:19 says, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

Pls pray for me, y'all.
I wasn't going to post here, but the Devil is a lier:

Please keep me in prayer. Right now I'm just tired and that is causing depression. Tired of stuggling financially and knowing that I should have more at this point in time is truly making me depressed. I know that the spirit of depression and doubtfulness is not of God, so please pray for me and I will pray for you

God Bless
Believers, know that our heavenly FATHER is in control, always! There are times when God lets the enemy back us into a corner with overwhelming situations to see what we're going to do. The bible says we are to pray and not faint. If you ladies need someone to fast and pray with you for a breakthrough in these situations, I'm more than willing to participate and pray in agreement with you! God is able! Plead The Blood of Jesus over yourselves, your situations, your finances. Remember, there is power in the Blood!

Believe me, The Blood can heal broken hearts, change the mind of lawyers and judges, open prison doors, cause cancer and aids and all manner of disease to dry up, depression to flee, finances to come in order, new job opportunities to present themselves, wayward husbands to turn back, rebellious children to line up. . . Every need we have, God can meet it. The bible says we have not because we ask not! Ask! Ask frequently! Ask fervently! Ask sincerely! Ask specifically! God is faithful!

I believe, from the bottom of my heart, that God will bring victory to all of my sisters if we seek Him and pray without ceasing. I will be praying for you. Let me leave you with one of my favorite Psalms to pray when I'm praying for others. Be encouraged, sisters! :kiss:

Psalm 20
The Assurance of God's Saving Work

May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble;
May the name of the God of Jacob defend you;
May He send you help from the sanctuary,
And strengthen you out of Zion;
May He remember all your offerings,
And accept your burnt sacrifice.Selah
May He grant you according to your heart's desire,
And fulfill all your purpose.
We will rejoice in your salvation,
And in the name of our God we will set up our banners!
May the LORD fulfill all your petitions.
Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed;
He will answer him from His holy heaven
With the saving strength of His right hand.
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
They have bowed down and fallen;
But we have risen and stand upright.
Save, LORD!
May the King answer us when we call.
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Thank God for the authority that He has given us...and you hit it right on the nail.

Be Blessed!
Father we pray for those standing in a need of prayer. We pray that they will be lose from all depression and anxiety we prayer for children like Justin who are on medicine that make them depressed. We rebuke the devour in the name of Jesus and we delcare victory over the enemy in Jesus name. AMEN :)
star said:
Father we pray for those standing in a need of prayer. We pray that they will be lose from all depression and anxiety we prayer for children like Justin who are on medicine that make them depressed. We rebuke the devour in the name of Jesus and we delcare victory over the enemy in Jesus name. AMEN :)

Amen!!! :)
Father we thank you that you can do everything but fail. We bind these spirits of depression and anxiety in the name of Jesus and we cast them back to the pits of hell of which they came and we declare victory over the enemy in the name of Jesus we pray AMEN, AMEN and AMEN. :)