Prayer Against Depression And Anxiety

I desparately need prayer. I have been suffering from acute anxiety for the past few months. I have been stressed out over my job, which I actually like. I'm so aggravated, I can't even think clearly.
Dear Jesus

Please forgive me for my sins that they may not seperate me from you, that you may hear my prayer. I ask for you to heal my wounds and those of my sisters here. Anoint us Lord. I know that depression, self-doubt, low esteem are weapons of the devil. Lord I need you now. Please pour your healing fresh on me this day right now, and I will be careful to give you all the praise. Help me to seek your face and your will instead of leaning to my own understanding.

I pray for Webby. Lord you know what she needs. We give you permission to move in her life and on her job. Remove the feelings of anxiety from her right now. Help her to remember as she performs on this job that she is a descendant of the true King. I ask that you give us all peace in our places of work. That our employers and co-workers may not just see us, but you Jesus within us. As our faces differ so do our needs, but we all have one goal and thats to be united in your Kingdom. Where depression will be but a distant memory. Amen.
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kisz4tj said:
Dear Jesus

Please forgive me for my sins that they may not seperate me from you, that you may hear my prayer. I ask for you to heal my wounds and those of my sisters here. Anoint us Lord. I know that depression, self-doubt, low esteem are weapons of the devil. Lord I need you now. Please pour your healing fresh on me this day right now, and I will be careful to give you all the praise. Help me to seek your face and your will instead of leaning to my own understanding.
In Jesus' name. Amen
Thank you all for these beautiful prayers. I will be praying for all of the ladies of LHCF. I thank God for you. :)
I believe God brought me here tonight, I am going through so much. My husband got laid off his job, So now we have to wait before we can get an house, I am having trouble losing weight because I'm depress I lost my aunt in 2003 and my grandmother 1997 and I have not gotten over this. Plus I have aniexty attacks.weight about 223 now :*(, That prayer helped me out so much Thank you :) and god bless. Now I feel stronger and I know he will be there for me Thank you:)
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These are just a few scriptures for thought ( I ponder upon these scriptures from time to time cause I too have weathered the storms. But after every rain, the sun has to shine. Bless you ladies, be encouraged and continue to pray. It's your life line The fervent and effectual prayer of the righteous avail much.)

Proverbs 12:25

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.

Isaiah 61

1THE SPIRIT of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound,(A)

2To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord [the year of His favor] [a]and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,(B) 3To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion--to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit--that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified!

Y' all keep ya head up! As Sophia from "The Color Purple" say, "I knows what it be's like." But know this: He hasn't brought you this far to leave you.

Psalm 3:3

"But You, O Lord , are a shield for me. My glory and the One who lifts up my head."
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Pebbles the Lord truly annointed you to send and write and pray such a beautiful, touching, sweetly sincere prayer for all of us who suffer with depression. Sometimes whether it is through life situations, medical side effects, realtionship barriers or broken trust - we all have times where we feel like we are in a dark and deep pit that we can not climb out of. But I am sooo glad that JESUS still finds me no matter how dark the pit, no matter how deep the hole and HE pulls me out, dries my eyes and lets me know that HE loves me sooo!!!

I am praying for all of my LHCF sisters that are going through a loss, loss of employment, loss of a spouse, loss of a parent, loss of physical or emotional strength. JESUS came to heal the broken hearted and to set the captive free. I pray in JESUS precious name for all of us continuing to pray for HIS peace that passes all understanding. Lord grant it to us as we sit on the doctors exam table waiting, grant it to us as we lay in a dark bedroom at night alone crying, grant it to us when we have no one to talk to and no one to hold us.

LORD I thank you for hearing our heart when our mouths don't know what to pray. In JESUS name I pray this prayer and this threads prayer AMEN.
Hello ladies,

I want to thank all of you for your beautiful and strong prayers. Recently my appendix bursted and I had emergency surgery. I made it through the surgery successfully but I all of a sudden developed anxiety followed by panic attacks. I have been to the ER more than enough times complaining about headaches, chest pain, heart palpitations..etc....The x-ray, Cat scan, and EKG came out negative. The hospital discribed it as a tension headache. I don't know what's going on inside my head but I know that I need you ladies now more than ever. I do have prayer partners who come and visit me while I'm still off work and pray for me. I pray every night and I pray each time I feel the panic attack coming on. Will this ever go away? What can I do to ease the tension that I constantly feel? Thank you ladies for your help.
Wanda said:
I made it through the surgery successfully but I all of a sudden developed anxiety followed by panic attacks. I do have prayer partners who come and visit me while I'm still off work and pray for me. I pray every night and I pray each time I feel the panic attack coming on. Will this ever go away? What can I do to ease the tension that I constantly feel?

Hi Wanda, I'm kinda new to this forum, but may God be with you at this time. I think your anxiety is mostly related to your surgery and should go away. From personal experience with anxiety, what really helped me out the most was getting help. It was hard because I'm a proud woman, but I was glad I did. Talking to a person experienced (therapist) really helped change my way of thinking. You may not have to take medication, but if you need to, don't feel ashamed to do so. A natural remedy that helps me calm down is chamomile tea. Continue to lean on God, as he said to Paul, in our weakness, he is strong.
Beautiful prayers ladies. Thank you so much for the lovely words of meaning. I have been battling life demons. Sometimes I felt the spirit of dispargement (sp) and anexity and depression come over me. I am feeling it right now. I get so tired of praying and feeling like I am not getting in where. I try to pray away those doubts but it gets hard.
Thank you so much for that prayer, I really needed that prayer. I have been living depressed and filled with anxiety for the past year. I'm in the process of trying to change my life. I will be saying that prayer and psalm 143.
I am requesting prayer. Arount this time of year I feel really down as many of my close relatives are deceased and it is hard not to think about it. I am also having financial troubles and end up broke by the end of each month. I really feel down and know that Jesus can get me through these hard times.
All Praises be to God!!!

This thread has truly been a blessing to my soul this DAY!

Peebles, I thank God for you and how he is using you to perform a mighty work! I too have suffered and continue to battle this demonic spirit. The ENEMY is a liar all things are possible thru Christ Jesus! AMEN!

Levette, This is a difficult time of year for me also. It begins with my birthday (Nov 20). My parents are deceased and were in their last days this time of year 6 years ago. So I know that feeling of void. I'll stand in the GAP with you and we can be in agreement, the enemy will not overpower us and still our JOY! As much as we miss our loved ones they would not want us to be sad but to carry on and enjoy life. With that said I truly know it is a PROCESS. I have learned that I/we must cast our cares to the LORD because HE is able to do exceedingly above anything we could ever imagine.

I will be praying for us all!

Be Blessed

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This was my first time entering this thread,but it came right on time. Starting a new job that's demanding, getting married soon, dealing with silly people created some anxiety for me and I started to get depressed, but 'greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.' I allowed myself to shed some tears without getting angry with myself for doing so and I am doing much better. I think God allows some things in our lives to keep us in check and to draw us near Him.
Thanks for sharing this prayer! I rarely venture off of the hair forum...and after a long absense..I decided to check out the new threads in other this is my first time viewing this prayer.

My mother is going through a pretty rough patch in her life right now...and I shared this thread with her. She found it to be extremely did I. It's a wonderful prayer. :)
You know, I opened this thread for the first time tonight. My demons are depression, anxiety and stress. Therefore, I just didn't feel like checking out the thread. I am so glad I finally did. I really needed what it has to offer. Thanks for starting this Pebbles.
Thank you for this. I severly needed this. I kept going past this sticky time & time again but I finally looked at it and I am so glad.
I have been in and out of depression this whole year and wasn't even looking for prayer (so I thought), but something lead me over to this thread. Been here a gazillion, but never notice prayer against depression and anxiety.

I just want to say thanks to Pebbles, Flame, Star Kisz4th and czyfaith77 for your prayers. Thank you.:)

Ladies here at LHCF, you are all in my prayers. God Bless.
I'm so happy you were blessed, shalom. May the Lord heal you, cover you, lift you up out of depression! Be blessed, sweetie! :rosebud:
I really needed this today. I had to say this right at my desk @ work. There are 2 areas/situations in my life that I'm struggling with that this prayer targeted.

Thank you Pebbles! Amen!
pebbles said:
Prayer Against Depression and Anxiety.

LORD, GOD, we thank-you for the opportunity to come together as a corporate body to pray for ourselves, our sisters, our families, our friends, and our children, who are suffering from anxiety and depression.

LORD, we recognize that we?ve sinned against YOU and YOU alone, and have done things that are not pleasing in YOUR sight, but we thank-you for The Blood of JESUS that washes away our sins, and allows us to come humbly to YOUR THRONE OF GRACE with our prayer requests. Let the words and prayers of our mouths line up with the desires of YOUR HEART, FATHER, for in all things, we pray that YOUR WILL be done.

LORD, in the name of JESUS, we take authority and dominion over the spirits of depression, anxiety, and suicide. We curse them to their very roots! We declare the works of the enemy null and void over the lives of our LHCF sisters, our families, our children, our friends, and ourselves! We bind the works of the enemy who seeks to destroy us and our loved ones through depression, and we loose healing over ourselves, our LHCF sisters, our children, family members, and our friends, in the name of JESUS.

FATHER, we lift up our sisters who are being plagued by the spirit of suicide. LORD, GOD, shut the mouth of the enemy that tells us we would be better off dead, that our families and friends would be better off with us not around because we cause too much trouble, that we?re not important, that we have no purpose, that no-one could ever love us, that no-one would miss us if we were gone, that YOU would never forgive us because of past sins. The devil is a LIAR! Silence him, FATHER. Send YOUR angels to minister to our sisters. Let them hear YOUR voice. Comfort and heal them, LORD, in the name of JESUS. Let them walk in victory and in deliverance, as only YOUR SPIRIT can give.

FATHER, we curse the spirit of low self-esteem and inadequacy. LORD, teach us, as your word says in Psalms 139:14, that we are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made; MARVELOUS are YOUR WORKS, Oh GOD, and that our souls know it well! LORD, whatever negative words somebody spoke over us or to us that caused some of us to suffer with low self-esteem, we declare the power in those words DEAD, in the name of JESUS! Whether it was a parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent, sibling, boyfriend, or whoever said that thing, it is now powerless to control us any longer.

LORD, we ask you to heal us all of past hurts, all manner of abuse, be they psychological, physical, or sexual in nature, addictions of all kinds, and any actions of the past that brought us down. Help us not to live in the past, but to look forward with joy in our hearts, and with expectancy for YOUR GRACE, MERCY, and BLESSINGS in our lives.

LORD, GOD, we ask that you would free us from the spirits of ANGER, BITTERNESS, JEALOUSY, UNFORGIVENESS, VINDICTIVENESS, WITCHCRAFT, ENVY, REBELLION, and just plain old MEANESS. None of these things bring you Honor or Glory, nor do they do anything to uplift us and bring us happiness. They only cause us to be unhappy, to wallow in self-pity, to live and walk in darkness and in unfulfilled lives.

FATHER, some of us have things and situations in our lives that act as an open door and brings the demon of depression in to run amuck all over our lives. LORD, show us what it is, point it out to us, shine a spotlight on it, sharpen our spiritual vision, give your daughters clarity, and strengthen us to remove those things that are causing anxiety and depression to come into our lives.
-If it?s something we?re doing, make us uncomfortable any time we go to do it, speak to us and convict us, so that we may be delivered. FATHER, free us, in the name of JESUS!
-Move us out of these unhealthy, ungodly relationships! Move those people away from us. Give us the strength to turn our backs to these things, once and for all!
-FATHER, if it?s a generational curse, we ask that you remove it from us, in the MIGHTY name of JESUS! What manner of curse can stand before YOU and not be broken at the sound of YOUR name?

We rebuke the enemy who seeks to keep us bound and captive through sin, in JESUS? name!

FATHER, we speak to these mountains and order them to be moved, by the power and might in the name of JESUS!

LORD, those who have been crying non-stop and don?t even understand why, dry their eyes, and send your spirit of comfort to console and heal them. Let our sisters and loved ones not be troubled over anything, but let them cast their cares at YOUR FEET, knowing that YOU have everything under control.

FATHER, those who haven?t had a decent night?s sleep in ages because of worry, in the name of JESUS, cause them to lay their heads on their pillows tonight and lose consciousness. Don?t let them wake up in the middle of the night, crying. Knock them out, LORD! Give them a peaceful, restful sleep that will rejuvenate their minds and bodies.

FATHER, give us the strength to WAIT ON YOU! LORD, help us to come to an understanding that we CAN?T do it for ourselves! We?ve tried, but failed. Teach us patience, LORD!

FATHER, YOU uphold all who fall and YOU raise those who are bowed down. YOU give freedom to the prisoners. YOU open the eyes of the blind. YOU heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. YOU relieve the fatherless and the widows. YOU lift up the humble, but cast down the wicked.

Restore a JOY and a PEACE that only YOUR SPIRIT can give, to us, to our LHCF sisters, and to our loved ones; one that SURPASSES all our understanding, and goes beyond what we could ever hope or ask for.

FATHER, we thank-you for sound minds, for peace in our spirits and in our hearts, for healing our hurts. Help us to understand that we need to have a relationship with YOU, LORD. That YOUR desire is not to see our deaths, but that we have a closer walk with YOU every day, not just when we?re in trouble.

LORD, let us remember that in all things and for all things, we need to seek YOUR will.

FATHER, GOD, we thank-you that at the sound of the name of JESUS, situations and circumstances have to change, strong-holds are torn down, yolks are broken.

We praise YOU, OH LORD, for being our strong tower, for being mighty in battle! FATHER, with YOU for us, who can be against us? Hallelujah!

LORD,GOD, we thank-you for all that YOU?RE doing, for all YOU?RE going to do in the lives of our LHCF sisters, the lives of our loved ones, and our own lives. We thank-you for the MIRACLES that will come forth because we?ve asked it in JESUS? name, and believe we receive them.

Let those who have turned away from YOU be brought back, and let those who have never known YOU, come to discover the AWESOME, MIGHTY, POWERFUL, MERCIFUL GOD THAT YOU ARE!

FATHER, we ask that our sisters who pray this prayer and all the other prayers and Psalms to be posted on this thread, believing YOU for their deliverance, be healed and delivered indeed. LORD, cause it to be that even those who don?t ever open this prayer thread, experience breakthroughs anyway, simply because this prayer and those to follow are posted on the forum.

LORD, let YOUR BLESSINGS and HEALING POWER spill out from this thread and onto the forum, and let it be done by YOUR HAND OF GLORY, FOR YOUR HONOR ONLY!


In JESUS? name we pray,


Thank you again for this. I am going through a test right now, and a difficult time, and I had been feeling really down these last few weeks.
Thank GOD for this!! I'm going through a very bad break up and dealing with depression, feelings of rejection, and envy. I so needed this! Thank You Pebbles and everyone who are in prayer with me!!