Possible to be in love with 2 people at the same time?


Well-Known Member
I was watching something on TV which if im honest scared me abit.

Anyway the story was that a Man went on a reality TV show he already had a girlfriend / fiance, met a girl on the programme and after after 3 weeks said he had fell in love with her despite his girlfriend watching at home who said they had a "fantastic" relationship. How does a thing like this happen?

Me and my Boyfriend have been kicking it for about 2 years less than this couple and we are not engaged but I could never do that to someone that I love this much.. I don't understand how he could do something like that either after he was with his finace of 3 years in a good relationship.

I 'know' in my heart that my boyfriend would never do this to me but I still think you never really know; it makes me not want to invest my heart because if something happened like that to me I would be devestated.

To conclude :look: I just wanted to know whether something like this has ever happened to you? Have you fell in love with someone else despite being in love with someone else and having a fantastic relationship? Or perhaps someone has left you despite you thinking you had a really strong love lond? and do you think its possible to be able to love more than one person at the same time?
One of my favorite "debate" questions.
I think the answer is yes, it is possible to be in love with 2 at the same time. It's not the thing to do, and anyone in a relationship shouldn't allow another person to enter into their heart like that. But I totally believe that their is enough love in our hearts and the capacity exists to be in love more than one person at a time romatically.
I used to adamantly believe that you COULD NOT love 2 people at the same time, but now I realize that you can. What people fail to realize is that attraction truly is beyond our control. Who we “fall in love with” often is beyond our control. What we do with that “love” is within our control (i.e. not cheating b/c you fall in love with someone else). So, yeah, I think you can definitely love more than one person at the same time. And you could love them for different reasons. One person you could love for his loyalty, another for his strength, another for his humor, etc. Boy, love is really tough!:yep:
It is possible. You won't love them equally but you can love them both. I would say though that in the case of the TV man I wouldn't call that love. I don't believe you can truly love someone in just 3 weeks.

Also, most of the stories I've heard where someone loves more than one person happens because they either loved someone or dated someone previously but things did not work out and so they moved on. They love the new person they met but are still in love with the other person.

In the case of the TV man, I find it hard to believe that someone who is happy in a "fantastic" relationship has the room to fall in love with someone else. I think people in relationships only have room to fall in love with someone else if something is lacking in their primary relationship.
It is possible. You won't love them equally but you can love them both. I would say though that in the case of the TV man I wouldn't call that love. I don't believe you can truly love someone in just 3 weeks.

Also, most of the stories I've heard where someone loves more than one person happens because they either loved someone or dated someone previously but things did not work out and so they moved on. They love the new person they met but are still in love with the other person.
In the case of the TV man, I find it hard to believe that someone who is happy in a "fantastic" relationship has the room to fall in love with someone else. I think people in relationships only have room to fall in love with someone else if something is lacking in their primary relationship.

I agree with your bolded. I think people have to give themselves time to heal and break (emotionally, not just physically) off from the relationship that's over.

Also, I think that SOME people that have affairs do so, b/c something is missing in their relationship and they find this in the other person. It's not an excuse for an affair, but it is a reason!
I guess it depends upon how you define love. To me, love is unselfish and doesn't seek its own desire. That being said, I don't think you can truly love two people at the same time.

I think it's moreso if you love 2 people, that compliment each other. Like one person is missing what you may be longing for in another person. But that other person is great in all other aspects. But as far as being equally in love with two people, I don't think it's possible. :ohwell: