Poll: How do you feel about Universal laws/LOA/Conscious creation/Manifesting?

How do you feel about it?

  • Read about it- Agree

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Read about it- Disagree

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Heard about it- Disagree

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Heard about it- Not interested it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never heard about it

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Agree w/some, disagree with some (in between)

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
You can put what you chose on the poll-

Other questions I have

1. About success
-Do you think everyone was ment to have all that they desire?
- What do you think is the relationship between what you plan and work for, and what God has planned for you?
- What do you think gets in the way of peoples success?

2. Emotions
- Like jealousy and anger, what do you believe are the reasons for them?
-What do you do/believe in to overcome them?

3. Thoughts/Words about others
- Do you think there are any positive/negative outcomes relating to what you say/think about others?
- What rules do you follow about this?

4. Principles/Morals- How do you keep track of right/wrong conduct?
- By reading daily? (what)
-By keeping a list ?(composed from where)
-On your own?

5. Self-Esteem
-What do you do/think/believe for positive self esteem?
-Do you think self esteem effects your success or outlook on life?

6. What books have you read on laws, and if you havent read any or dont believe in it, besides the Bible, what you have you read that has helped you with personal develpment, success, or self esteem?
I do believe in Universal laws and being able to obtain the things you desire but I also do not believe life is about receiving the things you want. There are alot of rich, famous, and depressed people in the world. At the end of the day, No Jesus, No Peace, and No Life (after death). And this is what life is all about.
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I figure it this way, if I can't manifest through conscience a gallon of milk so I don't have to drive somewhere and buy it, I can't manifest through gobbeltygook anything else. All things come through the hand of God and He oft requires footwork to do that. I'd be careful, very careful (about some of those so-called religious teachings).

Psychologically, all things are interrelated and sometimes prevent us from positive action to work towards the things we desire. Negativity removes motivation. As a general rule, sure. But I get the feeling that some of that is just what I mentioned above, gobbeltygook hocuspocus.
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I believe that stuff with WORK. I'm not God I can't manifest nothing; but with hardwork, prayer and determination....I believe I can.
You can put what you chose on the poll-

I don't believe in Law of attraction and all of that. The bible says in Hebrews 11 to "Have faith in God" not faith in things like positive thinking. Positive affirmations only work when you operate in God's law and will. I believe that blessings come from God. So if you get blessed, it's because God allowed it to be.

Other questions I have

1. About success
-Do you think everyone was ment to have all that they desire? No. What if everyone wanted to be a millionaire? Our economy couldn't accomodate this so no, I don't think we are meant to have everything we want, just those things that are in God's will for us.
- What do you think is the relationship between what you plan and work for, and what God has planned for you? I think God has plans for you but you have to do the work to make them happen.
- What do you think gets in the way of peoples success?
Lack of focus, failure to plan, lack of hard work.

2. Emotions
- Like jealousy and anger, what do you believe are the reasons for them?
People do not know how to be happy for other people or how to tolerate others.
-What do you do/believe in to overcome them?
Do not compare yourselves to others.

3. Thoughts/Words about others
- Do you think there are any positive/negative outcomes relating to what you say/think about others?
The bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue, so yes. But, everything is under Christ's authority. No one can speak about me and ruin God's purpose for my life.
- What rules do you follow about this?
I try not to say negative things about other people.

4. Principles/Morals- How do you keep track of right/wrong conduct?
- By reading daily? (what) Judge myself according to the bible
-By keeping a list ?(composed from where)
-On your own?

5. Self-Esteem
-What do you do/think/believe for positive self esteem?
You have to know who you are in Christ and not in this world. Get positive affirmation from God and not rely on it from people.
-Do you think self esteem effects your success or outlook on life?

6. What books have you read on laws, and if you havent read any or dont believe in it, besides the Bible, what you have you read that has helped you with personal develpment, success, or self esteem?

I only follow the bible. The bible tells you in Joshua how to get success.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success (Joshua 1:8)
I highlighted the answers above.