Pls help me find this magical growth product

lol, this thread is back....:lol:

Candy C my friend also greases her scalp alone with La india miracle grease (you mentioned it in one of your RECENT threads?)
(maybe) this is giving her good growth too?....
the paltas she uses the shampoo, treatment and conditioner, paltas is known to make the hair thick (going by what the man in the asian BSS SAID) la india is known to give good length (going by what i know already!)

i have far too many products to use up and i dont want to start mixing chemicals in my hair, i cant afford for all my efforts to fall out in the bath! :lachen:

but i will be trying out paltas and i will give an honest review!

(i have used the oil in the past but didnt notice any growth because at that time i used to rub eveything and anything into my hair) lack of hair care knowledge!

she is definitely hiding something with jojoba oil in it because when i ask her she shrugs it off! i've known this girl ALL my life and know when she is acting "shady" :sekret:
her mum says she uses a lot of natural/organic products now, i'm really happy for her that she is taking such good care of her hair. i love to see black hair thrive....

she definitely aint using MTG cos she wouldn't trust such a product..i would've smelled it too..that smell cant hide from me!:lachen:
wantlonghealthyhair said:
Surge isn't popular here, it doesnt have jojoba :)

Surge was/is popular on LHCF, just not raved about anymore.

You're right, it doesn't have jojoba oil.

wantlonghealthyhair said:
I Don't think Paltas Oil has Jojoba in it!:eek: :lol:

Ooops, looks like Paltas doesn't either.
rosie said:
Surge was/is popular on LHCF, just not raved about anymore.

You're right, it doesn't have jojoba oil.

Ooops, looks like Paltas doesn't either.

No, i said surge isn't popular in the UK!
I'm a (ex)surger and i know its popular on LHCF.I'm not sure what the jojoba product is but i'm still looking....:D
wantlonghealthyhair said:
lol, this thread is back....:lol:

Candy C my friend also greases her scalp alone with La india miracle grease (you mentioned it in one of your RECENT threads?)
(maybe) this is giving her good growth too?....
the paltas she uses the shampoo, treatment and conditioner, paltas is known to make the hair thick (going by what the man in the asian BSS SAID) la india is known to give good length (going by what i know already!)

i have far too many products to use up and i dont want to start mixing chemicals in my hair, i cant afford for all my efforts to fall out in the bath! :lachen:

but i will be trying out paltas and i will give an honest review!

(i have used the oil in the past but didnt notice any growth because at that time i used to rub eveything and anything into my hair) lack of hair care knowledge!

she is definitely hiding something with jojoba oil in it because when i ask her she shrugs it off! i've known this girl ALL my life and know when she is acting "shady" :sekret:
her mum says she uses a lot of natural/organic products now, i'm really happy for her that she is taking such good care of her hair. i love to see black hair thrive....

she definitely aint using MTG cos she wouldn't trust such a product..i would've smelled it too..that smell cant hide from me!:lachen:

if shes using la india then i wouldn't be surprised about the growth, it contains Olive oil tho not Jojoba..hmmmmmmmmmmmm
I did a search and found this product:

Jatamansi Oil, Nardostachys Jatamansi (Spikenard, Nepal)

Well known and used widely in India and around the world for promoting hair growth and prevention of hair loss. Also excellent on dry skin and scalp. Dilute with your favorite carrier/fixed oil.

$20.00 10 ml
$30.00 15 ml
$48.00 1 oz

Are you serious about obtaining long and healthy hair? Invest in long term hair health and growth. These ancient Ayurvedic oils are for the hair-serious only. Each brings a special benefit to your hair regime. And used in combination, are everything you need to help your hair and scalp to survive and thrive.

These oils are available for bulk purchases only and are "special ordered" for you. This means that these items are not part of our regular stock and it can take approximately 3 weeks for you to receive them. There is a $100 minimum on oils from this list. The minimum does not include other items you order at the same time and does not include shipping costs. Additional shipping charges apply for these 5 oils and extracts as to all "special order" bulk orders. Email me with your order for these items and I can let you know their current price, shipping cost and arrange for you to place your order.

Cuscus Grass extract
Stimulates roots. Provides a cooling effect to scalp.
$ 48.60 for 100ml.

Embic Mytoblan oil
Strengthens, softens and darkens hair
$ 75.90 for 100ml.

Eclipta Erecta oil
Strengthens hair, retards graying and promotes regrowth and new growth. Excellent for maintaining healthy thick hair. Dilute with your favorite carrier/fixed oil.

$20.00 10 ml
$30.00 15 ml
$50.00 1 oz
$90.75 for 100ml.

Rhazya Stricta oil
Cures itchy scalp, nourishes hair roots, strengthens and repairs damaged hair (split ends, weak and lifeless hair).
155.67 for 100ml.

Sandalwood Oil
Provides shine and strengthens hair.
$110.50 100 ml.
They even hair hair recipes on this site. I am bookmarking this.
I will put some of them on the Hair recipe board.


daoriginaldiva said:
I did a search and found this product:

Jatamansi Oil, Nardostachys Jatamansi (Spikenard, Nepal)

Well known and used widely in India and around the world for promoting hair growth and prevention of hair loss. Also excellent on dry skin and scalp. Dilute with your favorite carrier/fixed oil.

$20.00 10 ml
$30.00 15 ml
$48.00 1 oz

Are you serious about obtaining long and healthy hair? Invest in long term hair health and growth. These ancient Ayurvedic oils are for the hair-serious only. Each brings a special benefit to your hair regime. And used in combination, are everything you need to help your hair and scalp to survive and thrive.

These oils are available for bulk purchases only and are "special ordered" for you. This means that these items are not part of our regular stock and it can take approximately 3 weeks for you to receive them. There is a $100 minimum on oils from this list. The minimum does not include other items you order at the same time and does not include shipping costs. Additional shipping charges apply for these 5 oils and extracts as to all "special order" bulk orders. Email me with your order for these items and I can let you know their current price, shipping cost and arrange for you to place your order.

Cuscus Grass extract
Stimulates roots. Provides a cooling effect to scalp.
$ 48.60 for 100ml.

Embic Mytoblan oil
Strengthens, softens and darkens hair
$ 75.90 for 100ml.

Eclipta Erecta oil
Strengthens hair, retards graying and promotes regrowth and new growth. Excellent for maintaining healthy thick hair. Dilute with your favorite carrier/fixed oil.

$20.00 10 ml
$30.00 15 ml
$50.00 1 oz
$90.75 for 100ml.

Rhazya Stricta oil
Cures itchy scalp, nourishes hair roots, strengthens and repairs damaged hair (split ends, weak and lifeless hair).
155.67 for 100ml.

Sandalwood Oil
Provides shine and strengthens hair.
$110.50 100 ml.
They even hair hair recipes on this site. I am bookmarking this.
I will put some of them on the Hair recipe board.



thanks for posting daoriginaldiva!
I got my Paltas in the mail today.:) I'm going to saturate my hair with organic coconut oil, and let it set overnight, and wash on the morning with CON poo, and conditioner. I'll be using the Paltas tomorrow and will report back with my results in two weeks...

I am too lazy to read the whole thread before posting--sorry if this is repetitive. This is my 2 cents.

I think it is okay if she doesn't want to tell--it's like Patti LaBelle who took forever to give people her family cooking recipes. Now, I am usually up front with people about my hair secrets, but if I know someone is only out to criticize my decisions, I will tell them it's an "ancient chinese secret".

As for the weave--yes, when I read this I was thinking, I bet she used extensions in some way, shape, or form. But then as I was reading some posts I thought.........

I occasionally wear pieces/ponies to protect my hair or to get instant style when I don't want to get out the flat iron. And I am very honest about this...but I don't think I owe everybody an explanation to second I walk in the door. I mean, if they are in the know, I don't care.
But I don't want to announce to all my friends or co-workers "I'm wearing a piece today for all who may want to know". And I don't let anyone to a "weave" inspection of my hair, whether it's my own brastrap length hair or a hairpiece.

I was even considering a sew in for the first time to give my strands a rest (as opposed to braiding that I've done in the past). And if I get it, it will be the same length as my hair and I won't be trying to pass it off as my hair. But I also will not feel the need to wear a "I'm wearing a weave" sign or tell everyone that comments that it looks nice.

I respect everyone's opinions on here and I am not trying to argue. So no tomatoes.:lol: But I also think there is no one magic answer to each person's hair growth--some things like vits and oils work for some folks, but they are not a cureall for everybody's needs.
MissTrina said:
No, I just did a quick search for it for you all.

An_Original_Copy said:
I got my Paltas in the mail today.:) I'm going to saturate my hair with organic coconut oil, and let it set overnight, and wash on the morning with CON poo, and conditioner. I'll be using the Paltas tomorrow and will report back with my results in two weeks...

Congrats to An_Original_Copy. Where did you order your Paltas?
I got mine from, but it took TWO weeks to get here, and I had to drive a half hour away to the main post office just to sign for it. I heard it's sold on ebay too, and I may buy it from there next time.
An_Original_Copy said:
I got mine from, but it took TWO weeks to get here, and I had to drive a half hour away to the main post office just to sign for it. I heard it's sold on ebay too, and I may buy it from there next time.

what products did you order???another thing that im noticing is that it seems that the products are higher on ebay then on the website...and the same name for the website of afro best is the same vendor name on it maybe the same shippping because it does say United Kingdom on ebay...and plus the shipping is higher also...when i select the products thru afro best for just 3 products it came to like 13.47..when i go on ebay and just select the treatment it is 4.99 but shipping and handling seems to be 7.95 which is pushing the total to 12.94....not for sure if this is making a difference but it seems maybe best to order from the website than thru ebay...
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ITA with you melodee, I think the only reason she felt that way is cuz they're supposed to be so close, if im not mistaken they were friends for a good while? I think maybe child-hood- NOT sure, but I think that's why she was upset bout it.
melodee said:
I am too lazy to read the whole thread before posting--sorry if this is repetitive. This is my 2 cents.

I think it is okay if she doesn't want to tell--it's like Patti LaBelle who took forever to give people her family cooking recipes. Now, I am usually up front with people about my hair secrets, but if I know someone is only out to criticize my decisions, I will tell them it's an "ancient chinese secret".

As for the weave--yes, when I read this I was thinking, I bet she used extensions in some way, shape, or form. But then as I was reading some posts I thought.........

I occasionally wear pieces/ponies to protect my hair or to get instant style when I don't want to get out the flat iron. And I am very honest about this...but I don't think I owe everybody an explanation to second I walk in the door. I mean, if they are in the know, I don't care.
But I don't want to announce to all my friends or co-workers "I'm wearing a piece today for all who may want to know". And I don't let anyone to a "weave" inspection of my hair, whether it's my own brastrap length hair or a hairpiece.

I was even considering a sew in for the first time to give my strands a rest (as opposed to braiding that I've done in the past). And if I get it, it will be the same length as my hair and I won't be trying to pass it off as my hair. But I also will not feel the need to wear a "I'm wearing a weave" sign or tell everyone that comments that it looks nice.

I respect everyone's opinions on here and I am not trying to argue. So no tomatoes.:lol: But I also think there is no one magic answer to each person's hair growth--some things like vits and oils work for some folks, but they are not a cureall for everybody's needs.
An_Original_Copy said:
I got mine from, but it took TWO weeks to get here, and I had to drive a half hour away to the main post office just to sign for it. I heard it's sold on ebay too, and I may buy it from there next time.
I also heard it's being sold there recently. I just want to find out if they are reputable before making any decisions. Most people are honest...I'd like to think, however there's always a few that aren't.
PS. Will you let me know how it works out for you?
MissTrina said:
No, I just did a quick search for it for you all
High Priestess said:

Umm...Maybe I should have said, "No, I haven't used it yet, I just saw that someone needed the information and I googled it for them real quick." Sorry maybe my post sounded flip or somethin(?) I dont know.:ohwell:
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When I was 7/8 years old I got impetigo in the center of my scalp. My mom had to cut all of my hair off in that spot to help get rid of the infection. Once the infection was cleared up I had long hair and this BALD SPOT straight dead in the center of my hair.

When we last visited the doctor he recommended my mom making and feeding me gelatin (JELLO) on a daily basis to promote rapid hair growth in the bald spot area. My hair grew back VERY quickly - like within 6 months from eating a bowl of gelatin a day.

Drink gelatin or take the pills - it is the foundation of strong hair and nails.

CantBeCopied said:
ITA! Years ago, my cousin grew her hair to brastrap length using pine tar oil conditioning pre-poos and various other techniques like wrapping, satin scarves everynight and protective buns 3 weeks out of each month, never using a blow dryer, always doing a wrap when it was to be worn down, she also was drinking gelatin powder mixed with water.
But, when you would ask her, "how did you grow your hair this long this quick" her response was always, "prenatal vitamins girl".The sistas are COMPETITIVE!!
CurleeDST said:
When I was 7/8 years old I got impetigo in the center of my scalp. My mom had to cut all of my hair off in that spot to help get rid of the infection. Once the infection was cleared up I had long hair and this BALD SPOT straight dead in the center of my hair.

When we last visited the doctor he recommended my mom making and feeding me gelatin (JELLO) on a daily basis to promote rapid hair growth in the bald spot area. My hair grew back VERY quickly - like within 6 months from eating a bowl of gelatin a day.

Drink gelatin or take the pills - it is the foundation of strong hair and nails.

wow, now i am going to b loading up on jello! LOL
CurleeDST said:
No b/c I hate the taste of jello now!

Awww, its funy how you can love something SOOO much when you're younger and then older totally detest it. I think I will really try it though
If I were you I would try it for at least 2 months before making a decision on its effectiveness.

It worked for me when I was 8. Even my mom was amazed.

Samaria said:
Awww, its funy how you can love something SOOO much when you're younger and then older totally detest it. I think I will really try it though
CurleeDST said:
If I were you I would try it for at least 2 months before making a decision on its effectiveness.

It worked for me when I was 8. Even my mom was amazed.

True, and also it's JELLO, its not like something body altering, so no harm in testing it.