Pls help me find this magical growth product

blackbarbie said:
I was just going to say that if you did decide to raid her stash, just make sure whatever you touch when you go in her bathroom is stable so everything doesn't come crashing down on you and you expose yourself!!:lachen:(I think it's a Southwest airlines commercial to that effect where the girl is in the guys bathroom, goes in his medicine cabinet, it falls and she gets busted)
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Lol, at the advert

I say do a touch test (yeah, I know it's rude, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!) and if she starts to run from you like her pants are on fire it's because (1) she's a liar, they probably are on fire! and (2) you aint feeling up on her weave she bought and paid for!!!

Not saying there is anything wrong with having a weave but she could at least be honest about it since you are offering up tips and all.......

her hair was in twists when she visited me the last two previous times, i know its her hair as i can see the natural roots and permed ends!!!! she's trying to transition!
The only thing she told me about this product is Jojoba oil is themain ingredient so my minds telling me WGO....Time will tell because i aint staying patient for too long!!!!:lachen:
The thing that burns is She was like a sister to me, i've known her since nursery/kindergarten, I'm going to tell her how i truly feel BUT if i do she proberly wont tell me about the product!:(
DDtexlaxd said:
I was just thinking the same thing. Maybe she is using other growth products like frenchee, sulfur 8, etc. Forget her regime and re-discover yr own....then keep the secret from her!;)

Hey DDtexlaxd, i'm quite happy with my regime, My hair has improved so much since i found this site.
I'm a generous person that tries to advice people with the lil knowledge i have! I simply cant understand BAD MINDED people, they are so.....selfish.
Ebony said:
if she's your friend, why don't you just call her out & ask her why she's lying about not remembering the name of the product? or, call her when you KNOW she's home & ask her right there on the spot the name? what can her excuse possibly be at that point if she's surely in her house? you can call her out as a liar when she makes up a crazy excuse at this point.

Hey Ebony, that is how i'm feeling right now. i want to call her out of the blue! i dont want to look like no begger though.Lol:lachen: she's acting real shady.
Trudy said:
I agree, There is more to the story. I wouldn't consider her my friend either, when we discover new things we do want to share it with a friend like you have done with sharing with her, your hair care regiment and techniques. I thought my sister was in the same wagon as me but she told me you talk about hair to much I don't want to talk about it anymore. I hadn't seen her since Thanksgiving but I got the clue. She has collarbone length and doesn't care if it gets longer or shorter. But I have never had hair the lenght as her and I am growing mines out and I am excited about it and she was the only one I though I could share all that I have learned but evidently she isn't. I have learned to keep it to myself unless someone ask me.

Wow:eek: Trudy, if this was my sister i'd feel extremely hurt!!!!
my so-called "stylist" my "friends" cousin called me "obsessed with dead skin cells!" lol at the way she said it! i was hurt but bit my tongue. i'll have to find a new, i didn't know hair would make you lose people around you!
Chinagem said:
Wouldn't it be funny if your friend had secretly joined this forum? She's probably using mtg or monistat, etc on her hair and is too ashamed to tell you. Does she know that you are a member of this forum?

Hey Chinagem,
She doesn't know about this forum but knows my knowledge in hair has gone straight past her's!
now you've asked that she's probably wondering where i'm getting my information from! Therefore acting all shady with me but i've tried telling her and her cousin but they make stupid comments like "I know how to look after my hair i dont need the internet to tell me that!"
"what do you want to acheive? long hair?!" (in a sarcastic way)
When i think about it most members from her family act this way, in Jamaica we call it "Bad mind" when someone wants everything for themselves and it burns them to see anybody else prospering.
wantlonghealthyhair said:
Hey Chinagem,
She doesn't know about this forum but knows my knowledge in hair has gone straight past her's!
now you've asked that she's probably wondering where i'm getting my information from! Therefore acting all shady with me but i've tried telling her and her cousin but they make stupid comments like "I know how to look after my hair i dont need the internet to tell me that!"
"what do you want to acheive? long hair?!" (in a sarcastic way)
When i think about it most members from her family act this way, in Jamaica we call it "Bad mind" when someone wants everything for themselves and it burns them to see anybody else prospering.

You never know...she probably came here on the low and liked the info she found, but was too ashamed to admit it to you since she made fun of you for coming here in the first place. :lol:

I think she must be on a hair board somewhere since she went from having shorter hair to having longer & darker hair, transitioning, and using products with jojoba oil!:lachen:

My friend says she's been really busy WITH her brother who has been sick (i didnt know the extent of his illness!) and the whole "jojoba oil product" has slipped her mind! but she describes it as "The bottle is yellow with a brown square and black & white txt on it, i'll tell you the name soon-!!"
come on PJ's NAME THAT PRODUCT!!!!!
wantlonghealthyhair said:
CurliDiva, lol you sound just like me!!! my 5 32oz bottles of MTG is locked safely in my bedroom!
my family would think i am mad if i told them about using a horse product!:lol:

Hole up!! I miss read that right? Did you type 5 BOTTLES? :lachen: You're as bad as BrownSugar9999!! I won't completely put her on blast but it's no wonder the local store NEVER has any every time I call! :mad: :lol:
I wouldnt ransack her cabinets, search her panty drawer, or violate her scalp. Technically, it really is none of your business what she puts in her hair. But that is alright, because now you know what she is about. To me, the biggest thing to take from this is that she is showing you where she stands and that she has some of that hater-blood.

I wouldnt even trust ANYTHING that she had to tell me from this point, because she obviously does not want you to be on her level and may tell you the name of some product that could actually harm your hair. I understand you care for her and all, but when it comes to hair, I would not have anything else to do with her.
It probably is a weave, and since she already had long hair to the begin with, she can probably get away with it since people would be less likely to question her. they'd probably just assume that the 5'' is growth since her hair was already long. Maybe she's weaving her hair as somewhat of a protective style to get it to really get to the length she's trying to perpetrate now...
VWVixxen said:
Hole up!! I miss read that right? Did you type 5 BOTTLES? :lachen: You're as bad as BrownSugar9999!! I won't completely put her on blast but it's no wonder the local store NEVER has any every time I call! :mad: :lol:

lol at the stores never having it, i bought 2 from Shapleys(got one free) And 2 of Ebay! I never ever wanna stop using MTG (Unless it affects my health) I'm very dissapointed with my jewellery tarnished, need to find a good cleaner now, Secret squirell is my
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LizLeila said:
I wouldnt ransack her cabinets, search her panty drawer, or violate her scalp. Technically, it really is none of your business what she puts in her hair. But that is alright, because now you know what she is about. To me, the biggest thing to take from this is that she is showing you where she stands and that she has some of that hater-blood.

I wouldnt even trust ANYTHING that she had to tell me from this point, because she obviously does not want you to be on her level and may tell you the name of some product that could actually harm your hair. I understand you care for her and all, but when it comes to hair, I would not have anything else to do with her.

ITA LizLeila
wantlonghealthyhair said:
hey ladies,

i'm not about to run her down for the name of this "magic growth potion" i dont know why someone you've known all your life can act so shady!!!
its obvious she knows the name of the product she puts on her hair daily!!!!!
and to think i advise her constantly about hair care....not fair.....:( :mad:

that's terrible, she's being a b for no reason. maybe she doesn't want any "hair" competition. :lol: i would have thought it was shady after the first i don't remember.

Hey ladies, i spoke to my "friends" mom today, I just so happend to mention my "friends" hair And how its taken a turn for the best!
she says her daughter told her about some natural products she's using but she really doesn't remember the names.(Her mom's not into all this long hair thing though she has beautiful long hair!)
(so its more than one product then then huh!?:confused: since her mom said "natural products")
It is not a weave in her hair,as i already knew!!! according to her mom her hair has really grown and she's decided perms aint for her.

Totally OFF TOPIC: ( her dad is a rastafarian and has lovely,clean knee length dreadlocked hair, her mom has the best hair in my area, :lachen: it is so smooth, thick, healthy AND LONG!!People call her Diana Ross, she actually looks like her in Diana's younger days!)
What i'm getting at is.....
My friend has always had good hair, Always has shared tips with me so i dont understand why she is acting shady, She probably doesn't want my hair to catch up to hers....:eek: :confused:
Does your friends live close to you? If she does, I would just be upfront and ask her to let you hold the bottle to take a looksee for yourself. Then you can describe it better to the boards or take it to a beauty supply store and see if either you can match it to a product on the shelves or if one of the owners recognizes the bottle.

Also if your friend doesn't know the name, does she at least remember where she bought it? If she won't tell you that, then she probably is just being selfish.
Could the products be from the Gueye product line? From the description, it sounds like the oil that they have.
I agree w/J Coily. It could very well be weave. Maybe not sewn-in or glued in, but let's not forget that there's strand-by-strand and fusion out there, which is virtually undetectable. I doubt she has some magic product that gave her 5 inches in less than 2 full months. No way, no how.
Could be the Surge products. They have a yellow label.

And a lot of people on here have had good results with it.

If her hair grew well normally, then it's not unreasonable to get 2 inches from Surge.
Could the products be from the Gueye product line? From the description, it sounds like the oil that they have.

Here's a picture of the bottle you describe.


It's brown, has a yellow label, and black writing. I think Corbins is right! Go and google the keywords "gueye products", and it'll go to the site, and see what i'm talking about. That site sells "natural products", like what her mom describes. I'd tell your friend "yeah, i just bought this oil today, and i'm going to use it." If this is the oil, she may just admit that that's it since you "already found it anyway"...
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well since i've been using Keracare Jojoba moisturizor my hair has been sprouting out very quickly..maybe it could be that? it makes the hair very moist and baby skin soft
Gueye OIL:
Fast Grow Hair Oil stimulates circulation in the scalp, brings oxygen to the follicles and assist in unclogging pores caused by plastic resins found in many shampoos and conditioners. This product also contains powerful herbal ingredients formulated to assist in growing and thickening the hair. It contains Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Capsicum, Rosemary, Aloe Vera Resin, Sage, kelp, Nettle, Alfalfa, Horsetail, Peppermint. MAY BE USED AS A HOT OIL TREATMENT.

if this is it tell us how it works i might try to make my own
MsP, you're good! I've seen this one around for a while but never bought a bottle....looks for my missing friend Mona...need to FedEx the Credit cards to her...STAT.
I think we are assuming that the product description she gave her was of something she is actually using. This girl could be so shady that she is giving her a false description to throw her off the track. For all we know, the bottle that her friend is describing could be anti-freeze. If she really doesnt want WLHH to know what she is using, then she probably wont be honest about the description either. If she really wanted her to know, she would just tell her the name or tell her where she got it.

I hope no one from this thread decides to go using/buying products off of a shady friends vague description.