Pledge not to be a Hair Snob

How many times weekly do you share hair websites, book and products with people?

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I couldn't vote in the poll bcuz I don't talk about it on a weekly basis. However, when I'm having a conversation with a black female that I've just met, the healthy hair thing always comes up and I give them the healthy hair websites. I would love to see more black females with long healthy hair and I'm like on some mission to make it happen:lol:
I did talk to others about the hair sites, especially in the beginning, when I was just going crazy with excitement about getting my hair healthy and long...we've all gone through that stage, haven't we ladies? :lol:

Now I just keep it moving...because I've realized those who do ask me about what I do with my hair don't want the truth: it takes WORK AND DEDICATION.

I watch their eyes glaze over when I talk about conditioner washing and not using a flat iron...they want to hear about the "miracle-annointed-shipped in from Peru-used by Mariah Carey grease" that makes my hair soft growing and healthy. It's downright crazy. :ohwell:

So for me, it's not about being a hair's about being a realist. There are those who want a quick fix, and others, like us, who are willing to work hard to get what we want: healthy hair.
Depends on the person. Sometimes folk can be so silly. 'You go where? What yall doing on there, trying to get yo' hurr to grow!' Some folk look at my texture and think it's just gonna grow cause it's 'good hurr.' Some folk ask questions, I get excited telling them everything, only for them to look at me like, :look: Alrighty then.
I only give advice/info if I am asked or am part of a conversation about hair.

I know what my hair looks like. How would I look giving unsolicited advice/ info about hair?

Like a total hair snob (which I am definately NOT!:) )
Now I just keep it moving...because I've realized those who do ask me about what I do with my hair don't want the truth: it takes WORK AND DEDICATION.

I watch their eyes glaze over when I talk about conditioner washing and not using a flat iron...they want to hear about the "miracle-annointed-shipped in from Peru-used by Mariah Carey grease" that makes my hair soft growing and healthy. It's downright crazy.
I get excited telling them everything, only for them to look at me like, Alrighty then

This is me to a T! when someone is truly ready, they'll be open to what you have to say. Most people find it hard to accept that long healthy hair takes work and dedication.
pistachio said:
See, thet's why I don't wanna tell people about my products because if I tell, and their hair isn't BSL in two weeks, then I'm a liar, and if i don't tell, then I'm a snob...

It happens to you too? I'm glad I'm not alone. Even when I tell them it took me a YEAR to get here they still think their hair is going to grow 2 inches/week. :ohwell:

Given the choice, I'd rather be called a snob than a liar. :sad:
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Divine Inspiration said:
I'm all for not being a hair snob, but that, for me, is not the same as riding around with a bullhorn telling chicks about LHCF.

The problem is that unsolicited advice of any kind is often not well received. I think MOST women would take offense to some random woman walking up to her and saying, "Hey, you should join this hair care site." Almost without fail, it will be assumed that that's an indirect insult on the state of her hair. I know because I've tried it.

Apart from that, I think many ladies here will tell you that too often when people ask for "advice" they want a quick fix...some magic potion that will make for long, thick, healthy hair. The problem is that A) for many of us, there isn't one thing that's making our hair what it is today; it's a combination of techniques and products and most people don't care to be bothered with the minutia of some of our regimens and B) they'll listen but not actually apply the advice. That can get old because people want what they see, but they don't what to do what that person did to get it.

If I can detect sincere interest, I'll throw a few basic things out there to test their responsiveness (deep conditioning, cleansing weekly, etc) and then I may get into more detailed aspects of my regimen. I almost feel as if I'd be misleading someone by not telling them all of the little tricks and secrets I use. Besides that, too often women with unhealthy hair are doing something that they *know* to be unhealthy but don't want to give up.

And for some of us who frequent other parts of the board, LHCF is our little secret, and we like it that way. :look:

What she said.
Taij said:
I only give advice/info if I am asked or am part of a conversation about hair.

I know what my hair looks like. How would I look giving unsolicited advice/ info about hair?

Like a total hair snob (which I am definately NOT!:) )

Yeah, I don't give advice. What, praytell, would I look like??? I do tell people about hair websites, along with all my other funny political and stock market blogs. People know I live on the web, no big deal.
LocksOfLuV said:
gosh, I'm so bad, IF i even tell them about my online hair life i always tell them another forum...

never lhcf,:look:

but seriously, ppl never ask that much. they may ask and say you hair is pretty who does your hair or how you get your hair so long, and the minute i say "i stop flat ironing so much" they are immediatly disinterested. works like a charm everytime. oh well, i don't usually feel like telling them all my stuff anyways.

I know what you mean. In the past, when my hair was much thicker and about the same length as it is now, people would ask me how I get my hair so bouncy and straight and they asked if I curled it (back in high school so flat-irons were not popular) every day. I told them that use Kemi Oyl and roll the ends every night with plastic rollers, but they didn't believe me!:eek:
people haven't been asking yet but i can see my friends giving me sideway glances. they don't dare ask me anything cause they ridiculed me when i first started on my hair journey. Anybody asks and i'm happy to tell them what books to read, what to buy, etc...
I beat people over the head with hair boards. Anyone who asks anything about hair I direct hem to my favorite boards. And that's also why I keep my face hidden cuz I know people on here. :sekret:
I've given a few women at church, a co-worker, mother and sisters some advice. I even shown them (my family) the site but I know they will never join b/c they're too busy.
I've told family and friends about the boards when they've showed an interest, only 1 has joined the boards so far. But I'm done trying to help people who don't want to be helped and can't see the forest for the trees. If they are really, really interested, then I'll tell them, otherwise I'll just say I take care of my hair and keep it moving.
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WomanlyCharm said:
I did talk to others about the hair sites, especially in the beginning, when I was just going crazy with excitement about getting my hair healthy and long...we've all gone through that stage, haven't we ladies? :lol:

Now I just keep it moving...because I've realized those who do ask me about what I do with my hair don't want the truth: it takes WORK AND DEDICATION.

I watch their eyes glaze over when I talk about conditioner washing and not using a flat iron...they want to hear about the "miracle-annointed-shipped in from Peru-used by Mariah Carey grease" that makes my hair soft growing and healthy. It's downright crazy. :ohwell:

So for me, it's not about being a hair's about being a realist. There are those who want a quick fix, and others, like us, who are willing to work hard to get what we want: healthy hair.

Miracle-annointed-shipped in from Peru-used by Mariah Carey grease! WOW I want some!!!!:grin:
Well, I don't think I'm a hair snob, but I don't go around giving hair advice to people. People rarely ask me about my hair these days, and when I do get questions, they are usually about things I really can't answer or questions that people don't really want the answers to. I think most women are looking for miracle products and aren't interested in learning better hair care practices anyway.
I'll recommend stuff when I can, and I've directed people to hair boards before, but I can't say that I will ever go out my way to tell someone to check a site out.
I don't tell nd if someone asks I'll tell them the basics and leave the door open if they have more questions but for the most part. No. :look:
I tell everything I know when I get a chance to, or if someone seems interested. I will talk to them about everything. Not the site. I can't do that I feel like its in invasion of privacy. Hey if they find it on their own, all well and good but I am not giving up the site. I have done that at first I was so excited but like everyone else I got this crazy look when I share so no I do not share the site anymore. I shared with my cousin, she doesn't know but she really hurt my feelings. I was sharing with her why I decided to go natural and how fast my hair was growing and all the changes and she said I was praying for help with my hair and she said she had thin areas and I said okay here is this stuff you can get MTG and MN. I also told her about Biotin and various other things I was using. So I waited about two months and called her up she order the MTG. But she only used it for a few days and never did anything else I told her about not a thing. Not one thing- she wears a wig that is glued on. I was so stunned what could I say. You had me sitting there telling you everything calling you up and checking on you and you did nothing at all. Never again will I do that. Someone has to be really serious before I ever say anything about it. Wait till they see me this summer they will be shocked. I will keep on smiling and saying nothing.