They majority of the people that I come in contact with when they ask about my hair and I start to tell them they go into this you need to be doing this and that bull and don't use this and that so I just try to avoid the hair subject all together cause only my sister on the board understand
So Barbara, what about here? How do you feel about the girls here? Just curious is all.
Girl it depends. Sometimes when people ask you what you do to your hair, they really don't want to know b/c when you try to tell them (about the shampooing, d/conditioning, oil rinses, etc.) they think you're lying and figure your hair just majestically appears like that each morning when you wake up.
A few times when I have tried to tell people in vague terms that the key is keeping my hair moisturized, ends sealed with oil, and no heat, they usually come back with a stupid response like "oh you just got good hair".
"Well if you think I got good hair, WTF did you just ask me what I do to my hair to keep it healthy and had me to go through all of this BS......and BTW, good hair is any hair that grows out of your head!!"
If it's someone that I think is asking for the genuine health of their own hair, I really don't mind going into detail b/c I think they are more likely to listen.
I'm getting a little off the subject, but I need to share this information.
A friend of mine never wears protective styles, and that's why it took her hair seven years to grow from neck length to arm-pit length. That's six inches in seven years when normally it takes a little over a year to grow six inches. When she was neck length, I asked about her stylist: "Who does your hair . . . it looks very good, etc."
She just looked at me as if I cursed her out! She wouldn't answer, as if she was shocked. Then I said: "I'm not looking for a hair stylist; I'm very happy with mine." She still wouldn't say anything. After about five minutes, she walked away. I wasn't going to go to her stylist.
I said to myself: "My hair is below bra-clasp length, so she's probably thinking, why is she asking me about who does my hair? Her hair is much longer than mine." I said to myself: "She can see that it didn't take my hair long to get to this length. I've made faster progress than her, because when I first met her, her hair was much longer than mine. Years later her stylist cut it, but it's taken seven years just to get to her current length--arm pit."
So that's why I never ask people about their hair regimen, because they may not want to share this information. I no longer tell outsiders about my regimen or LHCF. If they inquire about it, I'll tell them the off-brand products that work "okay" on my hair--not the best ones. Some are looking for a quick magic potion anyway. I've done my research; let them do theirs.
Incidentally, some coworkers are competitive and back stabbing, so if they don't ask, I won't volunteer the information. If they do ask, then again, I won't tell them the best products that work; just the worse ones. I lost two jobs behind them, so why should they practice my regimen and share it with others while I'm gone? That's taking all the credit for themselves.
In addition, I've asked some of my friends about what make up they use, and they refuse to answer the question. My make up looks better than theirs anyway, so I'm not bitter . . . but I feel if that's the way their going to be then that's fine. I just casually asked. It's not as if I'm going to go out and buy their stuff. I've learned over the years that sometimes a good deed will backfire.
Nevertheless, I don't consider myself a hair snob.
Wow. You know some sucky people! LOL
(( Hug ))
I am curious. A few of come here with so-so hair and as the condition improves, people start asking questions. They want pretty hair, too. When someone ask you about your hair, what do you say?
Do you give vague responses like, "Thanks, no I don't anything special"
Do you give responses with great detail like, " I wash every day with conditioner. Yes conditioner. It does clean your hair. Then I oil every night with olive oil. Sure, you can buy it anywhere."
Something in between.
Or is it none of their business?
If asked about my haircare, I answer freely. However, some people don't want to take the time and/or do the work that it takes to have healthy hair. So when I see someone's eyes start to glaze over as I'm spilling my routine, I stop talking.