Are you a hair snob?

Are you a hair snob? Do you answer questions about your hair?

  • No, I freely give as I have freely received information.

    Votes: 215 66.6%
  • Not really, it depends on what they want to know.

    Votes: 95 29.4%
  • I wouldnt call it snobbery, but it's no one's business what I do.

    Votes: 13 4.0%

  • Total voters
I'm definitely not a hair snob. I try to give as much detail as I can when people ask me questions. I've gotten a lot of great advice in this forum too. As far as I'm concerned, sharing tips and advice is what it's all about!:yep:

Exactly, I agree but I also understand that some people are not interested and thinks your hair grows magically.
I have learned my lesson. I no longer say anything. Im in twists so as far as they are concerned im bald. I agree with you guys. People are always looking for the quick fix. No one wants to put in the work.
It depends on who it is. This morning a girl i go to school with commented on my hair saying how much it had grown and started telling me about her alcopia problems. I'd read much about it on here and I started suggesting an essential oil routine, different styles (because she wears her hair in tight micro braids ALL the time) and co-washing for her but she looked at me like I was crazy, saying washing your hair and not blow drying isn't healthy. So from now on, I'm going to keep my mouth shut because it really seems like most people just don't really want to know even though they ask.
It depends on who it is. Close family and friends, yes. My mom knows my whole routine. I'm currently trying to help her grow her hair out. :)

If a random person asks, I give a vague response. Most people really aren't all that interested. They usually just want a get rich quick scheme. I told my aunt sometimes i wash 2x a week, and she thought it was ridiculous, and the only reason my hair got thicker is cuz I have "growing hair." :rolleyes: Now I keep my mouth shut, unless I happen to come across a person who really seems interested. Then I'd be glad to share.

Cosiging...even the mom part:lachen:

I told my aunt that I cowash damn near every day and only shampoo every 2 weeks, and she was shocked. She was like you're lucky you got that good hair, b/c the rest of us can't go washing their hair too much. It will fall out:lachen::lachen::nono::drunk:
Too many hair snobs for me, I no longer ask and just try to find threads on my own even though the search option does not work for me. I signed up years ago but only started within the last couple of months actually posting. I am starting my journey over again and when I have progress I would never hesitate to share, I think that's just silly.:perplexed
Who would want all of this great info to get into the wrong hands? :lol: j/k

But seriously, I dont even bother anymore. Besides, most people don't even ask me anymore. They just assume that my hair grows out of my head straight like this or that I have naturally 2b hair or smthg. :ohwell: People mistake me for being East Indian, hispanic, "mixed race", etc. AND I'M QUITE BROWN. It's all b/c I have long healthy hair. :ohwell:

So, even if I tried to share the information freely, most black women would pay me no mind. :nono:
AMEN 100%! In my experience, most people just want a quick fix and they are not worried about following a routine...its the same with weight loss...a nutritious diet and exercise will get rid of the pounds, but we live in an instant gratification society. If someone was really interested, then I would tell them to do some research...if they want to know bad enough, they will search and find LHCF or another hair site. I'm not being mean, but I've had enough people scoff at my oil pulling, co-washing, etc to keep it to myself...And when they see my hair growing, skin clearing, my smile and eyes brighter, THEN they wanna be all in my face asking me what have I been doing..its like I told you already, but you wanted to crack jokes. Nanny Nanny boo boo, sucka! Who is laughing now *blows a rasberry*

LMAO! This response is com-me-dee!

Thanks, ladies. I came across a woman in Walmart a couple of days ago. Lots of plats just like me. All natural, very pretty. I asked her how long did it take her to get that length, she told me 1.5 yrs. And I was like.....tell me more. She could tell I was genuinely interested and told me more.
But I have found that generally I waste my breath with the general public. So I usually give a vague answer. If they ask the right questions I will share all I can, but that is rare.

Well what did she say?
I would love to share my info with others. But when I meet someone they always want to know what texturizer I use or how I get it to look like that. When I tell them I'm natural, they usually say oh and keep it moving.....:perplexed
I love to share information about hair, and I'll give anyone detailed information if they're truly interested. However, if I'm talking to someone and they suddenly look like they've fallen into a trance, I'll stop talking and tell them to do some research on the net.
No. If someone asked me, I would tell them my regimen. However, I wouldn't walk around volunteering haircare tips. Someone might think I"m crazy:lol:
Oh I am more than eager to give any one asking a breakdown of what I do, what I use, and where to get the products. I want to see more sistah's with healthy, thriving hair!
I got asked the other day if "that was my real hair or not?" and said she liked the cut and asked who cut it that way. And she just kept staring at me like i was lying. Should that be a compliment when you get asked if u got a weave/wig?

I get "good" hair from my dad.(good hair to me means its nappy as hell!..NOT MIXED) And while out for breakfast he kept staring at it and said it looked like a black, shiny wig. Which is odd coming from him because i get a good grate of hair from his side of the family.

I don't like people putting their dirty hands in my hair! They should ask first. That's just like touching someone's face. You just don't do that! :nono:

Your hair is really cute by the way. I think I understand why people might think its a wig. Its really silky and shiny. So, I would take the wig thing as a compliment.

Now,If you know mind, I would like to know if you cut your hair in this style or are you growing it out from a shorter style?
I'm naturally a giver so I like to help as best and as much as I can with the knowledge I have on my personal hair care. I get so excited when talking about my hair care that everyone I talk to says I have such a passion for it and that makes me feel really good:yep:.
I hate to say it but I'm a hair snob......Only because when black women ask and I tell them ...I wash once a week 2 to 3x a week...Deep condition 1 to 2x a week....Pre-poo ..Natural oils ..etc ..They look at you in disbelief :dizzy:....and you can tell you lost their interest a long time ago....:blah::blah:
I share information pretty freely - the only time I hold back is if there is something new I'm trying and I don't know for sure if it works for me. I'd hate to tell somebody about something and have them have an "issue". Otherwise, I share what I know - I usually let them ask the questions though - since most people have specific questions anyway.
As long as the person is (and stays) genuinely interested in what I have to say about hair, and they are the one asking me for information, I am more than happy to share :yep:

Now if they start to tune me out...or argue that I shouldn't be doing something in particular to my hair without a valid reason as to why I shouldn't be doing it...then I won't.

I have recently had a couple of people become very interested in what I do to my hair (2 of which stated they went natural in large part because of seeing me do it), and they ask me alot of questions and I'm always happy to answer them.
For the most part I'll give info freely but at times I'll feel like a hair snob. I sometimes FEEL this way because ladies including my sisters would ask for my advice...usually it'll be something natural or around the house but would then turn around and say I can't afford all that...hmm, let's buy and pack your pores with petroleum and mineral oil products and your hair will only grow between 1-5''(4 these ladies, literally), break off and then grow another 1-5'' or shorter...or for the ones with traction alopecia who LOVE to wear their hair TIGHT in any style with blistering bald patches....I'll say you need a derma and to let your hair and scalp take a break, and then they turn around after my advice...I'm going to pull my hair back up in a bun b/c that's how I like my hair. :blush: :wallbash: :pity: Not everyone will get they'll need moisture,less 2 no heat, protein, the right poo and co, etc, time, patience, support, the EFFORT! This is why I have a LHCF account...this site reminds me of how much folks really care about their scalp and hair's health! :2inlove: and for that I say Cheers! :fat: I'll drink to that!
I think if we can share info so openly here why not share it with people in public. I was in Foreman Mills last night and a women was asking how I got my 4b natural hair to look so smooth and I explained letting it air dry in big braids (something I learned here) and how I don't use poo anymore just condish and using rinse out conditioner as a leave-in (also stuff I learned here.)
It depends on who it is. Close family and friends, yes. My mom knows my whole routine. I'm currently trying to help her grow her hair out. :)

If a random person asks, I give a vague response. Most people really aren't all that interested. They usually just want a get rich quick scheme. I told my aunt sometimes i wash 2x a week, and she thought it was ridiculous, and the only reason my hair got thicker is cuz I have "growing hair." :rolleyes: Now I keep my mouth shut, unless I happen to come across a person who really seems interested. Then I'd be glad to share.

:lachen: WTH is "growing hair" hahaha...
It jsut depends on who you are! I have a friend who is very jealous hearted towards me. She always wants to know how to get like me, but she constantly puts me down. I take it and go on because jealous people make me notice just how important I MUST BE cuz they spend so much time infatuated on me. I don't tell her NOTHING about my hair. When she comes over I turn off my computer. She might know what poducts I use but I don't express my regimen with haters!

I don't tell anyone anything anymore. Since my mommy let me down, I give her hints, but nothing major. My friends, relatives, nada! Unless they are sincere about beginning their haircare journey, I keep it to myself
um, my school is mostly white (friends & fam, too) so no one asks. :look: although one of my black female friends mentioned that my hair grows fast...
I love sharing what I know, I want every black woman to know what i do. In fact, when I'm talking to a chick with messed up hair, I always wait and HOPE for the topic of hair to come up so I can give them advice :yep:

I endorse this statement.:yep:
i might say nothing special but i will still detail, like this:

i dont do anything too out of the ordinary for moisture but i DC twice a week (list products) and i cowash a lot more now that i am natural using ______.

of course this just applies to LHCF; the other day my friend asked me and as i know she and those around her love a "fresh permed" head of hair, my response to "how do you get your hair like that?" was just "i washed it" instead of "i cowashed and left in the conditioner...." etc.
It depends. Strangers, I tell them the basics. Wash once a week, dc once a week, co-wash ( I have to go into details with that one and they're looking like huh????) :lachen:and I tell them about my baggied ends and no heat, etc. I don't want to shock them with everything I do because they would look at me like "it's not that serious". Now family and friends, I tell them nothing NOW because when I first started on this hair journey, I was telling them about MTG, all the vitamins I was taking, etc. It was a no holds barred sort of thing. I was so anxious and excited about my growth and my new found knowledge that I shared all my secrets and tips BUT they gave me lip. Like, I wouldn't put horse stuff in my head or I can't wear a baggied ponytail all the time:rolleyes:, yada, yada, yada.

Sooooooo now that my hair is fast approaching the middle of my back. They wanna know EVERYTHING now but all I say now is, oh, I wash and dc, once a week:rolleyes: BUT my SO rat on me by saying, that's not all she does, and he gets to telling them:wallbash: but he don't know everything either anymore because he was giving me lip also so I stopped telling him stuff also:grin: Ummmm, sorry for the long post:look:
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It depends. Strangers, I tell them the basics. Wash once a week, dc once a week, co-wash ( I have to go into details with that one and they're looking like huh????) :lachen:and I tell them about my baggied ends and no heat, etc. I don't want to shock them with everything I do because they would look at me like "it's not that serious". Now family and friends, I tell them nothing NOW because when I first started on this hair journey, I was telling them about MTG, all the vitamins I was taking, etc. It was a no holds barred sort of thing. I was so anxious and excited about my growth and my new found knowledge that I shared all my secrets and tips BUT they gave me lip. Like, I wouldn't put horse stuff in my head or I can't wear a baggied ponytail all the time:rolleyes:, yada, yada, yada.

Sooooooo now that my hair is fast approaching the middle of my back. They wanna know EVERYTHING now but all I say now is, oh, I wash and dc, once a week:rolleyes: BUT my SO rat on me by saying, that's not all she does, and he gets to telling them:wallbash: but he don't know everything either anymore because he was giving me lip also so I stopped telling him stuff also:grin: Ummmm, sorry for the long post:look:

Haha!! Serves them right!:lachen: