Are you a hair snob?

Are you a hair snob? Do you answer questions about your hair?

  • No, I freely give as I have freely received information.

    Votes: 215 66.6%
  • Not really, it depends on what they want to know.

    Votes: 95 29.4%
  • I wouldnt call it snobbery, but it's no one's business what I do.

    Votes: 13 4.0%

  • Total voters
Oh I am more than eager to give any one asking a breakdown of what I do, what I use, and where to get the products. I want to see more sistah's with healthy, thriving hair!

I do too! I share information with all my close female friends, and if I run into more who are willing to take advice, I will freely share!

And sister, you're no long shoulder length; you should update your profile. :grin:
I have to say yes... I *used* to be so open and excited with my hair... but now I have decided to shut up because everyone I tell gives me the LONGEST lecture on how I'm damaging my hair and should-->

1. Wash it only once a week!
2. INSIST that black hair needs to be greased!
3. NEVER use 'white' products they are not made for black hair!
4. Braid my hair or else it will never grow!
5. Wash hair with shampoo and conditioner (never shampoo alone) or my hair will break!
6. Accept the fact that I am BLACK and will NEVER have long hair (I actually got a 30min lecture by a cousin of mine explaining why genetically, black hair simply cannot grow long)
7. Get off the damn internet because all those women with long hair on LHCF are wearing weaves and OBVIOUSLY getting paid to post!
I have to say yes... I *used* to be so open and excited with my hair... but now I have decided to shut up because everyone I tell gives me the LONGEST lecture on how I'm damaging my hair and should-->

1. Wash it only once a week!
2. INSIST that black hair needs to be greased!
3. NEVER use 'white' products they are not made for black hair!
4. Braid my hair or else it will never grow!
5. Wash hair with shampoo and conditioner (never shampoo alone) or my hair will break!
6. Accept the fact that I am BLACK and will NEVER have long hair (I actually got a 30min lecture by a cousin of mine explaining why genetically, black hair simply cannot grow long)
7. Get off the damn internet because all those women with long hair on LHCF are wearing weaves and OBVIOUSLY getting paid to post!

OMG i actually heard this one last week. and i had to give that person the most perplexed look that I possibly could. I mean seriously. that doesnt even make sense. i can see someone being paid to post things regarding certain hair brands, but what about natural products and all these herbal/home remedies. Who would be paying them and why? who's paying hundreds of young ladies to tell people to co-wash (which i was doing before i joined the board)? I swear people say the dumbest things.

oh and i just say *** it. I have a friend who ive known since we were 9. as a child, at the very longest, her hair was grazing shoulder length. since we've been adults I don't think its been more than neck length. Last year when I had to cut about 4 inches off to shoulder length (due to some chewed up,dry, colored ends) and started to get serious about growing my hair back I started giving her advice on things to use. She acted all interested at first but never followed through. Then when I emailed her the site and started telling her more she's like I can't afford all that stuff. i'm like u spend like $15/week on cigarettes and like $45 every 2 weeks on getting your hair done, but u can't shell out a few dollars for some conditioner that won't have your hair feeling all crusty? Then when she does get it done she gets styles that require a lb of gel and hairspray to create and maintain. I'm like dude thats why your hair is super dry. On top of that apparently because im lightskinned with curly hair I have magical hair that just grows so thats another reason people dont listen to me.
I hate to say it but I'm a hair snob......Only because when black women ask and I tell them ...I wash once a week 2 to 3x a week...Deep condition 1 to 2x a week....Pre-poo ..Natural oils ..etc ..They look at you in disbelief :dizzy:....and you can tell you lost their interest a long time ago....:blah::blah:

Yes........... I agree..... I am a hair snob.... Becauseif I tell people to preepoo and to use natural stuff... they start acting :blush::spinning: so - I just say "forget it".........I don't waste my time.
I have to say yes... I *used* to be so open and excited with my hair... but now I have decided to shut up because everyone I tell gives me the LONGEST lecture on how I'm damaging my hair and should-->

1. Wash it only once a week!
2. INSIST that black hair needs to be greased!
3. NEVER use 'white' products they are not made for black hair!
4. Braid my hair or else it will never grow!
5. Wash hair with shampoo and conditioner (never shampoo alone) or my hair will break!
6. Accept the fact that I am BLACK and will NEVER have long hair (I actually got a 30min lecture by a cousin of mine explaining why genetically, black hair simply cannot grow long)
7. Get off the damn internet because all those women with long hair on LHCF are wearing weaves and OBVIOUSLY getting paid to post!

@#3... Only difference is the loads of mineral oil and petro (yuck).

@#6... If she knew about genetics she'd know "blacks" that are centuries removed from their original African bloodline are highly mixed. You don't need to "look white" to have Anglo/Latino/Native/Indian markers in your DNA. And DNA is the deciding factor in whether or not you or any other person who looks "black" will have long hair.

And to #7, They sound like a bunch of haters I knew in high school. How could they make such an assertion without checking this out for themselves first? I had my hair hot combed for the first time like two years after high school and my hair was MBL after 4 years in braids. This white girl I knew was with me and she was like "Daaaaaamn girl your hair is my length. You'd never know 'cause it's so curly." When we went to an alumni event later that evening the black girls were like "Oh I see you doing the weave thing now." They didn't believe it until the chick that watched me get it straightened was like, "Whatever heffas that's all her hair." The looks on their faces were priceless.:blush:
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It depends on who it is. Close family and friends, yes. My mom knows my whole routine. I'm currently trying to help her grow her hair out. :)

If a random person asks, I give a vague response. Most people really aren't all that interested. They usually just want a get rich quick scheme. I told my aunt sometimes i wash 2x a week, and she thought it was ridiculous, and the only reason my hair got thicker is cuz I have "growing hair." :rolleyes: Now I keep my mouth shut, unless I happen to come across a person who really seems interested. Then I'd be glad to share.

Same here. :yep: This is my moto also.

A lot of people aren't really all that interested or invested in trying to really do what it takes to grow their hair to its maximum potential length, thickness, and health. So, with them, I just give vague responses. If people want to know more, then I'll tell them a little bit more. But if I just told everybody EVERYTHING I do for my hair, they would either think I was nuts, obsessed, or both. :lol:

When I first joined LHCF and started seeing results I wanted to shout it out from the mountain tops, and was trying to help everyone who asked me what I did for my hair. But after a while, I learned that sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut, and let your hair speak for itself. NOt only were some people DIScouraging, but some (familiy members included!) actually mocked or criticized my determination for healthier hair. :ohwell:

So these days, I say nothing and let my hair speak for itself. :D If they really want to learn more, then I'll give them little tidbits here and there. :look:
OMG i actually heard this one last week. and i had to give that person the most perplexed look that I possibly could. I mean seriously. that doesnt even make sense. i can see someone being paid to post things regarding certain hair brands, but what about natural products and all these herbal/home remedies. Who would be paying them and why? who's paying hundreds of young ladies to tell people to co-wash (which i was doing before i joined the board)? I swear people say the dumbest things.

oh and i just say *** it. I have a friend who ive known since we were 9. as a child, at the very longest, her hair was grazing shoulder length. since we've been adults I don't think its been more than neck length. Last year when I had to cut about 4 inches off to shoulder length (due to some chewed up,dry, colored ends) and started to get serious about growing my hair back I started giving her advice on things to use. She acted all interested at first but never followed through. Then when I emailed her the site and started telling her more she's like I can't afford all that stuff. i'm like u spend like $15/week on cigarettes and like $45 every 2 weeks on getting your hair done, but u can't shell out a few dollars for some conditioner that won't have your hair feeling all crusty? Then when she does get it done she gets styles that require a lb of gel and hairspray to create and maintain. I'm like dude thats why your hair is super dry. On top of that apparently because im lightskinned with curly hair I have magical hair that just grows so thats another reason people dont listen to me.

OH yah, I'm expecting to get that by the end of this year. My hair is RIGHT ON TRACK when it comes to growing, and I expect it to do better because I've found a way to greatly reduce breakage... so I KNOW when my friends and family see my hair they're gonna say something like... "oh your great grandfather's chinese... your great grandmothers middle eastern.. your great great great grandfather was white lalala)... as if they have NEVER seen my kinky hair before.. if my hair success EVER gets written off as an ... "oh you have good hair cause you're mixed" I'll turn from a Hair Snob into a Hair B****!!!:blush:.. I may have different races in my background.. but obviously my hair never got the memo...LOL :spinning: now I'm getting all worked up.
On top of that apparently because im lightskinned with curly hair I have magical hair that just grows so thats another reason people dont listen to me.
i have heard this one all my life. it got to the point that when i hit middle school i wanted to make my skin darker so my cousins would stop ridiculing me. mom's not lightskinned...and our hair is very similar, but they didn't know that till she began transitioning. so much for that theory.
it depends first i measure their level of hair obsession and then i deal out information accordingly:yep:, with my sister and friends who are truely hair obsessed i will ramble on for days and hand out LHCF business cards, but if you come at me with an attitude or already formulated ideas about my hair growth i will give general info, i can handle my sister and close friends telling me i'm crazy and member of a cult befor i eventually bring them over to the dark side:grin: but from strangers that just mean