Please HELP!


Good Morning Everyone,
I got the BC done back in June and my hair was growing, but it started to look like I had a mohawk as it grows fast on the top and slow on the sides; just learned that. Anyway, I went to the barber to get it evened out and am now back where I was when I got the BC. After the BC, did you go back to the barber to let them line it up or what? I want to grow my hair back, but can't stand when it has a hump on the top from all of the growth.


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I didn't cut mine again, because it simply LOOKS uneven in my case. My sides are tighter than my crown, and back so I'm letting it be. Trying to even it out visually would make it uneven in reality for me.
Ok, I just want to say that I have not had the courage to BC, I just want to support you for doing it.

As for your situation, I remember reading that it was not uncommon for people to have different hair textures particularly at the crown. When my new growth comes in I get 3C on top, 3B at the back and 4 something at the sides! So is it that you are experiencing the same sort of situation that only makes it seem to be growing at a different rate 'cause of tighter curls of the side? I've seen some of the naturals use stuff to loosen the curl a bit and that may even it out.
I'm not natural, but my hair grows unevenly and different areas at different rates, so if i cut to keep my hair all the same length, it may take me 7 years to see any progress.
I didn't cut mine again and I know what you mean ---I had that Rick Fox thing goin on for me. ---right now I'm learning my hair is catching up ---all over it is in layers which can be frustrating---for my sides I really pay attention to what it needs more moisture or protein....maybe those could be the sensitive areas of your hair?..... Hope more come in and give their input. :)
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for the responses. You are right about different textures; I think I have 3. I am now a little mad that I cut it again, but nothing I can do about it now, but let it grow. Thanks again everyone and I guess I will monior my growth from this day forward since I cut again. HAPPY GROWING!!
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Maybe just get the top trimmed, don't cut off all around. For now.

Too much cutting does away with all your progress. As you know now because you are back to where you were in June.

Especially if you someday want blunt ends... All that hair at the crown has to be longer to be at the same level as the lower layers.

My hair grows like that too :yep: but I'll work with it as long as it doesn't look ridiculous.
Neit: Exactly. I won't do it again. I am going to see how things go from this point forward. Thanks for responding.