Please don't stone me...


New Member
I just have a hypothetical question:grin:...

Say someone hypothetically colored their hair with permanent color, oh lets saaaayyyy 2 weeks ago. This person is currently 9 weeks post and NEEDS a relaxer. Is it OK to do so, hypothetically?? I have read that after 2 weeks it should be OK. I just wanted to make sure. This person's hair has not really experienced any breakage from the color but, I don't want anything to happen to their hair... HELP PLEASE!!!
Why would anyone stone you? You have a valid question and this is a hair board where we learn from each other.
Yeah you can perm your hair. Just take the same precautions as you normally would with a little extra TLC. My stylist would usually have me come back after two weeks to get my color.
PLEASE have a good protein treatment and deep moisturizing condish armed and ready before you perm! I had salon color/highlights put in in 2004, waited 3 weeks, then applied my own perm at home (mizani). Results were gorgeous! But I didnt take proper care of my weakened hair. Never DC'd, knew nothing about protein.... after a month or so I noticed my ponytail getting thinner. Eventually I lost all my edges on my temples and nape, and couldn't even wear a ponytail anymore without revealing major breakage. I eventually had to throw in some micros to get my hair to grow back. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE condition your hair! And when you think you've conditioned too much, condition AGAIN.
didnt mean to throw fear in your plans.... a lot of people can handle color and perm in their hair. I just believe I'm one of the unlucky few who cannot handle more than one chemical at a time. If you properly care for your hair and baby it, you should be fine!
Yea some can handle color and some can't I know I can't so I stopped coloring, but yea two weeks is good, just deep condition, and moisturize and you should be good, and later I would probably do a light protein treatment to be on the safe side........good luck.....
Thank you ladies for your advice. It has been very helpful.

I guess the reason why I am scared is becuase I keep reading you have to color a relaxer and not relax a color. But, I was thinking that that might be for people who are relaxing/ coloring virgin hair. And ain't nothing virgin about my hair LOL

I usually perm my hair, neutralize, then I shampoo with my ApHogee shampoo for Damaged Hair, 2 minute Keratin protein w/ Roux Porosity Control, then my moisturizing DC, and rollerset...

Is that good enough?? Should I take anything out or add something??

Once again thank you ladies so much...