Semi Permanent or Permanent on Relaxed Hair


New Member
Semi Permanent or Permanent Color on Relaxed Hair

Hello Ladies,

Summer is here, the sun is shining, and I now have an urge to get blonde hair. I am currently 7 weeks post relaxer and I plan on getting my next relaxer in 5 weeks. I am aware of the rule that permanent color should be applied at least 2 weeks AFTER getting a relaxer, but the blonde I want is only on the bottom of the hair.


With that being said, would it be ok to color before my relaxer?

I have had semi permanent color before, and I hated how it looked when it faded. I am nervous about getting permanent color to my ends though because I just went to get my hair flat ironed 2days ago and the lady basically ripped most of hair out.

So I don't know if my ends could handle permanent right now.

Does anyone have any experience with semi-permanent or permanent hair color and what are your hair regimens? I currently do not use any protein so I would like information on how and when to use protein treatments with color. Is it necessary to use shampoos and conditioners for color treated hair?

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You want to lighten damaged ends? You can't lighten with semi perm color.

I can honestly see you suffering terrible breakage.
I had my hair semi perm dyed blonde on the top before. At least that's what my hair dresser told me. With 5 washes it washed away to this orange color though. I didn't really get any breakage compared to the rest of my hair. But maybe I'll just stay away from color until my hair grows a little longer