Pictures Added to my album (Dominican Experience)

Your hair looks wonderful lee, I also like the color. It's still super long. Keep up the great work!
Thanks ladies! Ya'll make me feel much better about the cut! I promise, I ain't going near anybody scissors anytime soon, though. I got my fill!

Re: paging armyqt

lynette said:
Girl I just saw your photo site, Your hair is beatiffffful. Please tell a sister what your daily regime is please also tell me what products you use on your hair. Thank You Sister

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Thank YOU for the kind words...

Let me see. Well, I really do not have a set regimen or staple products. I use just about any shampoo (Creme of Nature, Motions, etc. I'll try about any shampoo out there that isn't filled with the bad stuff (will not go near PAntene shampoo though!

Now conditioners... I LOVE Lekair Cholestral Conditioners, and like the Pantene Sleek and Smooth.

Now, due to breakage, I only wash my hair once a week now. I usta rinse my hair daily and place in a bun. Now, I wash once a week, DEEP Conditon (under dryer, rinse, then air dry. Once my hair is 70% dry, I oil hair with African 6 oil (?) and then blow dry with warm dryer (this gets it pretty straight). Then I oil my ends with vaseline, and place in a protective style. At night, I braid my hair in wrap in a scarf.

Once a month I do a clarifying wash and I do a protein deep conditioner.

When I DO rinse my hair, I wear it out and curly. I do not bind my hair in any way when it is wet
When I wear it curly, I wash my hair, then I deep conditon with Lekair,comb thruough my hair and then I lightly rinse the conditioner out while my hair is soak and wet, I add Pantene Sleek and Smooth and comb thru again. I lightly pin my hair up. After i shower, I take the pin out and lightly scrunch hair with a towel. I add gel (without alcohol) and I let me hair dry competley.

atlien said:
Hey Leejure yeah it's me Atlien...
Yeah I know we go at it on the OT boards but I had to let you know your hair looks good it looks healthy and bra strap I think you will be there again in no time flat. Hey in your picture when you had the breakage how did you combat looks all even now.

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Girl, you talking about the friendly debate some time ago?

Thank you much atlien for the compliment. Okay, the breakage...

Well, it started back in 2000, (actually it started back before then, I had highlights and went swimming every day that summer and the entire back of my hair broke off) It really never recovered from that. But then... my OLD beautician claimed that me wearing my bun was adding insult to injury. As a result she had to cut MORE of my hair (from almost bra-strap to shoulder length) I, at the time, thought she was just trying to get me to come to the shop more and so, I completely stopped going and continued wearing my bun. I later found a new beautician who gave me a new set of rules (stop wetting your hair everyday, you are breaking it out off). But did I listen. No, becuase my hair was growing nicely, and I thought that I had control of the situation. Well, as time went on, my hair grew and grew, but the middle part (where my bun rested) was always thinner/shorter. It got to the point that all of my hair around the mid-portion was much longer (like 3 inches longer) than the middle. So it was not looking good.
So, gradually I started cutting, but never did the big cut like I needed to. So with me doing all these little cuts, my hair continued to grow, but the middle was still grwoing slower than the other parts and (mind you) I was still experiencing breakage. It wasn't until my beautician told me that I MUST stop binding my hair while it is wet b/c it is breaking it out right where the binding rested.

So my solution - if you didn't get it out of that long story --- less water/wetting. if I do, then not bindings on wet hair (must wear it curly) otherwise, I wash weekly, dry completely and wear protective styles!

did not read for errors!
So you mean I meed to stop my daily conditioner washes? I am wearing my hair out for the first time in ages today and everyone is complimenting how much it has grown!
Tonya said:
So you mean I meed to stop my daily conditioner washes? I am wearing my hair out for the first time in ages today and everyone is complimenting how much it has grown!

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YOU may not have to stop, but LEE most definitely had to stop OR where it out!

Looking good girly.
I'm thinking of getting my hair cut to this length or just about that length.

kitchen_tician said:
Your hair is sooooooo Rich & Luxurious!!! Actually, your "hair of the month" spot inspired me to join. Thanks;)

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Everyone thank you so much! I tell you, I felt sorta "outofsorts" about cutting up myhair once again, but I feel much better.
Thanks for the kind words. And I feel truly honored that my picture inspired you to join, Kitchen_tician. Thank you for sharing that with me.
AJamericanDiva said:
Girl, your hair's lookin' good! Go, Lee!!!

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Hey DIVA!!!

Girl, your little poppie is so cute! I want to eat him up! Just dariling!

Your hair is awesome. I want that length with the highlights. It's really pretty.
Re: Pictures Added to my album (Dominican Experien

Oh WOW! It is shine-tastic. I love it--it's very pretty...but Ima still kick your butt