Pastors of L.A. Reality Show

I can't flow in the spirit unless my entourage is with me

I kept trying to figure out if he was serious and then I was like, "Of course he is...why wouldn't he be?" The saddest part is that he sees absolutely nothing wrong with what he said. I'm like, "You can't preach the word of God unless the church pays for you AND your entourage. Really??????"

The fornicator trying to correct him was no better, although what he said was true.

I thought it was funny that he was correcting him, but like you said, he was right.

I don't understand why they felt the need to highlight the kind of house and cars these men drive. I thought it was different that when they were filming the men getting together at the "Man Cave" to fellowship, they felt the need to highlight these men getting out of their newly detailed vehicles and then McClendon comes up with his "assistant". If nothing else, this show has given me some things to think about.
I was okay with Bishop McClendon showing up with his son (assistant) I'm sure he wants him to see what all he goes through. Also, I'm okay with you having people there as your bodyguards but he should be able to flow by himself if need be.
Did Jesus or the apostles have body guards? Did someone pay them for the word or for REAL healing? If so, I certainly haven't seen it.
I mean bodyguards when out speaking and not at the "man cave." I did think it was odd that all the men showed up by themselves and then Bishop McClendon comes with his son and someone else. I'm okay with his son being there because I'm sure he wants him to follow in his footsteps. I'm not sure who the second person was that was with him though, looked like he was carrying McClendon's clothes or something.
I thought Bishop McClendon came with two people, but I wasn't sure. I didn't know that one of them was his son. No problem with that, but the other person who was there carrying what looked to be a garment bag...seemed like he was part of his "entourage".
The person carrying the garment bag is his son, he did say that he had another function after he left the man cave, I doubt Deitrick was referring to that one occasion as far as an entourage goes, it sounds like he may have also been speaking of a personal encounter...though hypercritical he is right, what about people who cant afford him, Bishop McClendon made it clear that if his entourage couldn't come then he wasn't coming, after all he needs them to flow in the holy spirit
I mean bodyguards when out speaking and not at the "man cave." I did think it was odd that all the men showed up by themselves and then Bishop McClendon comes with his son and someone else. I'm okay with his son being there because I'm sure he wants him to follow in his footsteps. I'm not sure who the second person was that was with him though, looked like he was carrying McClendon's clothes or something.

Hi. My comment wasn't in response to you, my apologies if it seemed to be :) I was simply commenting on the lack of Christ like behavior these men exhibit when compared to the men of God in the Bible.
These guys are definitely all in the basement and their wives don't seem to care. Also I'm disgusted by the display of wealth. The offerings given to the church is not to be used to purchase Bentleys, and mini mansions. It's for outreach purposes. I refuse to watch another episode of this nonsense.
These guys are definitely all in the basement and their wives don't seem to care. Also I'm disgusted by the display of wealth. The offerings given to the church is not to be used to purchase Bentleys, and mini mansions. It's for outreach purposes. I refuse to watch another episode of this nonsense.

I was a member at Noel Jones and McClendon's churches. For that reason alone I can't watch this show. Brings back some of the confusion of the mess that took place at one of the churches in particular. It's hurtful in a way. Anyway, came to say that McClendon said the Bentley was given to him. I don't think he used tithe/offering money for it. His ministry/church has not been the same since his huge scandal. He's an anointed and gifted preacher, but we all know that God gives us gifts regardless of how we choose to use them.
I also have to comment that these pastors don't realize the effects their actions have. It's not about them being able to do what they want. They're shepherds over flocks (supposedly). Their actions sting, hurt, burn, leave people wandering and lost. I saw so many of my friends and people I know who left McClendon's church and never found stability after that - some never and others it took a long time. Church hurt is different. It's a deep, soul hurt.
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I kept trying to figure out if he was serious and then I was like, "Of course he is...why wouldn't he be?" The saddest part is that he sees absolutely nothing wrong with what he said. I'm like, "You can't preach the word of God unless the church pays for you AND your entourage. Really??????"

I thought it was funny that he was correcting him, but like you said, he was right.

I don't understand why they felt the need to highlight the kind of house and cars these men drive. I thought it was different that when they were filming the men getting together at the "Man Cave" to fellowship, they felt the need to highlight these men getting out of their newly detailed vehicles and then McClendon comes up with his "assistant". If nothing else, this show has given me some things to think about.

I love that the types of houses and cars are shown. While I agree that the pastor should indeed live with privilege, a house in Bel Aire & Playa del Rey with your daily choice of Porche or Bentley is way too much, even for Los Angeles. Especially when the vast majority of the people you "serve" are nowhere near living like that. Not even the celebrities and other known faces.

Let everybody see with their own two eyes how they're living. Let their eyes be opened to whats really going on.
Oh my...

SMH :sad:

The person carrying the garment bag is his son, he did say that he had another function after he left the man cave, I doubt Deitrick was referring to that one occasion as far as an entourage goes, it sounds like he may have also been speaking of a personal encounter...though hypercritical he is right, what about people who cant afford him, Bishop McClendon made it clear that if his entourage couldn't come then he wasn't coming, after all he needs them to flow in the holy spirit
I also have to comment that these pastors don't realize the effects their actions have. It's not about them being able to do what they want. They're shepherds over flocks (supposedly). Their actions sting, hurt, burn, leave people wandering and lost. I saw so many of my friends and people I know who left McClendon's church and never found stability after that - some never and others it took a long time. Church hurt is different. It's a deep, soul hurt.

i have to agree with you here. it's like they don't seem to care about the part of their job that is to watch over the souls of the sheep; mind, will, and emotions. is it more important for your life to lead me to Christ, or for me to know you're just a man? this is why it's a soul hurt, because the hurt they cause is to the very thing they should be watching over.

hebrews 13:17 obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
i watched the first episode and I still love me some Deitrick, I think he is a man of God and after watching the show. He confirmed my belief. i watched it on demand, totally not into the other pastors especially McClendon sorry if I misspelled it, he was not walking in the light by no means. He is very disrespectful and rude. He is also all about the money. Like Deitrick said God gave you a word and you go where you are needed point blank period.

But I do not believe in the HYPE, I actually do not clap in church at all, don't need the hype to be filled up with the holy spirit, I don't think music will get you there.
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I posted some old stuff about McClendon, I didn't know it as so many years old so thought I would delete it. He is a horrible man and folks should beware of him completely.
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hebrews 13:17 obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

This is exactly why I don't want everyone praying for me, My God and their God might not be the same, I want to know the person very well before I will allow them to pray for me.
I saw about 30 minutes. They are so self centered it hurt to watch. God will deal with those that do not glorify Him. It's no biggie really. My Lord will raise another.
Thank you for validating my thoughts ladies. I haven't even seen a show, but was wary of it when I saw the adverts. I predict it will all end badly.
i watched the first episode and I still love me some Deitrick, I think he is a man of God and after watching the show. He confirmed my belief. i watched it on demand, totally not into the other pastors especially McClendon sorry if I misspelled it, he was not walking in the light by no means. He is very disrespectful and rude. He is also all about the money. Like Deitrick said God gave you a word and you go where you are needed point blank period.

But I do not believe in the HYPE, I actually do not clap in church at all, don't need the hype to be filled up with the holy spirit, I don't think music will get you there.

I have not watched the show and have no plans to watch but that's me... Now, I do not know how true it is but I'm confused by Deitrick especially. He allegedly made a statement to the effect that preachers need to 'be real' and not fake but he and his former wife both committed adultery. She first supposedly but what difference does that make? Then he starts sleeping with the praise and worship team leader who becomes pregnant. They live together for two years and got married this summer and he wants to point fingers:ohwell::nono:. So, we all fall short but repent and keep your mouth shut unless you are trying to edify someone or led to share. Finger pointing? Common dude...:perplexed
I have not watched the show and have no plans to watch but that's me... Now, I do not know how true it is but I'm confused by Deitrick especially. He allegedly made a statement to the effect that preachers need to 'be real' and not fake but he and his former wife both committed adultery. She first supposedly but what difference does that make? Then he starts sleeping with the praise and worship team leader who becomes pregnant. They live together for two years and got married this summer and he wants to point fingers:ohwell::nono:. So, we all fall short but repent and keep your mouth shut unless you are trying to edify someone or led to share. Finger pointing? Common dude...:perplexed

I don't' agree at all, I believe we are all human and we all have our limits of endurance, He said he was devastated by his wife behavior and this person was someone who comforted him, and he being a man and being weak in the flesh let it go further, not that it couldn't have gone further at any other time. He was out in the open with it, He stepped down from the pulpit for a year. He regroup and he married the woman. They didn't live together and he was waiting for the completion of the divorce and also for some time to past before they were married. So hey look I sin all the time, I am trying my best to walk in the light but sometimes folks upset me so much, (my fault of course) I forget where I am going for moment or two, its just that I am not a minister and so not under a magnifying glass as most of us aren't either. He repented of his sins and he was open about it all. Also I didn't see where he was judging anyone, I heard him speaking about going where your needed, He seem to be on point spiritually speaking and not talking about someone's personal sin. I really like Dietrick, I think he believes that his way of serving God is the right way and I believe he believes it wholeheartly. I don't follow him, but when I hear him speaking he seems to always bless me with a word. of course I am not a follower of his because I am more of a person that likes a teaching pastor and so I am a heavy note taker and really can't go with pastor that preach a message and not go scripture by scripture.

I will probably watch the show from time to time, but he is the only pastor I am interested in hearing. I do not like the other pastor who has to carry his weapon in his old neighborhood, what kind of crap is that, then to embarrass his old friends, that was some kind of foolery to me, I didn't like it or his story or anything he had to say.
This is what bothers me:

What are the 'fallen' so-called pastors the ones always in the limelight and allowed to be given false and mocking representations of our Faith and our Lord?

When do we support the Pastors who when faced with Temptation, did as Joseph... they turned and ran into the arms of God, instead. They yielded not to temptation. They chose to live and to present the true 'Virtues of Jesus Christ'.

All of these 'weak fall outs' exclaiming and proclaiming "I'm just a man"... or "This is my human side" is sinking sand. It literally gives more yield for folks to 'fail' on purpose because after all: "Dietrick fell and now he's back up again.'

Is this the best we have to offer unto Jesus. Men who keep falling. Why is Dietrick hanging out with these other 'Faller Ballers'? Why associate himself with such. Does not the Word say not to? Indeed it does.

Why are we allowing them to teach people that they do not have to 'strengthen' their souls and to 'buffet their flesh' to keep from falling. God's Word is clear -

"Resist the devil and he WILL flee from you..."

I have 'Had It!'. I mean it. I have absolutely 'Had It'! I am fed up to my hairline with these 'fallen crackheads' who think they still belong as leaders in the Church.

Is it any small wonder at all, why we have so many problems in families, marriages, personal finances, and community structure, let alone society? Is it truly any wonder? Where is the backbone to stand straight and to walk the straight and narrow path for the sake of the Gospel? Where is it?

All we see is a bunch of 'fallen misfits' who didn't have the integrity to keep their pants zipped and their buldges in check. Do folks really expect the Believers who are sold out to God, to fall for this mess of madness and sin?

Do folks really think that this is what the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about?

I have news for them. It's not!

There are men and women in this earth by the millions who love God and have NEVER Fallen! They have NEVER yielded to temptation and they have no intention of even thinking in that direction.

I do not want to hear nor see anymore excuses. I do not care about the worn out toilet excuses that 'he was in a weakened state'. Or, 'He fell but has repented and is now back in God's grace'. No they're not. For if they were, they would not be in the pulpit. They would have humbled themselves as unworthy leaders and would have chosen to sit down and to remain seated until Jesus comes.

I'm not having this mess as representative of the Lord and Saviour that I love and serve. I'm not and neither is the Lord.

I have more than enough scripture to back this up.

I'm fed up with the mess. It's time to get rid of the toilets that these failures are standing upon as Altars and put up the True and Pure Altars of the Lord.