Party Foul w/ Pic (Whats Your Embarrasing Hair Moment?)


Active Member
i love my phony afro pony! it is my favorite protective style for my hair because it blends so well. So since it blends so well i NEVER tell anyone its fake lol...even my boyfriend (of about a year)

okkkkkk soooooo my boyfriend and I were play figthing which started to lead into us....:yep: well ya know lol

and i guess from the play fighting it loosened my phony pony n the afro puff was straight hanging there! :blush: he was like "what is that!" he was so clueless so his face was in complete shocked!

ahhhh so embarrasingg lol
i ended up having to confess lol :lachen:

My phony pony! It blends sooo well you can hardly tell the difference :grin:


Whats your embarrasing hair moment?
awwwww :lachen: lol!!! that does sound embarrassing, especially since its ur bf

but yeah WOW! I wouldve thought that was your real hair! It blends perfectly. :yep:

My embarassing story:

I was among some non-black friends of mine. I made a joke and one of the girls thought it was funny. Then she said "You're so silly" and patted my head in a sort of affectionate way. Problem is...I was wearing a full head weave. It looked very real. But after feeling the bumps from patting my head she was like "WHAT's WRONG WITH YOUR HEAD?" She was genuinely shocked, and made the face like WTH??? (probably same face as your bf :lol:) Everyone in the room looked scared :lachen:
I explained I have braids underneath and its a weave, it took her a while to recover hahaha. Glad that's behind me.
Girllll... My phony pony puff came off while I was on the inner tube river ride at an amusement park (King's Dominion). It just came off and started floating down the river...Some friendly riders started trying to help us catch it. :lol: They got it and tossed it back to us. I felt all types of-->:blush::blush:

I'll NEVER wear detachable hair to a water park again. :lachen:
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My phony puff flew off during step practice. I'm glad that didn't happen during a performance!
Duringy honeymoon I wore a long curly phony pony some days. Of course my dumb arse goes swimming with it. A big wave came an knocked it right off my head!

Good thing DH was already versed in phony ponies...
I went to someone's house warming/fight party and of course the bachelor pad couldn't be a bachelor's pad without a stripper pole. I couldn't resist jumping on the pole. I did it once and surprisingly made it down with no broken bones. Well a big troll kept insisting I do it again, and of course I took the bait. My 2nd attempt ended with the pole landing on my head, me on the floor, busted lip, and the fake hair I used to stuff my hump/pompadour somewhere among my giggling audience. Best part was when this guy goes up to my cousin with the rolled-up fake hair in hand and goes I think your cousin dropped this!:blush: Lol, I could laugh now but boy was I smh then. I'll leave that "pole exercising" to the pros.:lachen:
I was at basketball practice and I had a sock bun in (bad idea). I got fouled hit the court so hard my sock fall off & everyone including the coach laughed at me & they still remind me of my sock that they thought was my hair lol.
I was in Panama chillin on the beach with my protective LF wig. Now I was using the bobby pin method to pin it down and on top of that I had the whole front to the wig french braided across the front into my real hair.

So I wanted to take a dip in the sea. The waves looked a bit rougher than usual, but I had been in the ocean with my wig before, no problem. Plus I had two lines of defense. If my 50-11 bobby pins failed me, then my french braid would have saved me…. right?

WRONG!!! One big a$s wave came in and whipped that thing around so much I couldn't even try to put it back on. It was mangled and warped. I could just imagine the sight of the only black girl on the beach being so brazen as to go in surfing water with a wig, only to run right back out with her cornrows blowing in the wind, hanging on to her chinese yaki on the top of her head for dear life. That run to the bathroom was the longest walk/ run ever. A few feet turned into a mile.

The funny part is, for the most part the french braid was still in tact, the rest of the thing was just so twisted that I couldn't get it back on.
I was in Panama chillin on the beach with my protective LF wig. Now I was using the bobby pin method to pin it down and on top of that I had the whole front to the wig french braided across the front into my real hair.

So I wanted to take a dip in the sea. The waves looked a bit rougher than usual, but I had been in the ocean with my wig before, no problem. Plus I had two lines of defense. If my 50-11 bobby pins failed me, then my french braid would have saved me…. right?

WRONG!!! One big a$s wave came in and whipped that thing around so much I couldn't even try to put it back on. It was mangled and warped. I could just imagine the sight of the only black girl on the beach being so brazen as to go in surfing water with a wig, only to run right back out with her cornrows blowing in the wind, hanging on to her chinese yaki on the top of her head for dear life. That run to the bathroom was the longest walk/ run ever. A few feet turned into a mile.

The funny part is, for the most part the french braid was still in tact, the rest of the thing was just so twisted that I couldn't get it back on.

I can't brevvvvv......:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
i love my phony afro pony! it is my favorite protective style for my hair because it blends so well. So since it blends so well i NEVER tell anyone its fake lol...even my boyfriend (of about a year)

okkkkkk soooooo my boyfriend and I were play figthing which started to lead into us....:yep: well ya know lol

and i guess from the play fighting it loosened my phony pony n the afro puff was straight hanging there! :blush: he was like "what is that!" he was so clueless so his face was in complete shocked!

ahhhh so embarrasingg lol
i ended up having to confess lol :lachen:

My phony pony! It blends sooo well you can hardly tell the difference :grin:


Whats your embarrasing hair moment?

I have one of those!! I keep silent too.... Ahahhaha@story!
well, this isn;t as embarrassing as the others, but...

i went shopping one day, but i ddnt feel like doing my hair, so i left it in my usual dookie plaits and put a knitted cap on. i guess the cap came off while i was taking off a shirt or something, b/c i ended up paying for my clothes, browsing the store some more, and going back OUTSIDE w/ my dookie plats just out and in full effect. my hair was short at the time, so it wasnt like i had a lil hangtime w/ it, they were just sticking out, looking crazy. i didnt notice until i ran into a guy i knew, and he was like "i like your hair *strong side eye*" i ran back to that store so FAST! the fitting room girl had it sitting there waiting for me when i came in, and she was cracking up laughing at me.
Cheap phony pony i had i cant even remember where i got it from but it was already reaaaaaaal thin fell off during gym...i was 12 already being bullied and in grade 7, fml.
Just last night i got dress real fast to grab a calling card from the corner store. I already had on my satin cap and since time was running out on me i couldn't bother to pull on the wig......i decided to pull the hood of my coat over the satin cap instead, BIG MISTAKE. A s i stepped out and made my way across the street, right in the middle of the street i felt a cool breeze atop my head....the breeze blew off the hood of my coat and my satin cap which looked like a baggie on my head was out and wild. I quickly pulled the hood on my head:perplexed looking around to see if anyone else noticed:look:......Worst of all the color is white so u know no one could miss that. I got to the corner store and back home like the speed of a bullet!
I had been transitioning for about 3 months and I couldn't handle my new growth. If I was going somewhere, I needed to prepare hours in advance just to look semi-descent. One night, my boyfriend at the time wanted to see me out of the blue. I tried to put my real hair in a ponytail or a bun, but it just wasn't working. So I decided to wrap a weave ponytail around my bun, but I could only find 3 bobby pins. I put one at the beginning of the track, one in the middle and one on the end. Later on in the night we started...:grin: and I could feel it slipping off. I tried to no avail to push those bobby pins back in, but I couldn't even find them. Eventually, he saw that it had came off, so I had to play like I wasn't embarrassed and snatch it off completely.....I'm still trying to get over that one. :lachen:
I had recently shaved off all my hair but wasn't quit comfty yet rocking the bald look outdoors, so I was rocking a short wig. Since I had no hair, I had no way to secure the wig, it was basically just there. One evening the hubby, ds1 and I went to the soccer field on the nearby college campus to kick around the soccer ball around. Well...out of no where the sprinklers come on and we all make a run for it. My dumba$$ runs right past one, which shoots the wig clear off my head. Oh how my family laughed at me. To make matters worse, the soccer field was right next to the basketball court, which you know was filled with men. Luckily evening turned in to night, and I don't THINK anyone on the court saw. However, we still had to walk past the court to get back to our car and I was wearing my wet cold wig as we strolled back across the court. Yeah, I can laugh now.

I had recently shaved off all my hair but wasn't quit comfty yet rocking the bald look outdoors, so I was rocking a short wig. Since I had no hair, I had no way to secure the wig, it was basically just there. One evening the hubby, ds1 and I went to the soccer field on the nearby college campus to kick around the soccer ball around. Well...out of no where the sprinklers come on and we all make a run for it. My dumba$$ runs right past one, which shoots the wig clear off my head. Oh how my family laughed at me. To make matters worse, the soccer field was right next to the basketball court, which you know was filled with men. Luckily evening turned in to night, and I don't THINK anyone on the court saw. However, we still had to walk past the court to get back to our car and I was wearing my wet cold wig as we strolled back across the court. Yeah, I can laugh now.
I was in Panama chillin on the beach with my protective LF wig. Now I was using the bobby pin method to pin it down and on top of that I had the whole front to the wig french braided across the front into my real hair.

So I wanted to take a dip in the sea. The waves looked a bit rougher than usual, but I had been in the ocean with my wig before, no problem. Plus I had two lines of defense. If my 50-11 bobby pins failed me, then my french braid would have saved me…. right?

WRONG!!! One big a$s wave came in and whipped that thing around so much I couldn't even try to put it back on. It was mangled and warped. I could just imagine the sight of the only black girl on the beach being so brazen as to go in surfing water with a wig, only to run right back out with her cornrows blowing in the wind, hanging on to her chinese yaki on the top of her head for dear life. That run to the bathroom was the longest walk/ run ever. A few feet turned into a mile.

The funny part is, for the most part the french braid was still in tact, the rest of the thing was just so twisted that I couldn't get it back on.


Sent from my Sony Xperia Arc
Both of these revolve around a batch of bad wefts I bought, but refuse to take it out just yet because it cost too much....

It's my first time using a lace closure. I couldn't get it on right so I just decided to leave the front open ant tuck the lace under. Well I took off my hat and went to eat. AFTER we finished eating my coworker (male) told me my brown weave was sticking out from under my black weave. Confused I look in the mirror and it was the lace :(

I've been wearing the hear in braids and only taking it down when I need to go to eat. I go to the restroom to unbraid and fix it. The hair acts better when it's wet. So I wet it up as usual and head to the cafeteria which is about 100 yards away. Well it's colder than I had thought (It's -2 degrees). When I got inside I looked in the mirror and all the weave hair was crunchy and frozen! I wanted to die.
These are so funny!!! Lololol! I wear a wig sometimes and I pray that this never, ever happens to me.

Sent from my SCH-R915 using SCH-R915
A few weeks ago I was off work at home chillaxing and decided to DC my hair. I DC'd and realized I needed to run to Target and grab a bite to eat. So I rinse my hair out, twist in a couple of crazy looking 2 strands and throw on a beanie. I could only find 1 bobby pin on my dresser so I said whatev and pinned one side of the beanie down with the twists tucked under and a little bit of my hair showing around the front.

I go to Target and stop by the Pharmacy and ask for a refill on my RX and go shop while they get it ready. I'm walking around the store and keep feeling something brush against my face. I reach up and my beanie is DANGLING off the side of my head held up by one bobby pin above my ear with my jacked up twists all over the place. I was just strutting through Tarjay looked unkempt and disheveled as ever and not ONE person stopped me. :nono:
Girllll... My phony pony puff came off while I was on the inner tube river ride at an amusement park (King's Dominion). It just came off and started floating down the river...Some friendly riders started trying to help us catch it. :lol: They got it and tossed it back to us. I felt all types of-->:blush::blush:

I'll NEVER wear detachable hair to a water park again. :lachen:


Good thing you got it back. Did you blow-dry it and wear it the next day? :lol:
A few weeks ago I was off work at home chillaxing and decided to DC my hair. I DC'd and realized I needed to run to Target and grab a bite to eat. So I rinse my hair out, twist in a couple of crazy looking 2 strands and throw on a beanie. I could only find 1 bobby pin on my dresser so I said whatev and pinned one side of the beanie down with the twists tucked under and a little bit of my hair showing around the front.

I go to Target and stop by the Pharmacy and ask for a refill on my RX and go shop while they get it ready. I'm walking around the store and keep feeling something brush against my face. I reach up and my beanie is DANGLING off the side of my head held up by one bobby pin above my ear with my jacked up twists all over the place. I was just strutting through Tarjay looked unkempt and disheveled as ever and not ONE person stopped me. :nono:

I died a little on the inside...lmao!

Sent from my HTC EVO = TYPO GALORE!
YYYEEEAAARRSSS ago before I knew of LHCF and back in 04 when I was in high school playing around with hair styles. I figured I could rock a wig for a while and see how I like it. I had never worn one but I was like how hard can it be??
PFFF the boo at the time hated it and was always tugging on it. So we had to make a run to win dixie and were over near the fruit area( mid day full of people mind you ) and he wants to start trying to tickle me. I'm like this is not the time or the place. But since he was trying to get in my good graces he tried again while I was standing behind the flower counter where they were doing a demonstration. He hits my one and only ticklish spot and he wraps his arms around me and as I buckle over the wig goes flying to the middle of circle of people.....long A%% awkward moment before I decided to laugh it off pick it up off the floor and leave the store without purchasing anything. Till this day I hate when he mentions it! But I can still laugh about it