Party Foul w/ Pic (Whats Your Embarrasing Hair Moment?)

Got a new one, unfortunately.

On New Years Day I big chopped (yay!). I'm in the HYH challenge and didn't want to do wash and gos because it's cold in NYC. I also wanted to DC. So I put a baggy on under a lacefront wig, then put the wig in a ponytail and go to work.

The whole shift everyone is complimenting me on my hair. Then I get into a fight at work (I'm a police officer), but the wig stays right in place. :) I get to the hospital to get checked out and the doctor tells me I have to basically strip. My female coworker escort decided not to leave the room (major sideeye for that) and as I'm taking off my turtleneck, off comes the wig! The baggy stayed put though. I'm grabbing my head in shock and in walks the doctor and she's looking :perplexed: I then felt the need to explain that I BC'd on New Years lest they think all black woman have no hair :lol:

You would think the coworker would leave the room so I could recombobulate myself, but nope. She stayed right there and watched me put it back on. :look:
I don't have one that I can think right off hand but, my mother told me of one ( I think when she in college) where she went to Six Flags on a roller coaster that had loops. She had pins too but once she hit those loops that wig was on the ground. I could only imagine that head as I know my mother used to plait her hair underneath her wigs.
Was doing the do with my BF at the time. I had on a curly half wig that he thought was a weave. I had sewn wig clips into the wig around the sides for added security.

Well, my BF was behind me in a certain "position" ahem ahem and he reached and pulled the crown of my hair and it must have stretched a good 6 inches from my scalp but didn't come off. I know he had to wonder what the heck was going on there. He probably thought I had a rubber scalp to stretch out like that LOL.

Uggh! I was so mad because it seems like the only time he ever pulled my hair was when I had on a half wig. Never when it was just my own hair. I just don't understand that. :perplexed
Maaan, these stories are TOO FUNNY!!!

Girrrrl, the one of the 1st times I'd styled and wore my sisterlocked (with 60% permed ends) loose. I thought I looked HAWT, and went and got an ID made....... That ID, (I mean my hair in that ID) looked a H.A.M. I wish I could have seen the look on my confident face when they handed me my ID (though I did feel my jaw hit the floor)

So I totaly relate to this post.
:lol: omg hahahaha. My hair moment?? When I thought I looked like this:


But I really looked like this:


Don't ask. :lachen:
New Years Eve 2010, my boyfriend and I decided to spend it at his house.
I had on a fake pony.
It was cute and looked real.
I didn't wear them that often, and I didn't really know how to make them secure without the bobby pins hurting my head.
It hurt so bad, but I couldn't take it off because he didn't know.
Well....I got a little too tipsy and had had enough.
I decided to just take it off myself and fling it across the room.
His face was like :blush:
I realized what I did and was so embarrassed.