Part 2 - SHS is now threatening to SUE ME!!!

she may not be attempting to sue or counter sue. she may just want to speak through her attorney to you. she probably has an attorney since she owns a business. she's probably scarred and an attorney would know legal jargon better. i would see what her attorney says and let the communication be through both lawyers it can be a lot lless messy that way.
Whatever happened to the customer is always right? I highly doubt she consulted a lawyer. She probably just told you that to see if you would back off.
def make sure you have an attorney or someone with abroad knowledge of law and the jargon to speak on your behalf. it can benefit you GREATLY! this is most likely why she has an attorney. any legal dealings or allegations dealing with a business is usually overseen by that business' attorney. she may have already had one before the situation and then contacted him when it took place to see what to do. he may not have wanted her to speak by herself for fear that she would say something wrong. very touchy stuff at this point so watch what you say too. don't get yourself stuck in a weird position. definitely better to at least speak to a lawyer before talking to her or responding to her again in any way. if she has an attorney now every thing that happens from here on out will probably be logged. 'anything you say or do can be used against you in the court of law' which is why her attorney will speak for her.