Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega Tek Challenge

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You are crazy:lachen:I know that's right. I didn't even ask for help. I didn't want them to start asking me questions about horses, what kind of horse is it, how long have you had it. I had my lie ready though. I was gonna say, "Ummm, I'm buying this for a friend who has a horse and I don't know anything about it." :lachen:I was ready for 'em.:grin:

Girly, I went there yesterday! The sales clerk helped me locate the MT, she was very nice so I asked her what does "equine" meant on the bottle. She said well this product is for horses:look:...I said I know...lol. At that point I was like thanks for your help...you can leave now :lachen:bye. I didn't want her in my business...lol. And yes I saw the MTG product line too for the first time!

I'm going to see how the MT reacts to my scalp and hair before I officially join the challenge.
You are crazy:lachen:I know that's right. I didn't even ask for help. I didn't want them to start asking me questions about horses, what kind of horse is it, how long have you had it. I had my lie ready though. I was gonna say, "Ummm, I'm buying this for a friend who has a horse and I don't know anything about it." :lachen:I was ready for 'em.:grin:

:lachen:....:lachen:You are killin me over here...LOL.
hey everyone, has anyone been using MT or OCT for more than 4 months and has gotten consistent results ? Or does the growth taper off ? Or you havent tried it because you dont want your scalp to be used to the product so you switch up ?

Also what colour is MT ?

Thanks in advance
hey everyone, has anyone been using MT or OCT for more than 4 months and has gotten consistent results ? Or does the growth taper off ? Or you havent tried it because you dont want your scalp to be used to the product so you switch up ?

Also what colour is MT ?

Thanks in advance

I think sareca and VWVixxen are the main ones who have been using it for extended periods - most of us just picked this up in March, right?

MT is white, conditioner white.
I saw that.. he also said he hasn't lost any hair (besides normal shedding) in 10 years. If he started balding at 23 he should be completely bald by now. :up:
I think sareca and VWVixxen are the main ones who have been using it for extended periods - most of us just picked this up in March, right?

MT is white, conditioner white.

thanks again Kiya

Listen to Dallas Van Kempen's, president of DC Labs, testimonial on the Ovation website. He said his hair stopped thickening up and improving after a year of use.

So does that mean you are going to use yours continuously without taking breaks ?
i started using MT on sunday. there's no way i could possibly have any growth just after 4 applications?? it hasnt even been a week, why do i feel growth???
So does that mean you are going to use yours continuously without taking breaks ?

Yes, I plan to as long as I can afford to! :yep:

I was using the system daily or every other day, but now that my hair has improved so much, I alternate my Ovation with my Chaz Dean WEN.

Ovation Maximizing System I use 2x per week and the WEN 1-2x per week

WEN has been very good for my hair too...
Girly, I went there yesterday! The sales clerk helped me locate the MT, she was very nice so I asked her what did "equine" meant on the bottle. She said well this product is for horses:look:...I said I know...lol. At that point I was like thanks for your help...you can leave now :lachen:bye. I didn't want her in my business...lol. And yes I saw the MTG product line too for the first time!

I'm going to see how the MT reacts to my scalp and hair before I officially join the challenge.

Tell me why did this make me die laughing!!:lachen:
Ok ladies,

Today makes 3weeks of using MT (scalp only nightly -only after applying a leave in to my entire hair) and the ng is attacking my scalp :lachen:.
I was already 10 wks post when I started but I was in total control of my hair, seriously. I was even thinking that I would do an indefinite stretch until , whenever. Well, oh no, I won't be stretching indefinitely- I will definitely be relaxing in 2 weeks!!!! My ng is soft yet strangely enough it is out of control- I don't know how to explain the situation :perplexed.

Anyway, I used the home grown steam treatment and the Redken real control mask this evening and followed with a rollerset and I am loving my hair today- the thickness is incredible!!! Not sure about the length because the ng is so unpredictable. After my relaxer on the 15th, I will post pics and I just can't wait :grin:.
i started using MT on sunday. there's no way i could possibly have any growth just after 4 applications?? it hasnt even been a week, why do i feel growth???

Because you are getting growth- perhaps 1/4 inch a week :grin:!! Congrats

Yes, I plan to as long as I can afford to! :yep:

I was using the system daily or every other day, but now that my hair has improved so much, I alternate my Ovation with my Chaz Dean WEN.

Ovation Maximizing System I use 2x per week and the WEN 1-2x per week

WEN has been very good for my hair too...

Good for you, JN!! Isn't it great when we know what works for our hair :grin:!!!
I started using MT, concentrating mostly on my nape. This is no lie, within a few hours, my scalp started itching!:yep: I really hope this works! I haven't noticed any shedding because I shampoo with Garlic Shampoo, then CON (green and white). I'm thinking about getting the garlic capsules as well.
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I started using MT, concentrating mostly on my nape. This is no lie, within a few hours, my scalp started itching!:yep: I really hope this works! I haven't noticed any shedding because I shampoo with Garlic Shampoo, then CON (green and white). I'm thinking about getting the garlic capsules as well.

I use the same poo regimen - 2x a week since using the MT and I have minimal shedding :yep:.

Yup, the itchies will sneak up on you like- BAM!!! :lachen:
My ng is sooo thick. My hair is soft yes, but parting is crazy. I have to immediately apply MT after co-washing.
Whoa....no posts tonight. Where's everybody? Anyhoo, I will not be putting my MT on tonight because I just DC'ed my hair and I haven't yet washed it out and probably will not coz I'm too tired now anyway. So I'll talk to you ladies tomorrow.
My hair is actually still wet from last nights overnight DC - I just parted it and put it in smaller flat twists, so it will dry, then I'll most likely MT before I go to bed tonight - it sucks that I skipped last night as it is.
My hair is actually still wet from last nights overnight DC - I just parted it and put it in smaller flat twists, so it will dry, then I'll most likely MT before I go to bed tonight - it sucks that I skipped last night as it is.

Oh no JK, you can't skip 2 nights in a row:nono:.
I'm here, ladies. I'm getting ready to massage my scalp now....ahhhhh!

Love OCT and MT....the stuff is the truth!

Keep it growing, ladies!
Ok ladies,

Today makes 3weeks of using MT (scalp only nightly -only after applying a leave in to my entire hair) and the ng is attacking my scalp :lachen:.
I was already 10 wks post when I started but I was in total control of my hair, seriously. I was even thinking that I would do an indefinite stretch until , whenever. Well, oh no, I won't be stretching indefinitely- I will definitely be relaxing in 2 weeks!!!! My ng is soft yet strangely enough it is out of control- I don't know how to explain the situation :perplexed.

Anyway, I used the home grown steam treatment and the Redken real control mask this evening and followed with a rollerset and I am loving my hair today- the thickness is incredible!!! Not sure about the length because the ng is so unpredictable. After my relaxer on the 15th, I will post pics and I just can't wait :grin:.
I am so happy this is working for you, just like I told Tsmith, sometimes I think its better when you wait untill you are into the stretch, cause the ng quickly gets outta control.
I am so happy this is working for you, just like I told Tsmith, sometimes I think its better when you wait untill you are into the stretch, cause the ng quickly gets outta control.

It really does!!! It is so interesting to see how the thickness increases, SS. How is your MT journey coming along?
I am so happy this is working for you, just like I told Tsmith, sometimes I think its better when you wait untill you are into the stretch, cause the ng quickly gets outta control.

so so true. I have a TWA coming up. I cant get my
touch up until next weekend. I am going to keep putting it on though.
I just received my Eqyss Avocado Mist. Man does it smell gooooooooOOOOd. I soaked my hair down and put more cell rebuilder on my scalp. I'll probably wash my hair tomorrow after I get up *cough*late*cough, cough*. So far though, my hair is so moist and smooth. I do think I put too much vitamin e and castor oil in the mixture though. When I make my next batch, I'm going to consult the mixture thread.

I'm just checking in for now. Thanks ladies! :yahoo:
Hi ladies newbie here, I started my MT 2days ago.Everythings fine so far,I hope I have the growth you ladies are receiving, I have neck length hair and also thin,If the MT dont do nothing else I hope it thicken it up for me.
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