Our Engagement Story...


Active Member
Hey Ladies,
Here is our engagement story from my side (his side is on our wedding website):​

Clyde and I always do fun, adventurous and exciting things. We love to travel, ride roller coasters and partake in fine dining experiences at upscale restaurants. So when Clyde said that we were going for a helicopter ride I was excited about another adventure. We were going to do this on a Sunday, because he said that the airport just so happened to have an opening and called him at the last minute. (He had been inquiring because he wanted to take me for a hot air balloon ride for my birthday, but the weather did not permit.) So I went to church and left early to meet him at the airport. Well, we met there and our pilot greeted us and explained everything to us. We would be flying over Buckhead, Atlanta, Tucker, Stone Mountain and Decatur.​

Fast forward and we are in the air and for the first 5-10 minutes my nerves are horrible, but as I continued to say little prayers of protection and peace, my nervousness subsided. We had on headsets and could speak to each other. As we were flying over Buckhead and I was taking it all in and loving it, Clyde says to me, "Baby, I love you." I responded, " I love you too, but baby LOOK AT THIS!" I was trying to get him to lean over my way and see the breathtaking view that I had. He then said, "Angela, I really love you" and I said "Baby, I love you more." He then stated as I was turning to look at him, "I love you more. " Then when I turned to look at him, he was holding the most beautiful, clear, sparkling diamond ring. (Did I say how SPARKLY "she" was?!) He then asked, "Baby, will you marry me?" I was so caught off guard, that I did not answer immediately. I paused and then said "Of course I will marry you" then I was thinking to myself, you are supposed to say yes. "So I then said, "YES!" Literally, we were on cloud 9. It was such a thoughtful, perfect proposal. He is so awesome and I am so blessed that we have one another. God is good!! If you want to see and learn more, here is our wedding website: http://corbinwedding09.com

Peace and Blessings.
I just love engagement stories. Your FH is a great planner and it's obvious that he's in tune with what makes you happy. I'm sure you two will be very happy together. Congratulations!!

Thanks so much for sharing.
Congratulations and God's blessing to your union.

Question>> pics on wedding website. Is that you hair flowing like that or is it a wig? Either way its nice.
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing your story! You guys are so gorgeous and your proposal and first meeting stories are sooooo romantic :spinning:

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and many blessings

What a beautiful story. I love your pictures--you two are a very handsome couple.

I wish you a very beautiful wedding....Thanks so much for sharing!!
Congratulations!!!! I took a look at your website & wedding blog. Your engagement photo shoot looked amazing.

I too had a crazy gown search and in the end chose a gorgeous Maggie Sottero design.

Please remember to take some time out with your groom to simply look around on your wedding day and take it all in. Maybe even take a look at your reception set up before the let the guests in....and take a photo or two on the dance floor. The day goes by VERY fast.
Beautiful web site
Beautiful couple
Young love is such a beautiful thing.....
I love he verse that you choose: I found the one my soul loves.

Very happy for the both of you...
love the website, photos and the blog...you can really feel the love emanating from you guys!! Thanx for sharing the energy it feels great! The best to both of you you fit great together!
Shoot, who said Publix had the best goods? Nah, honey, you proved them wrong with Krogers. Congrats!

What an awesome story! Your website, blog and engagement photos are gorgeous.

You too are truly blessed and I wish you a happy marriage.

Love it!

This needs to be on tv, for sure!