Online Dating--- Please Be Safe And Careful!!


Well-Known Member
Ladies please stay safe out there with the online meeting and dating these men. I'm not knocking any woman that has met there SO or Husband and have had great success with it.

I just deleted Tinder. And I've tried the online dating several times over the years out of frustration of not meeting anyone and I've never had great experiences and always ended up meeting someone that was off. I'm not trying to scare anyone from meeting their one true love and I still have girlfriends that are meeting men online and I tell them the same to please be careful!

I just heard this story on tv:

And also in ATL another woman was robbed when she met someone on Tinder and went to his apartment--Yes I know I'm thinking why did she go meet this man at his apartment, but yet and still she was robbed and it could've been ALOT worse.
Oh yes, I heard that story as well. How sad. :( The world can be a crazy place.

Sad to say, you can even meet nut-jobs in your everyday life in person unfortunately. Please always be diligent and cautious.

My friend met a man (in person) who seemed like a "nice guy" back in 2014 and started dating him. I always told her that he had red flags (imo) and her family never really liked him too much.

Unfortunately, she didn't listen to family and friends, and married him last year. The guy is nuts. They haven't been married even a year yet and she's ready for a divorce, that's how abusive he is.

Be careful ladies.....whether online or in person.
Oh wow @Crystalicequeen123 I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully she will make the proper steps and get out.

Every dude I've met has been crazy from online and Thank God for him showing me the red flags and for me catching them before it even went any further.

I had one dude offer me to ride in his car to go down the street to another restaurant. I'm like dude seriously Hell NO. He kept bringing it up and insisting so that was it for me.

I'm like the FBI when it comes to dudes so any thing that I feel isn't right I go with that feeling and don't waste time with making excuses.
Oh wow @Crystalicequeen123 I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully she will make the proper steps and get out.

Every dude I've met has been crazy from online and Thank God for him showing me the red flags and for me catching them before it even went any further.

I had one dude offer me to ride in his car to go down the street to another restaurant. I'm like dude seriously Hell NO. He kept bringing it up and insisting so that was it for me.

I'm like the FBI when it comes to dudes so any thing that I feel isn't right I go with that feeling and don't waste time with making excuses.

Thank you, yes I hope so too. :( She tried giving him several chances (separating, then getting back together), but I think she's just done now. They've been separated for several months now. She's now saying she wants a divorce. It's crazy because she had a ton of guys interested in her that she could have been with.

Yes, if something doesn't "feel right", listen to your gut. Even if you look weird or silly doing it. Better to be looked at as "weird" than dead chopped up somewhere in a trash dump. :ohwell:
This is so true. Ladies if you must absolutely must date on line do a back ground on these guys. At a minimal do a reverse look up search in google of his online pics. That alone may reveal that he's not who he says he is...or maybe that he's using not only multiple sites, but perhaps different names.

Most county web sites are searchable a public search for any criminal history.

Search his screen name and email address. If he has any numbers in the name leave those out of the search. A lot of times people will recycle user names with the year as part of it. Take that off and search.

And last but not least do some type of video chat. You can screen shot his bedroom or back ground for later close ins. But at least you'll know he looks like you thought. But you'll also have a bonafide capture of his likeness...should things go south.
I no longer on line date. But thinking of rejoining one site.
I prefer the organic way of meeting guys.