One year after the big chop, how long was your hair?

3 weeks after the BC


1 year later
First time I did the BC I had about CL and at 1 yr I was APL. My hair grows pretty fast. I just did the BC again back in Sept. to 1.5 inch in the top and shaved in the back and right now I'm close to CL in the front and NL in the back.
I chopped to a fade. At 11 months I have 4 to 5.5 inches all around. My hair touches my shoulders stretched. I fully expect to be collar bone length by July
I BC'ed to a twa after ayr transition. I am currently SL but I have recently gotten a trim that probably took about an inch off and I added layers.
It will be a year in march since I BC'd (i am only now just transitioning but I bc'd to cut the really damaged hair off).

I cut to TWA, ill be almost SL soon :)
I bc to a little over a inch. It will be one year since I chopped on 3/24. At the moment I am a little below collarbone. I plan on doing a trim tonight though because my ends feel rough and I want to try the Moroccan Moon cutting method. For the next year I plan on being more consistent with my vitamins and more deep conditioning:yep: