How did you know you were ready to Big Chop??

I decided to big chop (or in my case big shave) after I had watched enough YouTube videos to get up the courage to do it and stop YT really motivated me to do what I desperately needed to do. Good luck!

Okay, I get you :yep:

When I referred to a "goal length" I didn't mean long-term. I was talking about transitioning until a certain length, like "long enough to make a puff, long enough to make a ponytail, long enough to bun" etc.

Most re-relaxing happens when people didn't transition long enough to be able to wear the styles they enjoy, IMO.
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i was tired of having to relax or else transitioning for me wasnt an option cause my natutal hair is 4c and that dont mix with a relaxed 1

Okay, I get you :yep:

When I referred to a "goal length" I didn't mean long-term. I was talking about transitioning until a certain length, like "long enough to make a puff, long enough to make a ponytail, long enough to bun" etc.

Most re-relaxing happens when people didn't transition long enough to be able to wear the styles they enjoy, IMO.

Well my goal length was just long enough to make into a bun. But I wear wigs 75% of the time so even if I was to big chop earlier than expected I would wear wigs/braids/weaves to get through that "awkward" stage :lol:
I knew I was ready when I had no more attachment to the relaxed hair. I didn't even see the relaxed hair as my hair anymore. It was just a nuisance and keeping me from what I actually wanted. My natural hair was also coming through at full force and made my relaxed hair look so ugly in comparison. I was going to go 18 months but im glad I didn't wait any longer than I did. I got to learn my hair when it was still relatively short. And watching it grow out has been fun. Because of shrinkage I basically got to see what short hair looked on me. I dont even like short hair. But because it was all natural and mine, I was in love with it. I had not only made a physical transition but a mental one as well. And thats how i knew i was ready.

This was me :yep:

I was transitioning for 18 months. April 10 was my 18 month mark. I chopped on March 2nd. I couldnt take the relaxed ends anymore. It got so bad I didn't even want to wash my hair because the curls made me want to chop but I was scared of short hair. :lol:

Chopping was the best thing I ever did. Soooo happy I did. I LOVE my curls :love: and my hair is past shoulder length straightened at 17 months post relaxer. Not as short as I thought.
I never did a Big Chop but I did two mini chops once the 3 textures got on my nerves (relaxed ends, texlaxed middle, natural roots). Detangling was a chore.
cause I was coming to dread washing and DCing my hair cause I couldnt deal with the two textures. So i decided I would rather have no/short hair rather than dry/damaged hair
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I would cowash and realize that my natural roots were smooth and tangle free while my relaxed ends were a pain in the @$$; they would tangle and stick together. It was a simple decision. Instead of spending the next hour detangling and drying my hair, I just took a pair of scissors to it. Lucky I had already bought my shears in anticipation of the day, though I had intentions to transition much longer than I did.
Mostly because I was tired of seeing those limp, stick straight, relaxed ends. And my natural hair just Felt better...softer. At first I tried to chop an inch at a time, but after a while I just didn't like the way my relaxed hair looked in comparison to my natural hair. Chopped it off, and never looked back!

If you have to ask, you're not quite ready :lol:

I haven't chopped yet, because I set a goal of letting my natural hair grow to full BSL/MBL - and I won't reach that goal for another 8 months, or so.

Did you have a goal length in mind when you decided to go natural?

I totally agree! You will know when it's time to chop :grin:

I cut mine when it got to this point.


It was getting to be too much to handle. Washing my hair made it tangle really badly and blow drying was the worst! I wasn't comfortable with the length after chopping so I wore weave until it grew out some more. Bottom line, do whatever will make you feel comfortable!
When it was too stressful trying to come up with hairstyles, trying to detangle, etc. When it was more of a hassle than some strangy relaxed ends were worth.
As others have stated, I just "knew". I no longer second guessed or questioned if I should BC. Each time I did it (3x), I would be in the mirror and the urge to cut and to cut now was strong, so I would do it. Each time, no regrets b/c I did it when there was no longer any doubts.
My hair is two-toned, black and dark brown. I decided to cut it all off when I noticed that my new growth was black and my relaxed ends were brown. The texture was also very different. The new growth was very soft and cottony and the ends were rough and gummy. I also asked myself, 'Why nourish hair that I'm going to cut off?'. There was also the amount of product wasted to take care of that mess. I chopped it off myself a week ago and I'm happy that I did. I have about 1-2 inches of hair. I plan to enjoy myself and protect it by wearing some of the funniest wigs that I can find. You just have to do what works for you.
I big chopped because I was tired of trying to wash my the two textures (natural and texlaxed). Also, my braidouts still looked stringy on the ends. I wanted to be able to twist my hair without it unraveling. I can do that with my natural hair, which is sooooo amazing to me. I remember when I first did the big chop, I couldn't figure out what those little tiny circles of hair were in the sink. I hadn't seen my natural hair in so long, that I didn't even recognize that it coiled.
I'm really glad you started this thread. I'm 8 months into transitioning and the 2 textures is driving me ape ish lol I can't take it anymore. I thought I could do a longer transition but IDK. I really love my NG. So I'm thinking really hard about doing a BC. I'm thinking I should just do it, if I don't like the length I could always get braids.