Naturals how big is your afro??





After a DC


I've never picked it out so I have no idea how big is could be....It always looks bigger to me in person than it does in pics. I know it's getting up there b/c I have issues driving and I have very little peripheal vision I have to use the side mirrors now. :lachen:

For Puffs - if I'm using a scrunci it has to be a GIANT scrunci, so big it can fit around my head, and then I just slide it back - it makes a giant loose puff, and then I can add an headband or scarf in front if I want the ends flat and smooth. Mostly though I use the ouchless flat headbands and cut them along the back seam so I can tie them tighter if need be. T-Shirt scraps make great puff holders too!

I BC'd 7/15/09 after a 17.5 month transition. This is the length stretched:


You and and your fro are georgeous:yep::yep:
A fro is still fro regardless of how big (or small) it is. I gotta a baby fro, but it's growing!! So go ahead and post your fro!! And make sure you pick it out!! Don't be scared, because there's someone's fro that might be smaller than yours and is hestitant to post their pics too!!

I tried last night and I think I did something wrong. I tried picking it out and it looked just off and then I tried to blow it out and it came out straight. :lachen:I think I'll wait until my hair grows more so i can just wear a curly puff.
I tried last night and I think I did something wrong. I tried picking it out and it looked just off and then I tried to blow it out and it came out straight. :lachen:I think I'll wait until my hair grows more so i can just wear a curly puff.

LOL, well I'm so happy your posted your pic!!! And I really love your texture. It's so pretty. And there's no rule that says an afro can't be a curly afro!!! So rock on with your curly puff!!! :drunk:
I can't do Pony's with my natural hair my hair is too thick, my natual hair can only do puffs. I can do pony's if its twisted up braided up or straightened.....I used to feel bad about that but then I was like ummm I have a Diana Ross sized fro.....I have no room to complain:lol:
Depends on what big means to you, but big by my standards......took me about 2.5yrs
No, I was a long-term transitioner but I kinda feel like BCing is the best way to go natural.
It's so big that its starting to hang:lachen: it'll be huge on the sides but its hard for me to get volume on the top anymore:rolleyes: but I'm enjoying it I wanted it this huge so hey *shrugs*

beautiful afro, I am going to check out your site
it's regular sized or small i guess. i actually want shorter hair. but then i also want large hair sometimes. *shrugs* though my desire for a twa comes up more than longer hair.

my fro no longer sticks out unless i let my hair get dryish and then that's scary because it needs moisture. but with proper moisture it looks and hangs like this.

i don't really like my fro anymore. i want shorter hair!!!!!!!!!

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I am feeling this thread!
I don't have the confidence to wear my hear out in it's full fro glory! :wallbash: I used to wear puffs when it was shorter but I'm not quite sure how I feel about it now,tho a few days ago I wore a braid out without pinning up the sides....that was a first and I kinda liked the attention :blush:
I have never picked out my hair before I'm afraid of the damage. My shrunken fro is between 3-4" if I stretch my hair out it flops too much to look like a fro but it's big.
How do you make a poof pony with scrunchies??
I use clips for pony puffs - imagine a big C with long teeth and hooks on each end of the C. They're plastic and don't snag, and don't pull the scalp as much as regular scrunchies used to.

And how long did it take your afro to become big? Did you Big Chop?
It's always been some kinda big, as I have been natural all my life.

How big is your afro?
When I just started my HHJ - Aug 08 (shrinkage in effect):

Low pony puff - Feb 09:

Fluffy fro - Feb/Mar 09:

High pony puff - Apr 09:

This floppy fro (as seen in my siggy) was after hendingo and blowdrying - May 09:

Great thread OP!
Sorry, no recent photos but I think my fro is about 10-12
inches now.

I really jumped in to say that everyone's hair looks fabulous, absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!
How do you make a poof pony with scrunchies??
I use clips for pony puffs - imagine a big C with long teeth and hooks on each end of the C. They're plastic and don't snag, and don't pull the scalp as much as regular scrunchies used to.

And how long did it take your afro to become big? Did you Big Chop?
It's always been some kinda big, as I have been natural all my life.

How big is your afro?
When I just started my HHJ - Aug 08 (shrinkage in effect):

Low pony puff - Feb 09:

Fluffy fro - Feb/Mar 09:

High pony puff - Apr 09:

This floppy fro (as seen in my siggy) was after hendingo and blowdrying - May 09:

Great thread OP!
i am so in love with the low ponytail pic:blush:
And how do you make a poof pony with scrunchies??
Use a big ouchless band.
And how long did it take your afro to become big?
Emm dunno.
Did you Big Chop?
BC in March 09
How big is your afro?
See pics

BC in March - Super thick hair / puff

March Fro

June or July ? Puff

Aug 09

Sept 09

Awesome. When I get my fro' shaped up, I'll start wearing it out and post pics, too!! Now it's curly with a few straight endz. *Kicks rocks*
Aww... :giggle: You're so kind to see growth.

Is it just me or does anyone else think Nonie is a total babe and subsequently in love with her? :ohwell:

I mean, we only see snippets of her face and everything is always FLAWLESS. I've seen her teeth, eyebrows, and skin and I bet her eyes are sexy, too. And then when she posted about body shaping and she appeared in that funny blue bodysuit like she was shooting special effects in the other room? She's got a cute shape, too!

And then she's got the nerve to be witty AND smart.

Come on, Nonie. 'Fess up. You're hot, aren't cha? :poke:
And how do you make a poof pony with scrunchies??
Use a big ouchless band.
And how long did it take your afro to become big?
Emm dunno.
Did you Big Chop?
BC in March 09
How big is your afro?
See pics

BC in March - Super thick hair / puff

March Fro

June or July ? Puff

Aug 09

Sept 09


how did you get your hair in a banana clip?
ive been trying to do this style for a while now..just not happening.
please share.:yep:
How'd you make it so smooth ?

I probably used my boar bristle brush to smooth my hair into the low puff puff I posted.

That said I don't attempt a puff unless my hair has been stretched for a few days (chinee bumped and cornrowed big for bed) and usually has just come out of plaits (no hair added) which I cowash and moisturise regularly. By doing this my hair is moisturised and alot more manageable, easy to manipulate.
And how do you make a poof pony with scrunchies?? whats a poof pony??...:lachen:
And how long did it take your afro to become big? I dont rly think its big
Did you Big Chop? Yup to like maybe 1-2ins of hair
How big is your afro? Dont know

My very first fro, Sorry the pics are big:spinning:

My Afro now- I band(ed) my hair, and then i just combed it out.

Hi MizzBrit,
This is the video that helped me. I couldn't do it either till I saw this. So easy when you think of it. :lachen:Make sur eto share your results.

hmm i actually tried this method but only once when i seen the video and the clip kept poppin loose but maybe i shud try it on stretched my roots will be more straightened out.i love banana clip styles and would be in heaven if i can perfect my hair with one..thanks :drunk:
And how do you make a poof pony with scrunchies?? I can only do puffs (big head with thick hair :lachen:)
And how long did it take your afro to become big? Hmm. As of Sept 7th, I am 1 year post. It's really not that big until I pick it out.

Did you Big Chop? 7 months post

Unmanipulated Fro

Picked Out

I'm not sure how to make them bigger. It's a miracle I even figured out how to post them finally. Lots more in my fotki.