One reason why I'm single!


New Member
So yesterday was the big V day! Yeeeaa :nono:
ugh anywho lol
History: I've been talking to a guy for about two months and we both verbally agreed we would be friends/compainions ( pretty much all the benefits but just tell each other the dealings and outside activity) I got no problem with that.

He calls me over yesterday saying I got something for you, I'm thinking crap I didn't get nothing for you but oh well. Get there he has flowers cute kool. We chill watch a movie....Kissing and our very first time coloring or doing anything past first base lol.......

I had to get back home and study for an am exam so we both got ready to leave and leave. Were standing in the kitchen talking and theres a foyer in the house and he says stand here for a minute.....:ohwell: ugh ok...wth he walks outside....I hear some irate female yelling....I'm thinking his roommates girl....I say the heck with it and walk outside with my flowers...Chick zeros on me and it clicked what was happening :sad:
Me: How are you?
Her: who the hell are you?
Me: his friend and you are??
Her: his girlfriend.....
Me (looking like wtf just happened...and of course my hands hit my hips and I scrunched my face up....) I asked him...So a girlfriend.....Was it so hard in the past two months to tell me that you have a significant other? I'm mean were all adults
Him: Ugh errraaa
Me thought so...It was not nice knowing you, ( now speaking to her) I apologize for the awkwardness, I didn't know about you and I must confess we just had sex....and he licked the my lollipop so I don't recommend you kissing and making up.....But thats for y'all to discuss. I'm not about to immense myself in y'all drama...But I hope y'all the best of luck and I left....

Sooo yea reasons like this is why I'm single...dishonesty lord I don't have time for games!!!

Anybody else have any V- day horror?
Wow, sorry you had to go through that. He should have been honest with you from the beginning.

My horror story was last year when I was stood up because he didn't have enough money for the bus! After that, I said no more ashy Larrys/kangs.

My V-Day yesterday was great!!
Again, that is how Ninja's end up being an episode of "Snapped". He could have told you he had a girl and you could have made an informed decision if you wanted to or not to continue to deal with him.
I must confess we just had sex....and he licked the my lollipop so I don't recommend you kissing and making up.....But thats for y'all to discuss.


Nice of you to give ole girl a heads up on this. (No pun intended)

But on a serious note, I'm sorry that happened to you, but you handled yourself very well. :yep:
...might have to do with the fact that you felt he was worthy of a color session because of flowers.. :ohwell:

anyway glad you told the gf the truth and went on you way.
...might have to do with the fact that you felt he was worthy of a color session because of flowers.. :ohwell:

anyway glad you told the gf the truth and went on you way.

It seems they already agreed to be in an FWB situation so I don't think the flowers had anything to do with it. Correct me if I'm wrong OP.
It seems they already agreed to be in an FWB situation so I don't think the flowers had anything to do with it. Correct me if I'm wrong OP.

that's what i was thinking too until she said it was the first time they had had sex. sucks that this happened, but really deciding to bone a dude under the caveat of "friends with benefits" kind of sets you up for something like this to happen. there's a reason why he only wants to be fwb.
Charz said:
...might have to do with the fact that you felt he was worthy of a color session because of flowers.. :ohwell:

anyway glad you told the gf the truth and went on you way.

:insert Jadakiss laugh here: ahaaaaaa!
that's what i was thinking too until she said it was the first time they had had sex. sucks that this happened, but really deciding to bone a dude under the caveat of "friends with benefits" kind of sets you up for something like this to happen. there's a reason why he only wants to be fwb.

I can't argue that and no I definitely don't think agreeing to be in a FWB situation is beneficial to someone who wants to be a relationship, however, I think the flowers comment by Charz was rude and not the determining factor in OP sleeping with the guy. At least I hope not :ohwell:
actually it wasnt meant to be rude, to be honest I dont know why softcotton is making it into a mean comment. Im not trying to play the OP.

HOWEVER. Im supposed to believe this is merely FWB (not sure where you go this btw) and the first time they finally decide to get to the "benefits" part is on VALENTINE's? after he calls her up with flowers Um No,

meesch you're anti FWB?
i am not anti fwb.

but i get the feeling a lot of chicks go along with fwb when they know it's not what they want because the guy isn't willing to offer anything else. im against that form of fwb. i wouldnt even call that fwb, in fact... :lol:
i am not anti fwb.

but i get the feeling a lot of chicks go along with fwb when they know it's not what they want because the guy isn't willing to offer anything else. im against that form of fwb. i wouldnt even call that fwb, in fact... :lol:

A fwb situtation doesn't truly give a fluck what happens when clothes are on and they are in a vertical position.
i am not anti fwb.

but i get the feeling a lot of chicks go along with fwb when they know it's not what they want because the guy isn't willing to offer anything else. im against that form of fwb. i wouldnt even call that fwb, in fact... :lol:

agreed :yep:
i am not anti fwb.

but i get the feeling a lot of chicks go along with fwb when they know it's not what they want because the guy isn't willing to offer anything else. im against that form of fwb. i wouldnt even call that fwb, in fact... :lol:
I agree and you know OP was heated dropping the lollipop line cause if she just wanted to let the gf know she would have left the slickness out. You have to do what you have to though to make you feel better at times so I understand.
O k I see I gotta set it straight a lil....the only reason we hadn't done it sooner is because he's in the pharm program I'm in the nursing program and I'm pretty much out of town every weekend...were both busy...

The flowers had NADA to do with me giving the goods up at all...I had made the decision I was gonna get some long ago....actually from day one...and no I don't and didn't want a "relationship" with him. That was established...BY ME! I'm sorry I don't want a relationship right now...just a fwb/"companionship"

Put the stones away ladies it aint that kind of party!
I agree and you know OP was heated dropping the lollipop line cause if she just wanted to let the gf know she would have left the slickness out. You have to do what you had
to though to make you feel better at times so I understand.

I know it was a low ball move....but it was the only way to keep my anger/disdain/ and honestly laughter under control at the moment and taking that .......i can honestly laugh at it a handful :grin:
O k I see I gotta set it straight a lil....the only reason we hadn't done it sooner is because he's in the pharm program I'm in the nursing program and I'm pretty much out of town every weekend...were both busy...

The flowers had NADA to do with me giving the goods up at all...I had made the decision I was gonna get some long ago....actually from day one...and no I don't and didn't want a "relationship" with him. That was established...BY ME! I'm sorry I don't want a relationship right now...just a fwb/"companionship"

Put the stones away ladies it aint that kind of party!

You don't have to explain yourself.
But people with a FWB are single...that's what's confusing about the story. I guess it's good you cut him loose early.
I thought the point of the thread was to share a funny/bad vday experience. I don't think OP was seriously trying to figure out why she's single. I think OP is choosing to be single because a lot of men lie, as shown in the original post.

Anyway, I don't blame you for reacting that way OP. He should have been honest about being in a relationship, point blank.
that sounds like madness... honestly, i don't even know how these guys have the time to keep multiple relationships going... well, at least you're done with that situation
Great story. Boy was he cold busted all the way round. OP do you and keep your head in dem books. Getcho freak on too damn it. It releases stress..........................

Now sing along with me Dangalang Kang, Dangalang Kang! LOL
I'm a relationship girl but there was a guy who was just not boyfriend material today I wanted to sleep with. I was very attracted to him but his personality sucked. I think some women do play themselves and try to front like they can get down with an fwb and end up hurt but there are also women like op who knows what she wants and can keep a man in her life the way she wants him without getting emotionally attached. And that low ball comment was great and well deserved anybody would be pissed to find out some dude is trying to play some dumb game. You handled yourself very well op