Thank you girl, I wear it only like this, all day all night, I only wet/oil/condition my front and edges and brush them down, and re-adjust the top scrunchie or just add another one to the top to tighten. I only do my hair from scratch every two weeks. and take it all down and oil it with Coconut oil in between, I can't handle it anymore, my fiance has been doing the detangling with/for me since the end of summer, so I havent really messed with my hair too much lately or even really seen it stretched. But I have already talked to my daughter and she knows she is about to be HIRED.....I took good care of her hair till she was 16 and taught her well. It's only fair :lol: her hair is just like mine. and honestly I'm having issues with pain in my hands, and shoulder doing my hair now

Love your banded pony Iresistible :heart2:.... some glucosimine chrodrontin might help with the pain in your hands.
Love your banded pony Iresistible :heart2:.... some glucosimine chrodrontin might help with the pain in your hands.
:heart2:Spring! Thank you:kiss:

I know my Mother took it and it helped her tremendously. Thank you for reminding me. I dang sure can't even squeeze a conditioner bottle anymore:ohwell:-it's my thumbs. only hurts when I trigger it, doing my hair is one of the triggers, -the old thumb texting was another, and squeezing bottles , I gave up two of those things, and working on the hair thing lol. Taking the Glucosamine Chondrontin might be a better option :lol: Thank you girl! :bighug:
Wow Iris your hair is so long!! I thought you said you cut it. Well it looks amazing.

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Wow Iris your hair is so long!! I thought you said you cut it. Well it looks amazing.

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AwThank you BM :flowers: yeah girl I did cut it , but I cut at the beginning of the year, the first few months of the year I was cutting at it , in a series of cuts, right after the last pic I took and vid I made in Jan....so I had all the rest of the year to just grow, cause I surely wasnt thinking about my hair and didn't do too much with it at all:spinning:
Congratulations on "Crackin"!!!:grin:
I love your personal & hair story, and I hope the best for you and all of your future endeavors.
I felt a little more hope as I read your past year, b/c that is me NOW. I completely relate to your "Chop-Chop" experience, and the reasons for your chopping. This past year I would hit hip, chop, hit hip, just to repeat the cycle all over again this entire year- and this was my goal length:spinning:. It went from not being able to decide on my hemline, not liking the feeling of the dryer texture on my crown, wanting to catch up certain lengths with other lengths of my hair,ect., ect. I kept trimming only to feel like I needed professional help before I chopped myself back to SL.... I am at waist length with layers at the bottom, I am in love with the thickness and fall of my hair - but I miss the length:sad:.
So, you have given me hope! I don't even know how to style my new hair cut (b/c it has not been this short in the front in years), so I have just been leaving it be. I am hoping to be over trimming my hair for perfection, and hope to have a happy ending as you this coming year!
Thank you for sharing your progress!!! You and your hair are beautiful!!!:rosebud:
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I may be tardy to the party :dance7: but, congratulations Iris. You were one of my first hairspirations when I joined the board. I used to press my hair daily, but now I rarely use heat on my hair and I can really see the progress. I will be straightening it at the end of this week for a length check and a Christmas party. After Christmas, I will go right back to my protective styles and rare use of heat. Thank you, once again, for being such an inspiration to all of us.
Congratulations on "Crackin"!!!:grin:
I love your personal & hair story, and I hope the best for you and all of your future endeavors.
I felt a little more hope as I read your past year, b/c that is me NOW. I completely relate to your "Chop-Chop" experience, and the reasons for your chopping. This past year I would hit hip, chop, hit hip, just to repeat the cycle all over again this entire year- and this was my goal length:spinning:. It went from not being able to decide on my hemline, not liking the feeling of the dryer texture on my crown, wanting to catch up certain lengths with other lengths of my hair,ect., ect. I kept trimming only to feel like I needed professional help before I chopped myself back to SL.... I am at waist length with layers at the bottom, I am in love with the thickness and fall of my hair - but I miss the length:sad:.
So, you have given me hope! I don't even know how to style my new hair cut (b/c it has not been this short in the front in years), so I have just been leaving it be. I am hoping to be over trimming my hair for perfection, and hope to have a happy ending as you this coming year!
Thank you for sharing your progress!!! You and your hair are beautiful!!!:rosebud:
wow, Thank you girl and just thank you sooooo much for your post. I feel the same as you, at least someone relates to this cycle :spinning::spinning: and you even broke it down to the feelings to a T. It's good to know when someone gets it. I don't know all the reasons I do this when I start. But you did describe it to a T. Makes no kind of sense, cutting and missing the hair, but not being able to stop:spinning::spinning::spinning: I am sure you will have a happy ending girl. the one thing I did learn is it's probably something I am 'feeling' in my hair and it does grow back better when I do it, even though I get scared it wont. It does , yours will too:yep: But yeah I do hope I don't get the 'feeling' again :lachen::lachen:And it is , just what you said, trimming for perfection I think :drunk::drunk:

I may be tardy to the party :dance7: but, congratulations Iris. You were one of my first hairspirations when I joined the board. I used to press my hair daily, but now I rarely use heat on my hair and I can really see the progress. I will be straightening it at the end of this week for a length check and a Christmas party. After Christmas, I will go right back to my protective styles and rare use of heat. Thank you, once again, for being such an inspiration to all of us.
aww girl your post and LLL's really means the world to me. Thank you so much!!!
to you both and to all you ladies just thank you sooooo much! :heart2:
Probably by now it is tailbone if you had any doubts before. It is beautiful. So thick and soft. Congratulations.

I was reading one of your articles. Do you really think your hair thicken up after a cut. How much did you take off. I have been considering a big cut if I convince my self it would help with the layers and volume.
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