You're pretty close that's your next milestone anyways. Shouldn't be long now
I'm a little ways off to star that challenge I'm still in MBL limbo

Toy too she's pretty close and CelinaStarr I think has already made crakin where is she btw?
Toy should start it then:yep:
If yo' hair's hittin'
where your butt starts a-splittin',
den you's at tailbone length a'ight! :yep:
Congratulations Iris! Your hair is gorgeous as always. You make me want to go dive in some oil now if I can expect the same. :look:
If yo' hair's hittin'
where your butt starts a-splittin',
den you's at tailbone length a'ight! :yep:
Congratulations Iris! Your hair is gorgeous as always. You make me want to go dive in some oil now if I can expect the same. :look:
lol Nonie,
Thank you :kiss:
you know I love that Coconut Oil. LOL@Diving in some oil:lachen:
Ladies im with Mo My attention Span aint to long and these kids..i couldn't keep up.
Ladies im with Mo My attention Span aint to long and these kids..i couldn't keep up.

Lucia there you have it. You gotta start it :yep:

and I do believe you can reach it, especially after all that good trimming :grin:

no pressure:lol:

Thanks it is my ultimat goal s I'm headed here anyways maybe get there sooner than I think.

well all of us aiming for crackin can just
hang in the classic length thread???

lol i dunno

I'm signing all of you up too no backing out neither. :lol:
Hi Iris! :wave::wave:Looks like you reached it to me :clapping:. Good to see you. I've sooo missed you and your posts!
took a break in the middle of doing my hair, got it all the way to being in the ponytail and had to take a break, put the pony in a folded over up thingie, it was a break long enough for my hair to dry at least on the ends, hey from the front it looks like I have a side puff, oh the work I'm gonna have to do cause of letting it dry, but I like how it looks like I have a side puff. ok I'm done taking pics.....and chillin, on to the work to fiinish.

Ladies :Rose: love you all, missed so many of you while I was gone, glad I got to check in, Thank you to you all :love:

looks like tbl to me! congrats your hair is so gorgeous, I love it. Definetly an inspiration of mine :D
Where have you been! Congratulations! Wow! that looks like 5-6 inches or more!
Thank you so much ladies :Rose: wow you guys are so awesome :love:

B2b, Thank you girl. I was not around here much. lots of changes in my life in the last year. Plus since I had cut so much I was keeping my hair off my mind mostly, I'm shocked myself. I think my hair grew more this year than any other year all together. And I mostly was not paying it any mind one way or another. I had two deaths in my family this last summer, my hair was my last thought. I had a lot of wonderful events , like getting engaged, but also major high stress situations. I didn't expect this-I know that after one extremely stressful event this summer, I lost a lot of strength in my body for a couple weeks, I didn't know what it was, so I really stayed on top of my Iron intake and protein and stayed on top of my nutrition all around, cause I wanted my strength back-I am not sure if that would explain the growth-but I didn't really stick with it like I should have after I was better. I am just now getting back on top of all that again.