OMG!!! WHY is shipping so much??????????

Well I still want to try it. So I'll place my order soon. I just have to get over the shipping charge. I was on another website trying to order some Indian products and the shipping was $20. I scraped that order also. I'm frugil! I admitt it!!! Didn't mean to cause an uproar, I was just a little :perplexed when I was about to get my BT.

I hope no one is :mad: at me! :grouphug3:
Well I'm not mad. :) I'm sure if you were wondering many others were too. I'm glad I was able to explain it so people wouldnt think I'm trying to get over or something.
There have been plenty of times that I started to order some producs online and then scrapped the order once I got to check out and saw how much shipping was going to didn't stop me from getting my bottle of BT but I completely understand where OP is coming from in regards to ordering items in general.
Naturallady and I are in the same state and it would cost me more money to drive to her town to purchase BT than order online.
My gas bill would be $25 bucks.
You lot are lucky- can't get anything shipped to the UK without paying an arm a leg and your first child for it. I tried to order a lil bottle of SAA and the shipping came to $64!!! Now i may be a PJ but unless this thing is growing lashes that open the door before I get there - h8ll naw!! The best company for online shipping rates AND service for me is still