
Well-Known Member
For the first time in my life, I got swang without flat ironing and blow drying my hair to death. How?


I have NEVER chelated before and I was a little scared of dryness. I bought some Joico about an hour ago and just washed my hair. At first it felt stripped as it was being washed. But when I stepped out of the shower, I could not believe my eyes or my hands. My hair is so soft with no conditioning afterward and no product.

I am breaking my neck swinging my hair.

I could just cry ....
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Chelating is the business!!!! I'm glad you solved your problem!!! :yay:
You go girl. :rofl: I must try this. I have been looking for a chelating shampoo, other than ORS. It seem to dry my hair out, to me. I want swang...
Thanks Tiffers for answering my question about chelation this morning!

I will NEVER doubt you. In fact, because of you, I will be trying Kenra MC tomorrow morning as a dry DC/Pre-poo.
You go girl. :rofl: I must try this. I have been looking for a chelating shampoo, other than ORS. It seem to dry my hair out, to me. I want swang...

Girl, you need to try this! My husband is looking at me like :sekret: (as if to say, "why ya walking like that") but I am loving the bounce!
Thanks Tiffers for answering my question about chelation this morning!

I will NEVER doubt you. In fact, because of you, I will be trying Kenra MC tomorrow morning as a dry DC/Pre-poo.

Now you're on to something. Kenra MC is the ish for DCing. You will love it!
Thanks Tiffers for answering my question about chelation this morning!
I will NEVER doubt you. In fact, because of you, I will be trying Kenra MC tomorrow morning as a dry DC/Pre-poo.
You are TOO sweet!!! :hug2:

I hope you love Kenra MC as much as I do. It makes me happy :cloud9: