
33 days later..... And i am still on the same damned chapter.

45. There are 49. No reason either. Its an easy exercise too. I think being so close to completion is whats making me drag.

Wondering if my subconscious is like " no, not yet, not ready yet!!"

Am I ready? Do I really want this?

I mean lets pretend thos book was guaranteed magic and success in love. Why on EARTH would i not just write a few things down in my notebook a few days in a row if it would GUARANTEE the love of my life.

I know there is no guarantee but the little teeny bit of effort i am not putting in is making me reevaluate.

Why am i dragging???

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UrbainChic--ask yourself why, then close your eyes and see what answer comes to you. Just be gentle and loving with yourself. Maybe your mind is still marinating on some things and all will come together.

And ask yourself is this really you or is this fear? Whatever is your first impression . . . you can work from there.

33 days later..... And i am still on the same damned chapter.

45. There are 49. No reason either. Its an easy exercise too. I think being so close to completion is whats making me drag.

Wondering if my subconscious is like " no, not yet, not ready yet!!"

Am I ready? Do I really want this?

I mean lets pretend thos book was guaranteed magic and success in love. Why on EARTH would i not just write a few things down in my notebook a few days in a row if it would GUARANTEE the love of my life.

I know there is no guarantee but the little teeny bit of effort i am not putting in is making me reevaluate.

Why am i dragging???

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I read Lesson 22 last night on Visioning and then did the meditation this morning on what impressions came to me per the questions she asked. I received some interesting insight.

I'm going to keep plugging away and will be back to reading tonight.
I read Lesson 22 last night on Visioning and then did the meditation this morning on what impressions came to me per the questions she asked. I received some interesting insight.

I'm going to keep plugging away and will be back to reading tonight.

I just finished lesson 22. The first question really stood out for me.

I did as the lesson said, I sat in meditation and asked the question, "What does love fufilled look like in my life?"

I didnt answer my question I just sat in silence and listened. Many things came up, but the one that stood out the most was "security."

This one was an eye opener for me. So far in life my relationships have been with guys who had no security whatsoever. By that word, I mean emotional as well as material. I think that word is now my blue print. I dont want to necessarily say Im only marrying for money or put on my list that a man has to make a certain amount or drive a certain car to get with me; but I would like to be financially stable and have a man with a dream and a plan. I need to also make sure my heart is secure with someone. What are his intentions with me, etc.

No more aspiring rappers who just sit on his behind with no job, car, or plan playing ps3 while I work. LOL! Security is now my golden word.

I just wanted to share that part of my lesson. I dont want to sound materialistic because Im not, but I just want to know that I wont have to struggle to sustain a relationship because its lacking security in any way.
I finished the first 7 days and tis is really a good dose of therapy! I so needed this course. The first 7 lessons have been great, pretty easy so far. I'll add more details when I have more time.
OK ladies Ive been stuck on the intentions part for a few days now. Im not sure I understand what this means, to set intentions. Is it to say what I want or wont settle for? I at a lost for words with it right now.

Update: Ok I has dealt with this lesson for about a week and literally had to google how to set intentions to help me. I just couldnt understand what it meant. I understand visualization and wrting down desires, but this one had me puzzled.

Of all people, my ex called me and I didnt speak to him directly about this subject but I expressed to him that I had been feeling down lately. He actually gave me encouraging words and somehow, helped me set intentions. He asked me,"By December what is it that you want to see change in your life." From that I told him exactly what I wanted from a relationship and it helped me set my intention. He was the one I least suspected to help me. LOL! But God uses many people to make positive changes in your life. Now Im on to the next chapter. :yep:
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sharmeans. great that your ex was able to help. and glad you have some intentions set!

OK ladies Ive been stuck on the intentions part for a few days now. Im not sure I understand what this means, to set intentions. Is it to say what I want or wont settle for? I at a lost for words with it right now.

Update: Ok I has dealt with this lesson for about a week and literally had to google how to set intentions to help me. I just couldnt understand what it meant. I understand visualization and wrting down desires, but this one had me puzzled.

Of all people, my ex called me and I didnt speak to him directly about this subject but I expressed to him that I had been feeling down lately. He actually gave me encouraging words and somehow, helped me set intentions. He asked me,"By December what is it that you want to see change in your life." From that I told him exactly what I wanted from a relationship and it helped me set my intention. He was the one I least suspected to help me. LOL! But God uses many people to make positive changes in your life. Now Im on to the next chapter. :yep:
Ok so I just did lesson 26, and it was very powerful.

Its something I know I will do forever now because it was so profound. It was praying through writing a letter to God. After I wrtoe the letter, I did as the author said and asked God to write through my pen. I had to have the faith that God really would write through me.

I wrote out my letter and then took a minute to let God take over my pen. Im telling you as I wrote I had no idea of the words that was being written. They just flowed out of me and I knew something far greater was writing the words on the paper. After it was done I felt so light yet so loved. I read the words that were written on the paper and just knew it wasnt me that wrote it, and it was beautiful. I really love this book for opening my heart not only to love but to every aspect of my life.

How is everyone else coming along with the lessons?
Ladies, I have 2 lessons left.

Lord let me finish this book this week. I have been sitting on the last 4 lessons for nearly 2 months!

I felt really good doing lesson 47, 5 pages of gratitude. I was on a roll so i just kept going past 5 pages.
Ladies how are we doing? Finishing up the last exercise this week. I want some time to reflect on it a but more before committing it to paper.

Fewling good on getting through the whole book :)

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I have stopped in my tracks for no reason at all. I think abt continuing but just haven't. I will try to pick back up tonight. Hmmm...reminds me of my knack for sabotaging rlshps for no reason at all.
Ladies how are we doing? Finishing up the last exercise this week. I want some time to reflect on it a but more before committing it to paper.

Fewling good on getting through the whole book :)

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YAY! Im glad you're almost there.

Im on chapter 28. Im hoping to be done by the end of October max . I wrote in my affirmations that Im hoping to meet my "one" by end of November so that I can take him home to meet my family by Christmas. That is the date I set anyways.
so do any of you ladies feel that you are going to go through the book for a second time? or even third time?

This is my first time going through it, and I really feel as though I am purging and peeling layers, but I think I might have to do it again or go back and focus on particular areas I still need to work on in order for all of this to really stick.

Just curious how you ladies feel. Is one read enough or do you feel you might need a bit extra?
so do any of you ladies feel that you are going to go through the book for a second time? or even third time?

This is my first time going through it, and I really feel as though I am purging and peeling layers, but I think I might have to do it again or go back and focus on particular areas I still need to work on in order for all of this to really stick.

Just curious how you ladies feel. Is one read enough or do you feel you might need a bit extra?

Originally I thought I would only read it once seeing how its taking me forever to do it, but now I think a second read is a must for me. Im determined to have this one stick and not just be a book I read and forget months later. I think a 2nd read will be easier because we've done all of the exercises so we know what to expect.
Yes, I think I will be reading this again too. It's really almost a lifestyle. :) I feel quite magnetic from the exercises, especially when I'm doing them consistently. When I slack, then I start doubting and worrying, so I need this stuff to become automatic!
Im surprised at the super speed Im going throught the book now. Im almost done with weeks 5. I read something so life changing today and yesterday. I realized how Im always giving not just in a relationship, but its hard for me to say no to people. True love is give and take. I was being exhausted of everything I was giving and from now on I will know that I deserve to be given love.
I just ordered this book. I'm excited to see what will be revealed. :) My friend and I are going to do the exercises together.
I downloaded this a few weeks ago. I haven't been doing the exercises in a timely fashion but I can see how , if followed, you will learn a lot about yourself and your aporoaches to love. I will sat that since reading the book, I've been having some mental shifts about my current dating situations.
I have an update sort of. I purchased this book for a friend of mine for her birthday. My friend is in her late 30s and had so many heartbreaks in love she almost gave up on the idea and resolved that maybe love and marriage isnt in her future.

When I gave her the book, she decided to do some of the exercises, but hasnt finished it. She did however get to the toxic ties chapter and decided to end a fling she was having with an ex, and any other tie that was holding her back from true love.

She just recently contacted me to let me know that she found someone very special. She told me that he is unlike anyone she has ever dated. He is romantic and caring wanting to hold her hand in public, etc. She told me that he was what she always wanted in a man but never believed she could actually have it. Shes so happy, and although she doesnt credit the book, I do. What are the odds that she was struggling with love for so many years, and within a few weeks of having the book she's found what could be the man of her dreams. Im so very happy for her and I hope that this is the true love she was meant to have.
I've been taking a break (again), however, I will be attending weekly group meetings in my area with a coach and a few other ladies. I' looking forward to the interactive exchange. I'll be starting the book over and will definitely be posting in this thread.
Any updates?

I have someone in my life (still fairly new, but looks promising)......

I've the book, but never used it. I'm wondering if I could use this as more of a self-help guide. A way to dig deeper and clarify and hidden issues I may have in general.