
I'm in the Release Ceremony section and have been so for a few days. I think because of the holidays, I've been so busy, I haven't had a chance to devote time to the book. I am still very much invested in finishing, but have been working slowly. Excited to hear the experiences and feedback from those who just purchased the book and those still working through the book!
Hey ladies I saw this on youtube and wanted to share it. Its a success story, but it's not about her it's about her friends success with the book. I'm trying to find other success besides the stories on amazon, but here it is for anyone interested:

Nice. Thanks.

I do not remember that part about getting through the book in 6 months. I am farther along than ever in the book, and have been at it on and off for 2-3 months. I will be working on assignment number 37 next. I wil definitely get to the end of this book. I feel it.

I also noticed an interesting change in my underlying attitude and a sense of detachment. Its a bit hard to explain beyond its just a change in my attitude and i have a lot of faith that things will work out but in a differnt way than before. I am happy with my new SO. I am excited about what the future will bring but I am open to whoever the universe sends my way should this not work out. Theres a calm about me and a lot of trust that whatever happens is right. My happiness is not hinging on him.
I decided to keep the book. I was going to return it. The detachment thing is working for me pretty well. There is this guy that I'm "talking to now". Whenever I pull away, he comes on strong. I have been working on "being enough" for myself... I don't know if this is a concept in the book, but I will go through it some more. I think I am on lesson 4.
I decided to keep the book. I was going to return it. The detachment thing is working for me pretty well. There is this guy that I'm "talking to now". Whenever I pull away, he comes on strong. I have been working on "being enough" for myself... I don't know if this is a concept in the book, but I will go through it some more. I think I am on lesson 4.

Magus484, yes, I do think that the underlying theme, not even that underlying, is that you are already enough for yourself; the book works on helping you to see that you are already enough. She talks about how you truly are "the one." The focus is all about you and helping you to become "the one." Once you become the one, then it's easier for the "other one" to recognize you. I like that the focus of the work is about releasing our own hidden blocks and working on stripping old layers so that we are able to see ourselves with fresh new eyes.

Who's still doing the exercises? Who fell off the wagon? How is it going for everyone?

I am struggling to get through the last 8-9 chapters, but I promised myself I would finish this thing. :nono:

Happy Birthday!

I have just a few chapters left, but I am treating this like homework for real. Looking at the book and putting it away. Reading a chapter and dragging on the assignment...:lol:

I've met someone everytime I've done the book, but I've never finished the book. Right now I have a new SO, and as I mentioned to you privately, I am just trusting things will go how they are supposed to go. Whether its him or someone else.

Either way, I have to finish this book!
I'm struggling but No matter what I also want to finish the book. I only got the book last month.


Happy Birthday!

I have just a few chapters left, but I am treating this like homework for real. Looking at the book and putting it away. Reading a chapter and dragging on the assignment...:lol:

I've met someone everytime I've done the book, but I've never finished the book. Right now I have a new SO, and as I mentioned to you privately, I am just trusting things will go how they are supposed to go. Whether its him or someone else.

Either way, I have to finish this book!
Does anyone that did lesson 6 have any advice on how to open up and 'feel' others, I have a block it seems, I can't seem to feel how people feel to me....
Does anyone that did lesson 6 have any advice on how to open up and 'feel' others, I have a block it seems, I can't seem to feel how people feel to me....

danibeeja_gyal Sometimes you need to take a break and just not think about the book for a couple days, or just work on the lesson for a couple of days.

I've been sitting on Chapter 43 for like 3 weeks :lol: So close yet so far! :nono:

What you find to be a difficult chapter to get through may be a breeze for others.

Since chapter 6 has to do with getting in tune with your feelings, it might actually be very challenging if you are very cerebral. I say take your time with it, and give yourself a few days that you specifically set time aside, and i mean set aside a significant amount of time not just a few minutes, somewhere dark and away from distraction, and REALLY let your imagination run wild about this scenario.

I would also maybe use some memories as warm up for recognizing your feelings vs mental thoughts. You FEEL happiness, anger, sadness, love, confident, you dont think them, despite many thoughts being involved in those feelings. Try a few memories ,and feel them, then try the meditation a few times.

Also the bonus exercise should be much easier as you go through the day, once you have done the first exercise at least one satisfactory time.

ETA:re: feeling people start with simple feelings like " I feel good around so and so, I feel bad around so and so, or So and so stresses me out"

Also Its good to be in tune with those kinds of feelings anyhow
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Hey ladies! I'm so glad to see that you all are still reading the book. I know that I've fallen off, but I have resolved that I will finish the book this year. This book is more heavy emotionally than I thought. I'm working through years of pain and I know that it is changing me.

I got over a very bad breakup last month, and for wharever reason the fool keep calling me! lol But I know that I've outgrown that relationship and I'm looking to the future.

I have been seeing this guy who is very sweet, but I'm taking it slowly. I agree with Urban, everytime I committ to the book I meet someone new, but I want to finish the book.

Im going to start back today. Ive been thinking of the book, which has been sitting by my bed for weeks and I want to continue the journey.

I've got so little to go I want to finish before Valentines Day.

I am (was?) seeing someone for a few months but we are having some issues right now :look:, not all of them within our control.

I am ready to let him go, and have had many discussions about our relationship. I am really impressed at how good our communication has gotten, but that said that doesnt mean we are on the same page or are heading the same direction.

Even if this does not last, and things that need to fall into place do not do so, i feel as though i have grown a lot and am more prepared for the right one.

I will probably revisit earlier chapters as a refresher once i complet the book.

Everytime I do the book I meet someone who is great for a whole host of reasons. The past two times i have even ended on a positive note with those that didnt work.

I do think theres something to the exercises :yep:
I agree. I haven't finished the book yet and I'm still one the same exercise that I was on 2 weeks ago. I have been struggling, somewhat avoiding the lesson and somehow I got a A-ah moment. Now Im about to move through the lesson. I'm about to finish my week. :yep: It's an eye opener some of those lessons. I get to :yep:realize stuff that I never noticed I did.

Again OP, thanks for mentioning this book. I really needed this.

I wish there was a calling in the one forum. Where people can talk about their daily lessons and share experiences.


I've got so little to go I want to finish before Valentines Day.

I am (was?) seeing someone for a few months but we are having some issues right now :look:, not all of them within our control.

I am ready to let him go, and have had many discussions about our relationship. I am really impressed at how good our communication has gotten, but that said that doesnt mean we are on the same page or are heading the same direction.

Even if this does not last, and things that need to fall into place do not do so, i feel as though i have grown a lot and am more prepared for the right one.

I will probably revisit earlier chapters as a refresher once i complet the book.

Everytime I do the book I meet someone who is great for a whole host of reasons. The past two times i have even ended on a positive note with those that didnt work.

I do think theres something to the exercises :yep:
I agree. I haven't finished the book yet and I'm still one the same exercise that I was on 2 weeks ago. I have been struggling, somewhat avoiding the lesson and somehow I got a A-ah moment. Now Im about to move through the lesson. I'm about to finish my week. :yep: It's an eye opener some of those lessons. I get to :yep:realize stuff that I never noticed I did.

Again OP, thanks for mentioning this book. I really needed this.

I wish there was a calling in the one forum. Where people can talk about their daily lessons and share experiences.

You're more than welcome! I guess I haven't been a great "moderator" for this thread since I started it and all . . . I was actually just thinking of the book while driving home a bit ago and saying that I need to get back on it. I have every intention of completing it and know that I will, but I have not been making it a priority like I was before.

Glad that you are having your lightbulb moments!
I downloaded the book last night and read through the intro. I'm a little apprehensive about what the exercises will be like but I'll give it a shot. Are you all completing the book as part of a group or with a buddy like the author suggests?
Im doing it alone, but I consider my peer group to be you ladies here. The exercises can be overwhelming to think about bc you are facnig yourself and things hidden within, but it is liberating. They arent hard exercises just possible to be challenging emotionally, or at least thats how it was for me. I feared revisiting past hurts, ubt once I did I was liberated of pain that I had bottled up inside and it has opened me up as a person.
I downloaded the book last night and read through the intro. I'm a little apprehensive about what the exercises will be like but I'll give it a shot. Are you all completing the book as part of a group or with a buddy like the author suggests?

See I'm doing th is by myself. I wish there was a discussion group/forum for it. but this thread will do:look:
Im doing it alone, but I consider my peer group to be you ladies here. The exercises can be overwhelming to think about bc you are facnig yourself and things hidden within, but it is liberating. They arent hard exercises just possible to be challenging emotionally, or at least thats how it was for me. I feared revisiting past hurts, ubt once I did I was liberated of pain that I had bottled up inside and it has opened me up as a person.

Same here!!:yep:

I was stuck on a particular exercise and spent more 2 weeks on it. I went through fear, worry, lost. I just couldn't complete the lesson but I have very big gut feeling that I really really need to to go through this book. Well, I came to realised earlier on what my obstacle was. I came to realize how much what you visualize transfer into your actual reality and that includes love life. That is why I even did a thread about it. Im able to complete the lesson with ease now that I have spotted and overcame my blockage/ obstacle.
Ladies, let me tell you a story about dragging your behind. When I last posted in January I was on lesson 42. Today I am on Lesson 45. There are 49 Lessons in the book.

Ladies this is ridiculous! We can do this. Lets check in weekly or something like that. No more bumping every 6 weeks!
I agree urbain! I really need to keep this up. I am making a resolve to meet my future husband this year. I cant keep dragging my feet lol. I will admit the lessons are difficult, but everytime I through with a lesson, I literally feel weight lifted off my shoulers. Its like Im carrying around so much excess baggage from previous relationships.
LOL funny thing happened. I needed to write something so I pulled out a book from my bookcase so I can write while laying on my bed. I didnt put the book back yet, and I just realized the book was Calling in the One. :lol:

I really had no clue so ok Im going to crack it open now. The universe is speaking.