
Guys.....this book has revealed to me...............

That I do not want a relationship.

Having realized this, I feel...............free.....
You guys don't know how many years I spent pining away for love feeling like crap because it never came.
Now I feel empowered, I feel whole and at peace.
I feel good.
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I'm waiting for my copy to be delivered. I'm scared as i know i have alot of repressed feelings i need to bring to the surface and let go of.
Has this book made any of you really emotional, has it made you take a few steps backwards before you went forwards?
Guys.....this book has revealed to me...............

That I do not want a relationship.

Having realized this, I feel...............free.....
You guys don't know how many years I spent pining away for love feeling like crap because it never came.
Now I feel empowered, I feel whole and at peace.
I feel good.

And now the men will start beating down your door. Just wait:lachen::look:
I'm on lesson 2. Nothing major yet but I think I'll redo today and yesterday. Trying to focus/meditate in the morning is no good for me because I'm always running late. I need to find a better time to focus on the task.

ETA: Most definetly will be doing today over (lesson 2 Laura's eyes) :ohwell: Crazyness at work is preventing me from seeing the love in ALL people and wanting to feel connected to their mess. I can't see through fury :nono:
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I'm on lesson 2. Nothing major yet but I think I'll redo today and yesterday. Trying to focus/meditate in the morning is no good for me because I'm always running late. I need to find a better time to focus on the task.

ETA: Most definetly will be doing today over (lesson 2 Laura's eyes) :ohwell: Crazyness at work is preventing me from seeing the love in ALL people and wanting to feel connected to their mess. I can't see through fury :nono:

Yeah this is a toughie. When I got to that point I tried to visualize a way to make me see love in them. I saw all the negative people as people on the same journey as me and although I didnt dare give them a hug, I would say,"Awww they need a hug." It made me smile and see love in everyone. :giggle: To the coworkers who were already my friends, I did give them a hug and show them love. Now everytime I see them they hug me and I feel like the hug I gave them opened their hearts up a bit.

I just finished lesson 20. I didnt do the exercise yet I ran out of time, but I did have an ah ha moment. The lesson was about parents putting all of their past failures and disappointments on their children. I was able to take control of my life and realize this is MY journey through thi lesson.
Yeah this is a toughie. When I got to that point I tried to visualize a way to make me see love in them. I saw all the negative people as people on the same journey as me and although I didnt dare give them a hug, I would say,"Awww they need a hug." It made me smile and see love in everyone. :giggle: To the coworkers who were already my friends, I did give them a hug and show them love. Now everytime I see them they hug me and I feel like the hug I gave them opened their hearts up a bit.

I just finished lesson 20. I didnt do the exercise yet I ran out of time, but I did have an ah ha moment. The lesson was about parents putting all of their past failures and disappointments on their children. I was able to take control of my life and realize this is MY journey through thi lesson.

The bold statement really did help. I had already calmed a bit by remembering that my idiot co-worker is young and although she's only about 5 years younger 5 years makes a HUGE difference when you're in your twenties :look:. She needs a hug, a REALLY tight one around her neck:look: ***exhale...................................................*** blue face............ bulging eyes................ coworkers forcefully stopping our "hug"............***inhale***

Congrats on your ah ha moment. I've had a few already and they all resolve around me being a very closed off person. I'm hoping these lessons help me in ALL my relationships.
I had to bump this thread up. Im currently finishing up the last lesson in week 3 and will FINALL be in week 4. Bout time. LOL!

I have something to report but I dont want to get ahead of myself. I had wrote previously that after doing a lesson I had a vision of a man. Well I think I just ran into him a few days ago... It was so intense I had to pray on it. I will give more details of that later, but it was unbelievable and Im still in utter shock about it.
I had to bump this thread up. Im currently finishing up the last lesson in week 3 and will FINALL be in week 4. Bout time. LOL!

I have something to report but I dont want to get ahead of myself. I had wrote previously that after doing a lesson I had a vision of a man. Well I think I just ran into him a few days ago... It was so intense I had to pray on it. I will give more details of that later, but it was unbelievable and Im still in utter shock about it.

sounds exciting! can't wait to learn more about this!!
i'm still doing the exercises, but more from angle of self-improvement than snagging a man. I believe the results will be beneficial in all areas of my life.
Here's some incentive to finish!

One of my good friends started this book the beginning of the year. Just as she was finishing it she reconnected with a man she had met a few years earlier but at the time nothing happend. Well over the last few weeks they've been getting to know each other and she said the more she learns the more wonderful she thinks he is...

then last week she mentioned to him that she did this book and she said his jaw dropped....he had done the book as well and that's when they reconnected!

LOVE stories like this!
Here's some incentive to finish!

One of my good friends started this book the beginning of the year. Just as she was finishing it she reconnected with a man she had met a few years earlier but at the time nothing happend. Well over the last few weeks they've been getting to know each other and she said the more she learns the more wonderful she thinks he is...

then last week she mentioned to him that she did this book and she said his jaw dropped....he had done the book as well and that's when they reconnected!

LOVE stories like this!

OMG I love this! Thanks for sharing that.

I am into chapter 4. I love chapter 4 because whereas the previous chapters were about cleansing your heart and dealing with past hurts, this chapter is about fufilling those visions and desire you have.

I want to give an update on what I said a while back. Earlier this month I met a man at a Hollywood open mic thing. He's pursuing a music career and we met through mutual friends. He embodied what I had envisioned. The problem is not that we dont hit it off. He is very inspiring and amazing and he loves God with all his heart. We have known each other for a min, but Im afraid of rushing anything further so I do avoid taking the relationship there. Im not sure if our friendship is platonic or romantic yet and I dont want to poush it.

There are many times in my life where I was sure someone was the "one" and they turn out not to be right for me. I always end up in heartbreak. His prescence in my life could mean that God is testing me to trust Him with the decision of who is the one. Like I said, I always seem to meet great men during the journey of finishing the book, but I get into the relationships and they fail. I just want to be sure this time around that the man entering my life is forreal, so Im going to be patient with myself.

My friend is a cutie though lol, and his voice coulkd make you scream like a teen at a Justin Beiber contest. :lol:

Im hoping that chapter 4 goes a little faster than the other chapters because it is not that painful to do.
I've been lurking in this thread and finally broke down and bought the book! When I get it I'll come back and document my experience. I might even blog abt it on tumblr. I'm excited bc I have some issues I know I need to work through. I have just never known how. I think I might start a book club with a group of AA women in my meet up group. It would be great to have some support irl too. Thanks OP. You may be a catalyst for a major life change!

It's like feeling through every fiber of my being that i don't care. And that I don't want. Not because I felt the feeling would draw things closer, but because I actually didn't want it. Well, needless to say, after I consciously and emotionally made a decision to detach, two guys started making a stronger effort towards me the next day. ANd the day after that, a different one came back- who I felt wasn't making any effort. This may work differently for everyone, but I find that when I chase or long for something, it eludes me.

I went through this same feeling about a year ago, and the same thing- someone from the past came back to try to talk to me... So, I think this patter is real. Though it's not a forced emotion- the detachment. It's genuine, authentic.

this happened to me after reading the book.

i read the entire book and forced myself to do all the exercises. it took more than 7 weeks. it was an emotional journey, especially the first few chapters where you learn to cut the ties that bind - whether it be past relationships or family issues. tears were shed, etc.

one of the ties that i mentally cut was, this guy and i were friends for probably about 10 yrs. i had a crush on him on and off for about 5+ yrs. eventually i decided to migrate. we kept in contact online. we were really close. really really close. i mentally let him go. i kid you not that 2 days after the exercise where i set him free (and set myself free), he tells me that he's finally decided to get into a relationship with someone in our home country. he hadnt been in a relationship since i met him as he was "scorned" by his ex. it felt like he knew in his mind that he was released and ready to finally move on. i was happy for him. we grew a bit distant after that but we'd chat every now and then to see how we were doing.
then a few months after finishing the book, he started getting in contact again and using terms of endearment with me. it weirded me out. eventually (after a few weeks) i had to tell him it was making me uncomfortable. then the day before valentine's day, he basically tells me he has feelings for me. i felt flattered and kind of let it slide as we both live in different countries. but the rest of that week, my mind felt tortured. i felt like all the work that i did with the book, by him coming and telling me these things, i feared that his words would go into my subconscious and plant seeds unknowingly and put me back at square 1. all this festered in my mind for a week until i couldnt take it anymore and told him everything. i asked him "why now?". after all these yrs, i told him about all the work i did to release him, etc.. he tells me he had no clue that i was interested in him then. he said he just wanted to get it out of his system and didnt mean to dredge up any old feelings i had for him. but after we talked it out, i found myself chatting to him often again and i felt and saw myself slipping back into my old ways. i tried to cut it out for a week or so but now i find myself wanting to talk to him more.
i feel/felt like the blockage is/was back. though recently, i decided to not fight it and just go with the flow. so right now, i'm just going with the flow. i did go out this weekend and end up meeting a guy (which hasnt happened in months) so i'm not sure if the "going with the flow" thing has caused this. maybe instead of me fighting and creating a blockage, i'm allowing it to flow through me, thereby keeping me open to other people. ?
this happened to me after reading the book.

i read the entire book and forced myself to do all the exercises. it took more than 7 weeks. it was an emotional journey, especially the first few chapters where you learn to cut the ties that bind - whether it be past relationships or family issues. tears were shed, etc.

one of the ties that i mentally cut was, this guy and i were friends for probably about 10 yrs. i had a crush on him on and off for about 5+ yrs. eventually i decided to migrate. we kept in contact online. we were really close. really really close. i mentally let him go. i kid you not that 2 days after the exercise where i set him free (and set myself free), he tells me that he's finally decided to get into a relationship with someone in our home country. he hadnt been in a relationship since i met him as he was "scorned" by his ex. it felt like he knew in his mind that he was released and ready to finally move on. i was happy for him. we grew a bit distant after that but we'd chat every now and then to see how we were doing.
then a few months after finishing the book, he started getting in contact again and using terms of endearment with me. it weirded me out. eventually (after a few weeks) i had to tell him it was making me uncomfortable. then the day before valentine's day, he basically tells me he has feelings for me. i felt flattered and kind of let it slide as we both live in different countries. but the rest of that week, my mind felt tortured. i felt like all the work that i did with the book, by him coming and telling me these things, i feared that his words would go into my subconscious and plant seeds unknowingly and put me back at square 1. all this festered in my mind for a week until i couldnt take it anymore and told him everything. i asked him "why now?". after all these yrs, i told him about all the work i did to release him, etc.. he tells me he had no clue that i was interested in him then. he said he just wanted to get it out of his system and didnt mean to dredge up any old feelings i had for him. but after we talked it out, i found myself chatting to him often again and i felt and saw myself slipping back into my old ways. i tried to cut it out for a week or so but now i find myself wanting to talk to him more.
i feel/felt like the blockage is/was back. though recently, i decided to not fight it and just go with the flow. so right now, i'm just going with the flow. i did go out this weekend and end up meeting a guy (which hasnt happened in months) so i'm not sure if the "going with the flow" thing has caused this. maybe instead of me fighting and creating a blockage, i'm allowing it to flow through me, thereby keeping me open to other people. ?

Wow I sympathize with your experience though mine is nowhere as intense; I'd been crushing on this guy at work for a while, and I swear to everytime I try to detox myself from him I run into him double if not triple the amount (and we're in different departments, and floors); I finally reached a point where I went cold turkey and deleted all emails, other contacts we've had, tried ignoring him, even made up horrible stories about him in my mind to try and negate my feeling; now in a cruel twist of fate, not only are we running into each other more, he's initiating more of the contacts, it's too frustrating:spinning::spinning::spinning: the universe has a cruel sense of humor......he is fine though:lol::lol:
Wow I sympathize with your experience though mine is nowhere as intense; I'd been crushing on this guy at work for a while, and I swear to everytime I try to detox myself from him I run into him double if not triple the amount (and we're in different departments, and floors); I finally reached a point where I went cold turkey and deleted all emails, other contacts we've had, tried ignoring him, even made up horrible stories about him in my mind to try and negate my feeling; now in a cruel twist of fate, not only are we running into each other more, he's initiating more of the contacts, it's too frustrating:spinning::spinning::spinning: the universe has a cruel sense of humor......he is fine though:lol::lol:

yes i totally feel you on this. i sometimes wonder if maybe the universe is trying to tell us something but we're running from it?
why are we running away from these guys that are showing interest though?
I've had my eye on this thread and downloaded the sample of this book a few months ago.

I finally bought it the other day and today I did the first lesson.

I'm going to try to stick with this every morning...

I'm sick of my pessimism bogging me down and keeping me from taking chances. I know what I want, I think. I just need to find a way from point A to B. I hope this helps.
This must be some powerful book because I only downloaded the book on my Ipad and lo and behold Churchman calls me. And I haven't even started the exercises.

Churchman is a guy at church that I crushed on so hard at the end of 2010 which amazed me because I've never crushed on anyone before. Nothing happened. We flirted, we talked, we exchanged numbers 20 dozen times. I call leave a message hear nothing from him. He call leave a message. I call back, leave a message and hear nothing from him and finally I just said forget it.

The last time he called I didn't even bother to answer nor did I return his call. That was the night before Valentines day this year. I hadn't heard from him in like 4 weeks before then.

So now I download a sample of this book and it seems interesting so I downloaded the whole book and yesterday morning he calls to tell me that he would like a chance with me and I'm like :perplexed. He don't know that the last time he called I gave him the "n**ga please!" turned over and went back to sleep. I don't use the N word lightly.

So we talked yesterday, I grinned, I'm flattered (I am a Leo after all - WORSHIP ME!) and I told him that we need to take this slow just like HE said LAST YEAR!

So now I'm going to actually do the exercises to see who else I attract because if just downloading the book conjured up Churchman - Wow what else is next? :grin:

By the way, Churchman's a Taurus. I always attract Taurus men. Maybe I'll be able to attract a different sign. :yep:
Mine was sposed to arrive 2day! I need to go chk my box (arnd the corner. I don't feel like going back out. Lemme go see)
Maybe I should not have read ahead but I did and now I'm hesitating for some reason. Not that the exercises are hard but I don't know why I feel so anxious when a couple of days ago I was all for it.

Inhale Writer Exhale...
i'm on lesson 5 thus far. i can do these lessons. i just think i need to backtrack and remind myself of what i've already read/learned. i'm so quick to slip into anxiousness and there is no reason for that.

so far, so good though!
i'm on lesson 5 thus far. i can do these lessons. i just think i need to backtrack and remind myself of what i've already read/learned. i'm so quick to slip into anxiousness and there is no reason for that.

so far, so good though!

Im glad you're enjoying it. Im still in chapter 4 but its going great. I agree with you about the backtracking. I think Im going to "comb" through the book once Im done and see if I have anything left over to resolve. Im treating it like combing hair. The first time you go through the hair is tough, but you comb through it again to smooth out the kinks.:lol:

I had to throw in a hair reference. LOL!
So I just finished the Release Ceremony last night. Whew! It took quite awhile with all of the writing down of the releasing and embracing and reciting and then burning. I caused the smoke detector to go off in my building. :look:

So you know I was releasing some stuff! :grin:

I am determined to finish this book soon after taking about a 4-month hiatus.

It's great to see more ladies ordering the book and to read more stories. I am excited for all of the love and success we are bringing into our lives.