
Hey, I have been using this book. I stopped for a few days for some reason, I guess some of these really are a bit challenging, as far as introspection goes. This is the third time I am going through the book, I am going to finish it this time.

Everytime I start, as I go through the lessons I start meeting amazing men, and go on amazing dates, start relationships get distracted slack off on the assignments...

I am determined to finish this time. :) I'd be more than happy to work on accountability with others!

Your post inspired me to pick up where I left off, I'd been slacking for almost 2 weeks when I saw the assignment for chapter 16.

I am not in a relationship yet, but I am in something that seems to be headed there. I don't want to talk much about it because its very new. but i will say i feel like :kissing4::giveheart::hug3::2inlove: :sleeptogether: especially after today.

Today we had a very good day, and I think a lot of ambivalence and insecurity i was projecting onto the situation really dissipated after finally sitting down and doing my assignment for chapter 16 last night. I could really see how my thoughts and fears were threatening to ruin good things right before my very eyes.

Like I said, everytime I start I meet great men, better matches than I'm used to... but I've never finished the book before, and I can't help but wonder if these great catches unraveling means i havent been ready for the right kind of man. I can usually pinpoint when and how much I started feeling insecure about them, and how quickly afterwards it would unravel. I could almost time it, which made it worse.

Anyways keep it up. We should both keep it up. And anyone who isnt trying this should at least give it a shot. :) Like i said, I felt so much better after just getting back to the assignments. Really helped sweep away that insecurity. I dont think I would have had such a wonderful time today if I had not been in the right frame of mind.
I was reading this book when I met my husband. I think I was on chapter 3 or 4 when we met. I never finished it, but I plan to. Thanks for reminding me of the book!

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I was reading this book when I met my husband. I think I was on chapter 3 or 4 when we met. I never finished it, but I plan to. Thanks for reminding me of the book!

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Reading that in combination with my experiences thus far is very reassuring. :)

How is everyone doing with this book? I just ended a 9 month relationship this morning. But I am optimistic to start this book back up after a friend at work mentioned it out of the blue. I left off on chapter 13.

This book is really powerful. O must admit that before this book, I had never had a serious relationship at all. After this book I had two love connections. After the 1st relationship ended I picked it up and another guy came to me so I stopped reading. Now he's out of my life, so Im picking back up where I left off hoping that this time I will finish.
I am now offically out of week 2. That was the hardest part of the book for me. I could never get past it because the tasks were too difficult. That's when I knew I had alot of things blocked in my heart.

Yeah I actually met the guys while being in the week 2 portion, then I would stop. I literally had no previous relationships before those guys so I really think the book helped me. The 1st relationship lasted about 6 months and it was a very intense one. The one that just ended lasted 9 months and I could definitely say it was a beautiful love connection, but perhaps he was being moved from my life because my true love is coming.

Actually yesterday I had a very powerful experince doing one of the exercises from the book. It said to sit and meditate and feel the presence of love as if there was someone right in front of you. In that moment you have to be grateful that God has brought that special someone into your life. Pretty much celebrate your "one" as if he is already in your life. The most amazing thing happened while I was doing that, I had a vision of a man I'd never met before. I saw him very clearly, so I wrote down what he looked like. It took my focus off of my breakup and had me optimistic about meeting my true love very soon. :yep:

is that lesson # 33?

I am still truckin' along ladies. I haven't been so good at doing these every day, but I am still continuing. This is the farthest I have gone so far and I am very optimistic and happy with the way things are going right now. Looking forward to actually finishing the book!

I also always start a relationship when I start the book, meeting really good quality guys, but I have never finished. (which makes me wonder about if the brevity of these relationships with these great guys/good matches has to do with my unfinished homework) This time I will finish and we'll see what happens! :lol:
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is that lesson # 33?

I am still truckin' along ladies. I haven't been so good at doing these every day, but I am still continuing. This is the farthest I have gone so far and I am very optimistic and happy with the way things are going right now. Looking forward to actually finishing the book!

I also always start a relationship when I start the book, meeting really good quality guys, but I have never finished. (which makes me wonder about if the brevity of these relationships with these great guys/good matches has to do with my unfinished homework) This time I will finish and we'll see what happens! :lol:

Im happy to hear that you are striving to finish the book. I cant wait to see what comes from it. I'm going to go ahead and claim true love in our lives. :luv2:

It was actually lesson 13 Im nowhere near 33 yet, but I'm moving fwd fast on it. I actually love to do it now when before I used to fear revisiting past hurts from my childhood, etc. But now I look forward to it and I'm loving the motivation its giving me not only for romantic love but also to achieve my dreams. I will keep you all posted on any updates that are sure to come.
I ordered this from amazon a few days ago. I have been putting it off for a while. It should be coming in soon. These threads are motivational.
I bought this book yesterday and I've read Week 1 so far. I have to say Lesson 6: The Nature of A Soul Connection is my favorite lesson so far and I read it twice. One of the instructions was to close your eyes and think of those closest to you not with your mind, but with your heart, and think of how they make you feel. As cheesy as this sounds, I actually started crying! Not because I was sad but because I was so touched. I never stop to think about how much my 3 year old son looks at me with love, and my mom and my sisters and even my annoying co-worker lol. I see what people mean when they say although the book is meant to call in "the one", it has opened my eyes to all the love that's already around me. :yep:
The author of this book divorced the "One" that she called in. The "One" who this book is based on. Hmmm. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but this seals my opinion that no one is meant to be permanent, but that people come and go. She says she's with a new guy now, but she seems cheesy- I don't know if I take her wisdom that seriously. I find that guys come pouring in when I feel like not being open to relationships. Detachment seems to work for me.

She had a breakup recovery seminar, or something to that effect. This is where I heard her say this info. It seems like she has to have a new seminar for everything that happens to her, because she suddenly becomes the expert on it :look:. Here it is for those who want to listen: http://consciousuncouplingcourse.com/download/
The author of this book divorced the "One" that she called in. The "One" who this book is based on. Hmmm. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but this seals my opinion that no one is meant to be permanent, but that people come and go. She says she's with a new guy now, but she seems cheesy- I don't know if I take her wisdom that seriously. I find that guys come pouring in when I feel like not being open to relationships. Detachment seems to work for me.

She had a breakup recovery seminar, or something to that effect. This is where I heard her say this info. It seems like she has to have a new seminar for everything that happens to her, because she suddenly becomes the expert on it :look:. Here it is for those who want to listen: http://consciousuncouplingcourse.com/download/
Hmm...I was just reading her *story* online late last year or early this year about the guy she ultimately married (there's a little backstory :look: ). So she divorced him...was this recent? I didn't click the link.
Hmm...I was just reading her *story* online late last year or early this year about the guy she ultimately married (there's a little backstory :look: ). So she divorced him...was this recent? I didn't click the link.

I signed up for her email list about a year or so ago. I never really started checking them until now. The link and backstory I have was from her latest email, which was received either yesterday or the day before. The broadcast that contained the link I posted was from her latest email. She broadcasted that a couple days ago, on an online seminar or something...

I decided to just listen for the hell of it, and I heard her say "when Mark and I decided to get divorced..." or something like that. I had to rewind a couple times to make sure I heard correctly. I haven't read the whole book, but I knew enough to know that Mark was the name of the guy that inspired her to write it. :perplexed .

It's like feeling through every fiber of my being that i don't care. And that I don't want. Not because I felt the feeling would draw things closer, but because I actually didn't want it. Well, needless to say, after I consciously and emotionally made a decision to detach, two guys started making a stronger effort towards me the next day. ANd the day after that, a different one came back- who I felt wasn't making any effort. This may work differently for everyone, but I find that when I chase or long for something, it eludes me.

I went through this same feeling about a year ago, and the same thing- someone from the past came back to try to talk to me... So, I think this patter is real. Though it's not a forced emotion- the detachment. It's genuine, authentic.
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I decided to just listen for the hell of it, and I heard her say "when Mark and I decided to get divorced..." or something like that. I had to rewind a couple times to make sure I heard correctly. I haven't read the whole book, but I knew enough to know that Mark was the name of the guy that inspired her to write it. :perplexed .
That's just the thing...I remember deciding to read some reviews about her book after mentioning it someone else who was looking for a book like this (I had no intention of reading/buying her book). I was thinking this gets really good reviews and telling the acquaintance maybe she should read it since others seem to have had success with it. Well there was one review that was slightly negative as it said that the author pretty much "settled" for her husband. I was like "why does this person think she settled?" So that's when I read an excerpt of her book online in which she shared her story...I mean here was a guy that pursued her but she wasn't interested. Meanwhile she was dating all of these loser guys and the relationships weren't going anywhere. At some point she reconnected with this Mark guy and eventually they got married. I was like "well she decided to give him a chance and they got married." I didn't really feel "encouraged" reading her story but others seem to like her book so...now when I read that they are divorced I was like "hmm..." Like someone else I believe that there isn't just one person out there....
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Wow I am shocked to hear that she divorced Mark, but to be honest I never got into the book for her story. I looked at the idea of the book instead of it being just another self help book. The idea of the book is to look deep within and really think about things in your lives that may affect your love life now. From the lessons I have uncovered very deep, hurtful things in my past or revelations that made me think"Hmmm, this could be the reason I do this..." From this book I am able to feel braver and more optimistic about my future because I have learned to forgive myself and others from a past I pushed away for so long. Oddly the one I just split from called me yesterday night hesistant and saying he's thinking alot and "badly wanted to hear my voice" :rolleyes:

In any case, from these exercises I learned to put me first in a love relationship. Never let love or a man take power over you.

Despite the authors own personal story not working, I don't deny that her book can in some way help people to, at the very least, open people up to the possibility of love. I just kind of think of it as like a person who loses 100 pounds and sells a book on how she did it, but then comes to find out she gained it all back, just an example.

I do think that we have several soulmates in our lives, and those ties arent always romantic ones. It could just be someone who you have a deep bond with, and yeah sometimes these bonds fade. I think that some people come into your life for a reason, and you learn things from that experience. After the experience is over the tie is gone.

I still believe, however ,that true love does exist, and there is someone who can be in your life forever. I see stories all the time of couples who have been married for 30 40 50 years and sometimes more! I kinda always was inspired by people like Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward because they are a testament that love can be till death do us part.

I hate to keep rambling lol, but I truly think that we can't rely on just love and passion to keep something alive forever. Just like with family, there needs to be that committment that we are together forever, so whatever problems we may have we must work through them. That's not to say someone has to stay in an unhappy relationship at all. It's just saying that a lifetime union requires work, and yeah sometimes they just fade... but we still have to open our hearts and take a chance that it can work, and can last a lifetime.

And I probably wouldn't go to a seminar to help me heal from a breakup lol. I'm not knocking anyone who does, but there's always friends, family, sex and the city and papa johns to help me heal. jk jk :lachen:
How is everyone doing? I hit another exercise that i just dont want to do. I figure letting the book sit for a while is okay as long as i get back to it. I'm gonna take another look tonight.

Has anyone actually finished this book?

ETA: I did not find the author's story compelling or motivating so I feel retty unaffected by her divorce.
How is everyone doing? I hit another exercise that i just dont want to do. I figure letting the book sit for a while is okay as long as i get back to it. I'm gonna take another look tonight.

Has anyone actually finished this book?

ETA: I did not find the author's story compelling or motivating so I feel retty unaffected by her divorce.

I hit a wall too but I'm hoping to revisit it tonight. Im in the childhood section I think lesson 18. I am determined to finish the book no matter how long it takes. :yep: