Okay so I locked my fotki...

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Poohbear said:
so after you had PM'ed her, was she actually telling people it was her real hair, or was she just not disclosing that it was a weave??? :confused:
Yes, she said it was hers and got pissed that anyone would even assume that it wasnt. And was telling us how we wouldnt want her hair and all that other stuff.
bmoreflyygirl said:
EXACTLY. That's why I don't talk about weave in mixed company. Too much trouble.
OT: The picture in your siggy is really pretty.
BTW...I love your makeup!
lesley said:
Exactly Jamericangurl! You know that these forums & boards are like gangs. I wear my LHCF colors proud (as well as BHM, ect.lol)

Just like Meka felt the need to stand up for her "Mac Forum Fam." Making sure that she gets her props on that board for being the "cool black chick." We stick together as well. Because if you remember Meka kept stating "how would you feel if it was someone on this board that asked that question. or how would you reacted if she wasn't white?"

Just because its the net don't mean squat! If I let one person know something about me, that doesn't come with a pass if you know what I mean (even though this isn't reality sometimes.) And even though you have to take extra steps sometimes to protect yourself online by pw'ing your fotki's, homegirl still put her on blast in the first place.


Uhhh, actually I didn't stand up for anyone. I don't believe in the internet get-a-long gang stuff. But the girl is my friend and I feel like she was lied to so yes I pmd her Bmorflygirl's info and SHE put it on the board. Did I tell her to do that? NO

But opinons are like buttholes and everybody's got one.......
meka said:
See since your werent on the board to read it Marie, you dont know the whole story. Actually I pm'd her and she put her on blast.!!!!

The point again...YOU provided the fotki link or is this not true?
trimbride said:
Just wanted to put in my 2 cents.

I understand where you both are coming from. On one hand it is no ones business on the other I think more people "coming out" about their hair being weave will make it less of a taboo and help others realize that some types of beauty aren't so unattainable.

On a side note Meka your baby at the bottom of your siggy is one of the most beautiful babies I have seen in a long time. I hope my baby is that cute

And I am sorry that any feeling were hurt. You are beautiful girl with weave and I am sure you are just as beautiful without.

Thanks for the complement on my little girl!
trimbride said:
Just wanted to put in my 2 cents.

I understand where you both are coming from. On one hand it is no ones business on the other I think more people "coming out" about their hair being weave will make it less of a taboo and help others realize that some types of beauty aren't so unattainable.

On a side note Meka your baby at the bottom of your siggy is one of the most beautiful babies I have seen in a long time. I hope my baby is that cute

And I am sorry that any feeling were hurt. You are beautiful girl with weave and I am sure you are just as beautiful without.

Thanks for the complement on my little girl!
meka said:
Yes, she said it was hers and got pissed that anyone would even assume that it wasnt. And was telling us how we wouldnt want her hair and all that other stuff.
OT: Meka your little girl is soooooooo adorable. I love looking at your siggy!
meka said:
Yes, she said it was hers and got pissed that anyone would even assume that it wasnt. And was telling us how we wouldnt want her hair and all that other stuff.
If she went to the BSS and bought it...it was her's. If she ordered it from India...it was her's!!
It was still wrong IMO to put the girl on blast...JMO!

Your baby is purdy!
bmoreflyygirl said:
This was exactly my point. I was about the picture link. What if someone took the picture of Meka's baby from her signature and posted it somewhere else saying it was their child or something? Would there be a problem then? I would assume that she posted that picture thinking that no one would fool with it. To be honest, I didn't realize that people actually even looked at my fotki here recently. And I didn't realize how many people here were tracking my progess until you made mention of it here in this thread. That makes me feel good ladies. Idk why the thought never crossed my mind though because there are quite a few fotkis I stalk myself. Kinikakes is one of my favs. :) On occasion I would get pms from members with questions, but that was it. I didn't anyone was really paying little old me any attention.
If someone stole my pic of my baby, and tried to pass it off as theirs, then they would look like a fraud.....a liar. Why do that? Why pass off something as yours when it's really not...........wink wink
meka said:
Uhhh, actually I didn't stand up for anyone. I don't believe in the internet get-a-long gang stuff. But the girl is my friend and I feel like she was lied to so yes I pmd her Bmorflygirl's info and SHE put it on the board. Did I tell her to do that? NO

But opinons are like buttholes and everybody's got one.......
OHHHH! Now I see what went on! I was confused at first. I thought you PM'ed bmoreflyygirl, but you actually PM'ed a friend and told your friend about bmoreflyygirl's hair being fake. And then your friend posted the link in the public forum... correct?

WOW! That'sa crazy situation!
JamericanGurl said:
If she went to the BSS and bought it...it was her's. If she ordered it from India...it was her's!!
It was still wrong IMO to put the girl on blast...JMO!

Your baby is purdy!

Thank you for the complement!

I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
meka said:
If someone stole my pic of my baby, and tried to pass it off as theirs, then they would look like a fraud.....a liar. Why do that? Why pass off something as yours when it's really not...........wink wink

But why do you care? She has never lied to any of us about her hair being weave. When I used to wear tracks, I would tell some people it was mine and others it was weave...depending on my mood. The chick was probably trying to be funny anyway by even inquiring about her hair in the first place.
Poohbear said:
OHHHH! Now I see what went on! I was confused at first. I thought you PM'ed bmoreflyygirl, but you actually PM'ed a friend and told your friend about bmoreflyygirl's hair being fake. And then your friend posted the link in the public forum... correct?

WOW! That'sa crazy situation!

Well sorta like that......

My friend thought her hair was beautiful and told her she would be jealous if it was all hers, all wavy like that, and BMFG, said it was. Everyone kept saying that it was pretty and whatever but she kept telling us how we shouldnt wish we had her hair. I didn't even recognize BMFG from over there on the makeup board. I had no idea she was even a member. Then I came on LHCF b/c I was looking for some new inspirations for weave and I run into BMFG's 2006 weave challenge thing and the first thing I thought was Dang! That really isn't her hair, she is perpin'! So I pm'd my girl and before I knew it, she put her link in the reply, so whatevah....
marie170 said:
But why do you care? She has never lied to any of us about her hair being weave. When I used to wear tracks, I would tell some people it was mine and others it was weave...depending on my mood. The chick was probably trying to be funny anyway by even inquiring about her hair in the first place.

I care b/c she is my friend. If someone lied to your friend, and you knew the truth what would you say? If you say nothing, then you are not a friend to me and that is MY opinion and you DO NOT have to agree.
meka said:
Well sorta like that......

My friend thought her hair was beautiful and told her she would be jealous if it was all hers, all wavy like that, and BMFG, said it was. Everyone kept saying that it was pretty and whatever but she kept telling us how we shouldnt wish we had her hair. I didn't even recognize BMFG from over there on the makeup board. I had no idea she was even a member. Then I came on LHCF b/c I was looking for some new inspirations for weave and I run into BMFG's 2006 weave challenge thing and the first thing I thought was Dang! That really isn't her hair, she is perpin'! So I pm'd my girl and before I knew it, she put her link in the reply, so whatevah....
Oh okay ;) ... this seems like a situation of "what comes around goes around" for bmoreflyygirl...

ya know, it may not have been right for you to give the link to your friend, but hey! It's your friend! You only gave the link to your friend! You didn't know your friend would make it public... bmoreflyygirl had her album unlocked out there for just LHCF to see, but you came across it, and saw that bmoreflyygirl was lying to your friend about having a weave. You were just being loyal to your friend who was lied to... that's how I kinda see it...
Poohbear said:
so after you had PM'ed her, was she actually telling people it was her real hair, or was she just not disclosing that it was a weave??? :confused:

No Poohbear, someone else asked me about my hair on the makeup board. The woman made a rude backwards comment. So I asked her why would she automatically assume that my hair was fake? It was mines and that wasn't any of her business. I don't tell people of other cultures I have weave for sake of convenience. Meka then took it upon herself to pm the woman, give her the link to my fotki and then the woman posted it and then meka posted a message putting me on blast. The woman didn't even maliciously post it and said well I'm sorry If I was mistaken. She was like I just assumed which is bull because she didn't have the link to my fotki before she posted that message. Meka was the one who really put me on blast with the rude message she left which is why she is at fault. She said bwahahaha why do people have to lie and some other nonsense. She shouldn't have given the woman my fotki link in the first place. That woman is not a member here. And WE WERE ON THE MAKEUP FORUM. NOT HERE.
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You know what? everyone keeps telling her that she is beautiful and her hair is beautiful etc.etc.....

That was NEVER the question. I think she IS cute and the hair IS beautiful but I just don't like lies. I don't care if everyone on this board felt like I was wrong and think that I ought to apologize just to.....apologize.....b/c it would "look" nice. I stand for what I think is right, and I don't care if no one thinks it but me. I don't go searching for Fotki's, or anything like that. But I feel like if you don't want your info shared, lock it! I am not sipping on watermelon haterade in the big gulp size. Why should I? I am confident in myself. I don't feel as if I could could leave room for myself to be "outed", because I would not lie about something so trivial as weave. If I feel a question is not appropiate, then I would ignore them b/c to me, that works better than telling a lie. That is my stand and no one is going to make me think different.
JamericanGurl said:
I think so too....Everything you said!;)
SpinOff: it's kinda like when this girl on another board said her hair was 3a, then a pic of her fotki album was nabbed and she really had 4f hair. Now I chuckled up a storm...Because it was kinda funny...but I was I wrong for laughing...Dead wrong! The funny thing is once I saw her album long before the inccident. I knew her hair was not 3c, but it wasn't my place to bust her out!

ITA. And then to bust out laughing when she is put on blast? I would be pissed too. :ohwell: JMHO.
bmoreflyygirl said:
No Poohbear, someone else asked me about my hair on the makeup board. The woman made a rude backwards comment. So I asked her why would she automatically assume that my hair was fake? It was mines and that wasn't any of her business. I don't tell people of other cultures I have weave for sake of convenience. Meka then took it upon herself to pm the woman, give her the link to my fotki and then the woman posted it and then meka posted a message putting me on blast. The woman didn't even maliciously post it and said well I'm sorry If I was mistaken. She was like I just assumed which is bull because she didn't have the link to my fotki before she posted that message. Meka was the one who really put me on blast with the rude message she left which is why she is at fault. She said bwahahaha why do people have to lie and some other nonsense. She shouldn't have given the woman my fotki link in the first place. That woman is not a member here. And WE WERE ON THE MAKEUP FORUM. NOT HERE.


She knew she wasnt mistaken b/c she looked and saw your hair did not grow out of you scalp. Why would she need to be sorry? Yes I thought it was funny b/c I did not know she was going to do that! Shoot me for laughing.
meka said:
Well sorta like that......

My friend thought her hair was beautiful and told her she would be jealous if it was all hers, all wavy like that, and BMFG, said it was. Everyone kept saying that it was pretty and whatever but she kept telling us how we shouldnt wish we had her hair. I didn't even recognize BMFG from over there on the makeup board. I had no idea she was even a member. Then I came on LHCF b/c I was looking for some new inspirations for weave and I run into BMFG's 2006 weave challenge thing and the first thing I thought was Dang! That really isn't her hair, she is perpin'! So I pm'd my girl and before I knew it, she put her link in the reply, so whatevah....

but even if it was a weave all you had to do was let your friend know, hey i saw her on another forum and she's really wearing a weave. end of story.

I'm not concerned about anybody being put on blast over weave or not, but you provided the other girl with a link to Bmore's album, correct?

It is not anyone's place to provide links to pictures of people, w/o permission, especially when those people can turn around and do malevolent things with our pictures. I've seen what photoshop and a sick mind can do.

I recently had an issue where someone in CHINA got my email address from a member of BHM, my email was not posted for the world to see on BHM but somehow a person on the other side of the world ended up with my private email address I used to set up my BHM account, i've since closed that because my privacy was invaded.

There are thousands of women on LHCF who are helped immensely by albums set up, and now many of us don't feel "safe" doing so anymore because not only did you take her link but you gave it to someone who in turn posted it on a message board for how many thousands of people (be they white, black or blue) to see and then go on their other message boards and give a joke of the day.

Now everyone is going to clam up with their fotkis, me included because I don't know what I could be "put on blast" for. I only created to track my progess and show some of the ladies who have reached their goals or who are growing with me so we can be a help to each other but now I hope locking fotkis will become mandatory because providing that link was dead wrong. Bmore lying about her hair is no longer the issue. But invasion of privacy is. You invaded her privacy and you were ultimately the catalyst for other people seeing information she may not necessarily have wanted certain people knowing.

I am sorry for the long tangent but things like this are crazy and i'm still PO'd at BHM for providing my email address.
Girl, you are not going to get an apology. So keep doing your thang & post those motorcycle photos so we can see.

This should serve as a reminder to everyone on this board that we all have different views, values, and opinions.

Those that have fotki accounts should be considering YOUR next step will be, cause it may very well happen to you, but the circumstances may be different.
Cooyah said:
but even if it was a weave all you had to do was let your friend know, hey i saw her on another forum and she's really wearing a weave. end of story.

I'm not concerned about anybody being put on blast over weave or not, but you provided the other girl with a link to Bmore's album, correct?

It is not anyone's place to provide links to pictures of people, w/o permission, especially when those people can turn around and do malevolent things with our pictures. I've seen what photoshop and a sick mind can do.

I recently had an issue where someone in CHINA got my email address from a member of BHM, my email was not posted for the world to see on BHM but somehow a person on the other side of the world ended up with my private email address I used to set up my BHM account, i've since closed that because my privacy was invaded.

There are thousands of women on LHCF who are helped immensely by albums set up, and now many of us don't feel "safe" doing so anymore because not only did you take her link but you gave it to someone who in turn posted it on a message board for how many thousands of people (be they white, black or blue) to see and then go on their other message boards and give a joke of the day.

Now everyone is going to clam up with their fotkis, me included because I don't know what I could be "put on blast" for. I only created to track my progess and show some of the ladies who have reached their goals or who are growing with me so we can be a help to each other but now I hope locking fotkis will become mandatory because providing that link was dead wrong. Bmore lying about her hair is no longer the issue. But invasion of privacy is. You invaded her privacy and you were ultimately the catalyst for other people seeing information she may not necessarily have wanted certain people knowing.

I am sorry for the long tangent but things like this are crazy and i'm still PO'd at BHM for providing my email address.

Well said.....
secretdiamond said:
ITA. And then to bust out laughing when she is put on blast? I would be pissed too. :ohwell: JMHO.
Yeah, I was wrong for laughing! But, still felt that blasting her out was wrong...I know twisted:ohwell:
Oh and lemme add this girl was forever talking about how she had "good hair" (Dun even get me started on that one). How folx hated on her lovely locs etc!
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bmoreflyygirl said:
This was exactly my point. I was about the picture link. What if someone took the picture of Meka's baby from her signature and posted it somewhere else saying it was their child or something? Would there be a problem then? I would assume that she posted that picture thinking that no one would fool with it. To be honest, I didn't realize that people actually even looked at my fotki here recently. And I didn't realize how many people here were tracking my progess until you made mention of it here in this thread. That makes me feel good ladies. Idk why the thought never crossed my mind though because there are quite a few fotkis I stalk myself. Kinikakes is one of my favs. :) On occasion I would get pms from members with questions, but that was it. I didn't anyone was really paying little old me any attention.

Awww, thanks girl!!!!!:kiss:
marie170 said:
But why do you care? She has never lied to any of us about her hair being weave. When I used to wear tracks, I would tell some people it was mine and others it was weave...depending on my mood. The chick was probably trying to be funny anyway by even inquiring about her hair in the first place.

Which was what I thought! She gave me a backwards compliment which isn't a compliment at all. Which was why I responded that way that I did. You want to know about my hair but you give me a backwards compliment and expect me to be nice to you and freely give up info? Then wanna put me on blast when I don't tell you? What's up with that? The woman who posted it said she was sorry and apologized. I didn't have any reason to jump on her. It was Meka's rudeness that pissed me off. She jumped in the forum and made a comment to signify that she was the one that sent the link. The woman never even said anything about it. And if Meka hadn't posted I wouldve never known how the woman even got the link. And she keeps saying i Kept posting about it when I made one post in response to someones comment. That was it. It's not like I kept going on about it oh my hair is so beautiful! It wasn't even like that. The other people on the forum were saying it was pretty. They didn't care if it was mines or not. Only Meka and her friend did. What this boils down to, is my hair is MY business. If I choose to not talk about my weave with people who are not black or mixed company than that is my choice. I have reasons to do so not to just try to perpetrate a fraud or something.
Cooyah said:
There are thousands of women on LHCF who are helped immensely by albums set up, and now many of us don't feel "safe" doing so anymore because not only did you take her link but you gave it to someone who in turn posted it on a message board for how many thousands of people (be they white, black or blue) to see and then go on their other message boards and give a joke of the day.
You should never feel safe... regardless of if your album is locked or unlocked... you are just taking a risk when you put any picture of yourself on the internet regardless of where it can be found... we must all be aware of that risk and know that something bad can happen, no matter how protected your album is...
MzTami said:
OT: The picture in your siggy is really pretty.
BTW...I love your makeup!

Thanks! But I actually didn't have any makeup on in that picture besides eyeliner and lip gloss (And no I'm not lying about that). The photgrapher just touched whatever blemishes there were in Photoshop. It was taken on the spot at a random carwash in the bushes when I went to meet the photographer. I didn't wear any makeup because they want you to come natural so they can see what you really look like. They were scheduled to shoot some other girls but they got there late so he took some shots of me and another girl on the spot.
So no one has EVER given a friend outside of LHCF a link to someone else's album?? Really... I can see not posting publicly but to say you can't give a friend a link is a bit much...or I guess I'm out of line too...b/c I do it all the time...for the good and the bad.
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