I'm not embarassed that my hair was a weave. I'm currently wearing a weave to give my hair a rest and to help me reach my goals. Some people think it's because I'm baldheaded or whatever but I don't pay them no mind. Once I reach my goal, they'll see that it paid off. Actually I wasn't embarrassed at all I was just pissed that someone went out of their way to do that and invaded my privacy in the process. My hair is none of their business. I just didn't feel like the makeup forum needed to know about my hair. We were not there to discuss hair. If it had been a white girl posting would anyone have asked if that was her real hair? I seriously doubt it. Like I said before, someone's hair is a personal matter and I don't discuss it in mixed company period. Just like when white people at work make comments I just smile and nod. I don't feel like explaining to them the specifics because then it turns into a ton of questions. So its not real? Well what is it? Well how is it in there? Well how much does it cost? Can you take it off? I don't feel like going through all of that.
This hair is a unique find for me and is a part of my look for modeling. Therefore I don't want to reveal info about it because I don't want other people stealing my look. If they find it out on their own, then that's one thing. But I'm not giving up all my secrets. I don't think that's in my best interests. And with this particular hair, people ask me about it ALL DAY LONG. I'm just tired of answering questions about it. I just smile and nod so to speak. I'm guessing that people just can't figure it out. It's not a dead giveaway that it's a weave because the front blends so well. My own brother asked me the other day and he knows damn well what my hair looks like. Personally, I can spot a weave a mile away even if it is a good one. But I would never say anything about it out loud to the person. I would just compliment them by saying their hair looks nice or something like that. That's just rude.
So unless it is someone here I don't reveal info about my hair. And people generally don't ask if it is real upfront like I stated before. They'll just say oh your hair is pretty. It's not about me being ashamed its about me not wanting people all in my business. Wouldn't you be offended if someone walked up to you and asked if you were wearing a push up bra or something? IMO, that's personal info. And if someone chooses not to reveal that personal info about themself, then that is their prerogative. The whole point of this was that she invaded my privacy. Not that she outed me. She didn't just tell the woman oh that's a weave she gave her the link to my fokti which the woman then posted and said something like well I just assumed because here (link) you have galleries with your real hair. She didn't leave it at oh she has a weave. If that woman was so interested in a weave, why wasn't she just directed to the forum or why didn't she pm me and ask me about it personally? If she hadn't given me that backwards ass comment maybe I would have given her the info. She never asked me for it. If someone came at you side ways and rude about your hair would you be so willing to give up information? I don't think so. It's all in your approach. When you want to know something or want something from someone you have to be nice right? Do you think that if someone asked Beyonce about wearing a lacefront wig on tv she would say yeah I'm wearing a wig and I bought it at such and such place. Nope. The industry isn't even talking about those wigs yet. They're still saying they're wearing weaves. Or what about hair mags who don't say the women in the pictures are wearing weaves. We don't have a problem with that do we? No. You don't discuss weaves freely in public and especially in mixed company. It's still a little taboo even though many people wear them.
Nothing positive has come out of this situation. Well actually, I take that back. I took my frustration out on my motorcycle photo shoot last night and my pictures came out fab! I'm just waiting for the edited copies to come back. So I guess I can say thanks to Meka for that one.