OK so who else is not using growth aids

I am not using growth aids. Been there, done that. My hair seems to do better with a KISS program.
i dont use growth aids. the only one i have ever used is hydratherma naturals follicle invigorator. i didnt see growth with it i just kept using it because i wasnt putting anything else on my scalp. i was using it for about 2-3 months and then i started getting major shedding and my scalp was sore. again this was the only thing i was putting on my scalp.
I was really tempted, but have not seen any spectacular results from people who use them. WIll try it naturally for a while and see where that takes me
**runs in** I LOVE MEGATEK!**runs out**

In all seriousness, I was like that but I got a little greedy when my hair finally made it to SL for the first time in my life! I just started on the growth aide bandwagon and see where it will take me.

Before MT, I took Biotin which seemed to really work for me!
Well, I take supplements, but I'm not putting stuff all over my scalp. I take Biotin with a B complex, and Vitamins for the Hair from Puritan's Pride.

I never could understand the concept of putting strange potions on your scalp that cause shedding like crazy... I mean, I'm trying to keep my hair ON my head, ya know?
i'm not doing any growth aids. i tried BT about 2 years ago and gave it away. i was going to do the caffiene but i decided against it since i am caffeine sensitive and one of the easiest ways of getting things in your blood stream is through the skin. i only do supplements if i'm heavy in the gym.

right now my regimen is simple: co-wash with elucence, leave some in, follow w/ coconut oil & air dry that is all.

i sometimes add organix serum &/or KCCC but i've found that the co-wash + coconut oil is all i need. i do not comb, i do not detangle. i wear my hair out all the time. if i put my hair in a bun, then i will detangle w/ a shower comb, follow w/ the denman, then into the pony but i very rarely pony or bun.

i have stopped all heat for now. i'm thinking about pressing again but that is only a thought right now.
I considered taking msm or biotin...

but YEAHH, I've been seeing too many horror stories lately.
I don't want any acne or mustaches, thanks :supergrin:

Well I've made a goal to keep myself healthy, and hopefully my hair benefits. I drink plenty of water, go running, get lots of sleep, take a multi-vitamin. I also keep my scalp clean by washing as often as I can and doing quick scalp massages during co-washes or shampooing.
I'm not
Can't get into the routine of taking vitamins every day!
My hair has been flourishing since going natural though!
I have never used growth aids and i don't knock anyone who does. But the thought has crossed my mind. Shrinkage is a beast you wouldn't know my hair has grown unless i stretch it, but it is growing slowly but surely.:sad:
I never used any growth aids. I think you can grow your hair long anyway, as long as you stay healthy and treat your hair gently. :)

I don't like the idea of putting unnecessary chemicals on my hair. There's so much in shampoo and conditioner already. :nono:

There are more cons than pros IMO, the hassle etc etc.
oh I was totally into the growth aids, but no more, I gave all of it up. To tired of parting, my scalp hurt, it was so expensive. I had enough I think the MT is okay for a protein treatment and nothing more. So I am going all natural as well no growth aids. but then I must admit my hair is long enough for me to do many things to it. I don't know how I would feel if it was much shorter. Probably be on the growth wagon too.
I've given up on them. When I first joined this board I tried them all. I never got the spectacular results that everyone else did.

Keeping my ends moisturised (and babied) to retain them works for me.
Ditto. I've never seen much success with growth aids so I just KISS for now.
I am at that point right now. Tried to use megatek and I hate the rough feeling it gave my ng even though I took all of the "precautions" and only got it on my scalp. I am using up my gro aut but it is not doing anything special but soften and make my scalp feel good.

In the past, nutrition/healthy hair products/care gave me good growth. I had to check myself because whenever I use growth aids I feel like I am being greedy & impatient. Our hair is growing anyway.

From now on, I am limiting myself to scalp stimulating products that also do something positive for my hair.
I'm taking a hiatus on the MN because for the past month or so ny hair has been shedding..badly. So I am going to stop for awhile.. I maty also lay off the vitamins..except fish oil and see what happens. It could be this horrible weather too, probably is..but the mn ive noticed had dried out my scalp even more.
I considered taking msm or biotin...

but YEAHH, I've been seeing too many horror stories lately.
I don't want any acne or mustaches, thanks :supergrin:

Well I've made a goal to keep myself healthy, and hopefully my hair benefits. I drink plenty of water, go running, get lots of sleep, take a multi-vitamin. I also keep my scalp clean by washing as often as I can and doing quick scalp massages during co-washes or shampooing.


No growth aids here either. I'm happy for those it works for but I can't be bothered. I can't even remember to take my multivitamins regularly
Okay, Im in the mood to procrastinate so I will finally post.

I do/don't believe in growth aides, alone. I have a bottle of OCT and MT.

I want my hair to be as long as possible for my graduation in May (really just the pictures not so much the event). So I have decided that I would really focus on providing my hair the best chance to get there.

So I stopped using heat, but boy do I miss it. I wear a bun, I have started cowashing and keeping it moisturized. I also drink 2 liters of water everyday, and the Egg Shake and I work out every day. The only pills I take are chlorella and I am thinking about the silica. I eat a high protein, high vegetable diet and I have really minimized junk food.

But I figure with all that going on and I tend to massage my scalp while Im studying why not try to see if the growth aides well help. I haven't experienced extensive shedding and i have been using MT for a month. My scalp isn't sensitive or anything.

Truthfully if I see amazing growth, and I have seen plenty in the month I have been on that regimen, I can't attribute it solely to the growth aides.
Growth aid No thank, I'm good :nono:. I tried it once a while back any didn't see and difference at all.
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Plus I like to keep it very simply :beach:

Im at a time in my life where I can be a little fussy in the short term. But I generally agree with you on the K.I.S., once I make it past my graduation my regimen will be about inner health and keeping my hair moisturized and healthy, by then I should also have a good idea of what works best for me

btw: you have gorgeous hair!