OK so who else is not using growth aids


New Member
Because im not, i just can't be bothered. This year i've decided to keep my regime as simple as possible.

Last year my regime was a complete mess, i was doing all the pre-pooing, d/cing, trying the co/washing etc etc. I started to jump on the MoeGro thing and that lasted like a min.
In the end my hair just looked and felt like crap.

So im going back to basic. Washing my hair and d/c 1x a week and moisterising 2x a day. Im going to avoid brushing/combing my hair everyday. Im working out 5x a week and so far i've been drinking 1.5 litres of water a day (working my way up to 2 litres), oh and eating right.

Im not going to try any growth aids for the year and see how my hair does.

So who else is not trying any growth aids and just keeping plain ol' simple.
Never have, don`t currently use, don`t plan to use it and most likely never will. I want my natural hair to grow naturally:yep:...no matter how slow that may be *sigh*
I'm not. There are so many people using growth aids that's having these set backs and shedding and breaking all over the place. My hair is doing great and I plan to keep it that way. I try different conditioners and shampoos but that's it. I'm not jumping on those bandwagons.
I personally don't believe in using growth aids.
Keeping my scalp clean and clog-free and drinking lots of water is all the growth aid my hair requires.
ive never used growth aids and dont think i ever will. ive thought about it but i cant be bothered to be honest. i hear people mixing megatek with all these things and putting it on their scalp every night and it sounds like too much hassle to me lol.
That ship beeeeeeen sailed with me.

No growth aids here other than taking care of my hair using healthy hair care habits.
I don't use growth aids. I workout, eat healthy (most of the time), and massage my scalp for relaxation. It works for me!

I don't knock people who choose to use growth aids. Ultimately its people use whatever methods they are comfortable using.
I was tempted to, but I decided to just try to get healthier, I think both my body and hair will benefit if I do it that way
I've given up on them. When I first joined this board I tried them all. I never got the spectacular results that everyone else did.

Keeping my ends moisturised (and babied) to retain them works for me.
Growth Aids were a waste of money for me. I tried MTG and I had an allergic reaction. Then I wasted more money on Ovation with the same normal 1/2" growth. Personally, I don't think they work. To get my optimal growth I'm working out, getting sleep, drinking water, trying to change my eating habits, and staying positive. My biggest obstacle right now are my eating habits but I'm working on those now. I have not seen anyone online or offline who said they got to MBL or WSL by taking growth aids... Not one.
I K.I.S.S as well.

But- this year I will be adding some new treatments to my routine. Nothing extra, instead I'll just substitute a few things in my regimen with some of the things I've learned through research. Other than that I'm a shampoo, dc, occasional protein treatment kinda gal. And my hair isn't complaining at all!
I'm not using growth aides, just because of money issue, I'm hearing horror stories, I'm too busy with school....I'll try the monistat, but really I just let my hair do what it do...
Ive never tried and probably will never use growth aides. Heck I dont even take a hair, skin and nails vitamin. Just a one a day and some fish oil supplement and I'm fine

I also believe that healthy hair starts from the inside
I'm not neither, been there and done that. I tried the MTG just couldn't stick with it and MN was a shedding mess with that MN, that was the straw that broke the camels back! I was shedding more hair than growth, LOL, and it took a long time to stop shedding too. I think my reggie is good enough and I am still getting the amount of growth I've been getting so.......
I don't. I agree with PinkSkates and Tracy, I just keep the scalp clean. I also do a quick massage with my daily cowash, so I think that's all the stimulation I need.

I'm keeping it so simple.
I don't. I have such a hard time staying consistent with anything as it is. I just don't have the patience to apply anything long enough to see if it works or not. I'll admit that I've thought about it though, but now that my regimen is tight, I don't wanna mess with perfection. :nono:
I used to use growth aids when I first joined LHCF. I hopped on the BT bandwagon. I LOVED the product, but really didn't see much spectacular growth with it. Same with miconazole nitrate or whatever. :lachen: Maybe it's just my hair... I've since been sticking with a very simple regimen.
Ive never tried and probably will never use growth aides. Heck I dont even take a hair, skin and nails vitamin. Just a one a day and some fish oil supplement and I'm fine

I also believe that healthy hair starts from the inside

It sure does, well atleast that's what i hoping to find out.
ME, ME, ME!!!! I've tried just about all of them and none of them have worked for my hair...So Im just growing it the old fashion way with lots of care and time! :)
I'm not...I don't have the patience and can't stick with anything long enough to even see if they will work, lol.
I'm not. There are so many people using growth aids that's having these set backs and shedding and breaking all over the place. My hair is doing great and I plan to keep it that way. I try different conditioners and shampoos but that's it. I'm not jumping on those bandwagons.

I am in complete and total agreement with this one chica!!
...nope just a natural oil mix that I created...which aids in hair growth...so I guess I do lol..oh well...at least it's natural and it works :look:
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