Oils,Pomades,Grease,Butters,Lotions & Cremes 2013

Ladies which oils do you refrigerate? I just bought Hemp seed oil and I'm wondering if I mix it with other oils that don't require refrigeration will it keep ok on my shelf?
hemp needs to be in the fridge......any oils i have with the exception of olive, castor, or evco stay cold. once i mix some in a small bottle to apply to my hair i don't worry about that bottle cause its so small and its mixed with other oils that have a long shelf life and don't need a fridge in a larger quantity.
Drenched my hair and scalp with all my sprays sealed with evco put trigger and jar of joe in scalp all under plastic cap until sometime tmrw.
I'm steaming now but shucks I forgot to oil my scalp first!
Not hair related but oil. I've started oil pulling. .it's very interesting to say the least.
Used my oil/grease mix in my hair to soften it. Yea thats what I needed

Swype thinks weird and wierd are both correct
Sealed in my DC with EVOO (the only way I can use this oil and my hair loves it sooooo much), LOC with tea/avj, STNL knot sauce, SSI eve oil, and HH hemp nostalgia
Monday washed/dc my bang..Rinsed with Yucca Hair Milk,applied HH soft Marshmellow leave-in,NG Moisturuzing cream & Sealed with NG Pumpkin hair butter..Bang feels silky soft & looks like doll baby hair..lol..

Happy Hair Growing!
Used Afroveda's Rice Bran Oil this a.m. under a Plastic Cap, Wig Cap & Wig.

Will come home this evening and cowash it out with a mixture of Claudie's Avocado Intense and Curl Junkie's Curl Theory. *using up these 2 bottles of cowash conditioners*
Currently testing to see if NG (moisturizing hair cream) or Soultincals (Flufflious) gives the most moisture/same..One is a cream other butter cream..I like both textures,because they feel lite..

*Keep you posted.

Happy Hair Growing!
Hooked on learning about oil pulling:yep: not really hair related so on that note: I oil rinsed used rbo and gleau to seal loco style.
Last night before bed,dampen bang with little warm water,HH Coconut Marshmellow,little HH black coffee cream,sealed rice bran oil on ends (little) today,can't believe how silky,silky bang feels/looks...Rubbed HH black coffee cream on edges too.

*I think NG moisturizing cream gives a soft hold..

Happy Hair Growing!
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Been doing the GHE with castor for the past few nights.

I'm steaming now but shucks I forgot to oil my scalp first!
Not hair related but oil. I've started oil pulling. .it's very interesting to say the least.

Nix08, I've been oil pulling for about 4 or 5 days now. It's very interesting. I'm still not noticing anything magical. Maybe, just maybe, my teeth appear whiter but the other magical moments have yet to come. To date, I've oil pulled with evco (textured but melts fast; taste is decent) and evoo (bitter at first but it vanishes within several minutes). I will try seasme or sunflower sometime next week.
Back to using KBN Oil. I had to put my AV Rice Bran away, because it's discontinued now, and I want to savor it.

I need to STOP buying stuff that is being discontinued, because you fall in love with the product(s) and ultimately end up feeling Cheated!:love4:
@Nix08 @divachyk

Lawd...now ya'll gone make me search Oil Pullin'.:blush:....:nono:

IDareT'sHair, it's said to release toxins out of the body and in my words, it cures every disease known to man :lol: Links: http://www.oilpulling.com/ and http://makecoconutnotfat.com/how-to-oil-pull/ There are tons of other sites but I had these two handy. I personally chose evco because it's said to have health benefits that some of the other oils don't have. Some articles suggest sunflower and seasme are better for oil pulling. You'll find info may be slightly contradictory w/r/t which oil is the best but one thing the remains consistent is the health benefits associated with the method.
IDareT'sHair, it's said to release toxins out of the body and in my words, it cures every disease known to man :lol: Links: http://www.oilpulling.com/ and http://makecoconutnotfat.com/how-to-oil-pull/ There are tons of other sites but I had these two handy. I personally chose evco because it's said to have health benefits that some of the other oils don't have. Some articles suggest sunflower and seasme are better for oil pulling. You'll find info may be slightly contradictory w/r/t which oil is the best but one thing the remains consistent is the health benefits associated with the method.

Oh lawd, off to research tooooooo!!! Lol. Thanks for the links divachyk
@Nix08 @divachyk

Lawd...now ya'll gone make me search Oil Pullin'.:blush:....:nono:

That was the plan <insert evil laugh here>:lachen: :lachen:

My Initial observations within the first few days after doing twice a day for a couple days (I use sesame)....I'm down to once a day now:
Whiter teeth
Fresh breath all day even in the morning before brushing
Arise in the morning very alert
Decreased appetite
Craving fruit for some reason (and I don't really like fruit)
I have been having dry eyes and I've been thinking that I'm going to really need to up my prescription at my next appointment = the dryness and straining to see even with my glasses is gone.
My nasal passages almost feel too clear if that makes any sense.
My body feels airy again I know that sounds like madness but that's the best way to describe it.

My coworker tried it (night), the very next morning he woke up very alert and the nasal congestion that he normally has over the last 20 years was not there!

His girlfriend tried it the following night (after being a skeptic) she woke up before him - that was the first time ever that she's done that and had the coffee/tea made. She also suffers from arthritis and her hands didn't feel the pain that they normally do.

WHY this all works has been nagging at me so I bought an e-book and my STARS is it enlightening as to how filthy our mouths are and the relation between bacteria in our mouth and the rest of our bodies (I'm still reading).
There is a thread in the natural section that is over a 1000 posts long with great info:yep:
Sorry for the minor derailment ladies:grin: