Oils,Grease,Pomades,Butters,Lotions,Cremes Challenge 2014

Today after DC'in with Kizuri Cocoa
I applied Oyin Hair Dew, Kizuri Olive/Shea Butter/Soultanicals Knot Butter and twisted it up. My hair is SOFT and I did a protein treatment!!
I forgot to add Lavender EO, and Palm oil to my list.

I just opened my eyes and this is the first thing I think about??? HA! :-)
Thanks for the tag. I havent been using my computer in a while, s i am only now seeing it.
I do love me some cream and butters. Oils not so much. I can only use them as prepoo, and they work great for that. This year is all about staples, so i will only list those. You may see me mention other stuff though that i am trying to use up, or some i may pick up because of some of the pushers in here:look:.
So here is my list:
SD wheat germ butter
SD mocha hair milk
SD mocha bling butter
Claudie quinoa and coffee hair cream
Jane Carters curling cream
Nutrivia organic extra virgin coconut oil
Josie Maran argan oil
Pura dor argan oil
Thanks for the tag. I havent been using my computer in a while, s i am only now seeing it.
I do love me some cream and butters. Oils not so much. I can only use them as prepoo, and they work great for that. This year is all about staples, so i will only list those. You may see me mention other stuff though that i am trying to use up, or some i may pick up because of some of the pushers in here:look:.
So here is my list:
SD wheat germ butter
SD mocha hair milk
SD mocha bling butter
Claudie quinoa and coffee hair cream
Jane Carters curling cream
Nutrivia organic extra virgin coconut oil
Josie Maran argan oil
Pura dor argan oil


I know what you mean Girl.:look: There are plenty Pushas up in this piece.:lol:

Hmpf. I feel the same way.:ohwell:
Yesterday i prepood with a mix of argan oil, evco, and claudie normalizing conditioner.
I used SD wheat germ butter as my leave in and moisturizer, then i twisted with jane carter's nourish and shine.
This morning, my twists are soft, shiny, and bouncy. I wish this butter was easier to spread. It would have sure replaced my SD mocha bling.
M&S with HH Espressyoself and Keravada's coffee oil, sounded like a winning combo except that my hair feels very producty. It's was my first time trying a HH product and I was really disappointed. I may have been heavy handed so ill give it one more try
Had to end 2013 with a bang! Cleansed, tea rinsed, and conditioned my hair. Then applied TPS Peppermint Pomade to my scalp, Qhemet Moringa oil, HH Tutti Frutti, and SSI Seyani Butter to my length. Bunned for the next two days.

Waist length here I come!