Oils and Serums for Sealing


Well-Known Member
I feel like I've asked a variation of this question somewhere along the line but I'm not really sure. That being said, ladies, please excuse me if I've asked this before.

Does anyone mix oils AND serums to seal their hair. I like using both oils and serums to seal my hair. I haven;t been able to determine as yet, if one is more beneficial for my hair than the other, if at all. Sometime I try to alternate them between morning and night and other times I try to alternate days.

Sometimes I get so
that lately I have been using both mixed together. Does anyone do this? Do you think its okay to do this or do you think I should be layering the two as opposed to blending them?

What do you prefer to use to seal your hair--oil or serum and why?

Thanks in advance---daviine
I'm not sure if I'm answering your question right but, I prefer to use an oil over a serum. I only use a serum on the rare occasions that I blow dry my hair and at that time I apply a serum on wet hair.
I only use a serum as a last step, for shine. If I use it on my wet hair, even a tiny amount, whne it dries it's just grasy feeling and my hair is locked into that style- it won't be convinced to another style without washing it out.
For me, it depends on whether I'm rollersetting or airdrying. For rollersetting, I use a serum, because it makes my hair soft & silky w/o weighing it down.

For air-drying, I like using oils, because I feel that they make my hair dry shiny and smooth. And if I'm air-drying, I don't really care (as much) whether my hair is getting weighed down, since I'll be wearing it in a bun/ponytail or a twist-out anyhow.

So do oils do a better job than serums of sealing in moisture?

Do serums even seal in moisture or do they just seal the cuticle? Or even worse----is this both the same thing?

I think oils are best for sealing in moisture. Serums, if I understand correctly, mainly make the cuticle smooth and add shine. I've never used serum yet.
Okay- thanks Isis--I'm going to go to VS to get me some jojoba oil to hold me over until I get some money to order some more oils!!!!