Oh No! Gladys Knight is Now a Mormon !!!

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WOW ladies, i wish u guys know what u r talking about:mad: . I am mormon and i am black. it is not a cult by the way. I wish u guys would do your research before saying things that r not correct. it is plenty of things that i can say about "Black chruches and how they worship, but i don't go there because my main focus is God and not immature people.:)
favorc said:
WOW ladies, i wish u guys know what u r talking about:mad: . I am mormon and i am black. it is not a cult by the way. I wish u guys would do your research before saying things that r not correct. it is plenty of things that i can say about "Black chruches and how they worship, but i don't go there because my main focus is God and not immature people.:)

Can you point us to some reference websites as to how we can understand your side? I find this interesting but looking at christians websites are giving christians perspectives.
Pebbles you asked a lot of good questions.
pebbles said:
I want to know if it's true that the Mormon faith teaches the following:

-That Jesus had a goddess mother, and is the son of GOD, who HIMSELF is one of many gods.

-That GOD HIMSELF was once a man like us who lived on another planet and by following the laws of that planet became an exalted being.

-Is dark skin considered a curse?

I've heard this, and read it, but would love to hear from a Mormon about this.
In short, I guess it boils down to what you believe to be the truth; the teachings of John Smith contradict much of what is in the bible, and that has always been a huge problem between Mormonism and Christianity.
Who is John Smith and what has he taught?
Can any of the black Mormons answer them? I've never heard much of anything relating to the Mormon doctorine, so this is all new to me. I knew there weren't many blacks involved, but had no idea about this curse of blackness.

Why wouldn't they/you be considered Christians? Can someone explain this to me? I feel very in over my head right now. :lol:

Can we maybe gloss over the "cult" comment and have some enlightening discussion? Maybe we'll have more black Mormons come out of this...
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I have no problems with mormons as people but can the few black mormons here answer a couple of questions for me.

If polygomy (Which I don't agree with) is ordained by God for you. Then how can pressure from the government and changing times change that. I don't think it's right but you better believe that if God has commanded or ordained many husbands for me then the guv'mint is gon' have to lock me up because I will be having multiple menfolk. But seriously how do you change TRUTH. If TRUTH is multiply marriages are holy and ordained how did the church justify their new stance on not condoning them? In my bible God was, is and will always be unchanging.

If the curse of black skin kept blacks out of heaven then why is it that the convenience of wanting to build a temple where your finding out about all this black ancestry for these white priest change that? Again truth is truth if I'm cursed because of my skin then I would respect you a lot more if you held your ground and stayed true to your TRUTH rather than changing for the times.
Like the Catholic church ordaining gay priests. I don't care how loud people are shouting about gay rights. God has spoken on the matter. He cannot be spoken for with words and thoughts that go against the bible.

Do you know of any blacks being married in the temple in Utah with the large golden statue on top. Last I heard blacks still couldn't get married there? Please enlighten me on these topics. Thanks
favorc said:
WOW ladies, i wish u guys know what u r talking about:mad: . I am mormon and i am black. it is not a cult by the way. I wish u guys would do your research before saying things that r not correct. it is plenty of things that i can say about "Black chruches and how they worship, but i don't go there because my main focus is God and not immature people.:)
'Favorc', I 'hear' you. I hear your heart regarding my statements in the thread. Some unfavorable comments have been made regarding a 'faith' that you are a part of. While I've spoken out about the Mormon faith, please believe that the intent is not to hurt anyone.

In EVERY faith we must descern it's origin, it's teachings, it's practices and it's leadership. When it comes to Christianity, the Mormon origins, it's concept, it beliefs, practices, and the leadership does not line up scripturally. It simply does not.

We cannot erase or re-create who Jesus is and call ourselves true followers of Him. This applies to all who call themselves Christian, not just Mormons.

God is Sovereign. He has made it plain that His word cannot be changed. The Bible as it has been written, from Genesis to Revelation has and is continuing to be fulfilled each day that we live. Because it is God's Holy and final word which has been spoken. No History channel documentary can change that. And neither can 'John Smith'. John Smith re-wrote the Bible as he chose. He has denied the Diety of Jesus. He has also made other false claims of Jesus which were not spoken by God Himself.

This and other false information has failed to line up, let alone fufill what God has spoken through His word.

It hurts having something 'attacked' that you love...that you are a part of and that you have found a 'place' in. But we all have to face truths in this life, be it pleasant or not. I've had to do it in my own personal walk. My original church was not 'following' Jesus or 'sound doctrine' of Christianity. It wasn't until I allowed myself to face the facts, though very painful, that I became where God wanted me to be.

It's all about Life's lessons. Each day I challenge myself by asking the Lord this prayer. I love this scripture below:

"That which I see not TEACH THOU ME: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more." Job 34:32

We have to guard our hearts; for our hearts will deceive us.

All of us, ALL...must seek God each day for truth...not man. And we must line up all that we are told with God's word. Not what mans' doctrine misleads. Search the truth of what you believe in the Mormon faith. Challenge yourself to allow God...the God in whom you say you believe in; the one you say you love...allow Him to be the God that He is. Give Him due honor. For doesn't He deserve such? Especially if you say you love Him. If we love Him, we honor Him and allow Him to be called Lord.

Warm peace and blessings to you... ;)
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AnnDriena_ said:
I have no problems with mormons as people but can the few black mormons here answer a couple of questions for me.

If polygomy (Which I don't agree with) is ordained by God for you. Then how can pressure from the government and changing times change that. I don't think it's right but you better believe that if God has commanded or ordained many husbands for me then the guv'mint is gon' have to lock me up because I will be having multiple menfolk. But seriously how do you change TRUTH. If TRUTH is multiply marriages are holy and ordained how did the church justify their new stance on not condoning them? In my bible God was, is and will always be unchanging.

If the curse of black skin kept blacks out of heaven then why is it that the convenience of wanting to build a temple where your finding out about all this black ancestry for these white priest change that? Again truth is truth if I'm cursed because of my skin then I would respect you a lot more if you held your ground and stayed true to your TRUTH rather than changing for the times.
Like the Catholic church ordaining gay priests. I don't care how loud people are shouting about gay rights. God has spoken on the matter. He cannot be spoken for with words and thoughts that go against the bible.

Do you know of any blacks being married in the temple in Utah with the large golden statue on top. Last I heard blacks still couldn't get married there? Please enlighten me on these topics. Thanks
Pologamy has been banned the the maninstream Mormom church for some time now. It's just those Utah folks that still do it.

Can't help you with anything else.
Thanks Queen.

I know the church banned it and I said even though I don't believe it. How can the church say that God ordained something and then when they are pressured about they abandon it. God is the higher power not man. That's what confuses me. What if the government decides something else in your church is not politically correct. What they change that too?:ohwell:

The Bible - Mormons accept the Bible as authoritative scripture, with the important caveat "as far as it is translated correctly". This caveat gives Mormon leaders the freedom to alter the Bible to suit their own needs and to be superceded by other Mormon 'scriptures'. Mormon confidence in the Bible is less than that of the three works above due to Joseph Smith's incorrect contention that the Biblical canon is incomplete and inaccurate due to errors in translation and transcription. This has been disproven by many scholars.

A major claim of the Book of Mormon is that Christ appeared in the New World shortly after His resurrection and that His second coming will preceded by a massive conversion of the American Indians to Christ, who will then exterminate gentiles who do not accept it. After that, the believing Indians and Mormons will build the New Jerusalem (in Independence, Missouri), where Christ will return to live14. The Mormon Church claims this book is "another testament of Jesus Christ

Can any of the mormons tell me a little about the above statements regarding mormonism. Thank you for your help.
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Well guess who went to grandma's house for Christmas dinner and found out her uncle converted to Mormonism? :ohwell: I didn't speak to him about this but it was slightly mind blowing. I hear he's very passionate about it too.
I don't mean to offend but I believe it is a cult. Not only because of what some of the other ladies posted, but the mormon church also teaches that men are dive and can achieve "god-status." If that isn't a cult, I don't know what is. I go to school with a lot of Mormons and although they are friendly and they don't try to convert anyone, there is something not quite right with them as a whole (and I hate to label a group of people). I was lead to pray for them last year (one person in particular) and hope that God would lead them to the light of truth.
AnnDriena_ said:
Thanks Queen.

I know the church banned it and I said even though I don't believe it. How can the church say that God ordained something and then when they are pressured about they abandon it. God is the higher power not man. That's what confuses me. What if the government decides something else in your church is not politically correct. What they change that too?:ohwell:

The Bible - Mormons accept the Bible as authoritative scripture, with the important caveat "as far as it is translated correctly". This caveat gives Mormon leaders the freedom to alter the Bible to suit their own needs and to be superceded by other Mormon 'scriptures'. Mormon confidence in the Bible is less than that of the three works above due to Joseph Smith's incorrect contention that the Biblical canon is incomplete and inaccurate due to errors in translation and transcription. This has been disproven by many scholars.

A major claim of the Book of Mormon is that Christ appeared in the New World shortly after His resurrection and that His second coming will preceded by a massive conversion of the American Indians to Christ, who will then exterminate gentiles who do not accept it. After that, the believing Indians and Mormons will build the New Jerusalem (in Independence, Missouri), where Christ will return to live14. The Mormon Church claims this book is "another testament of Jesus Christ

Can any of the mormons tell me a little about the above statements regarding mormonism. Thank you for your help.

AnnDriena' thank you for speaking up. You've presented excellent points throughout this entire thread which need to be addressed.

None of us are here to offend any person. I absolutely feel badly that this has happened. None of us are focused on hurting anyone. :( We just need to have the truth presented.

The devil 'hates' to be exposed. Yet we have to be reminded that he is a master deceiver and the word of God is his playground. Wherever he can cause division and derision using the word of God, he will.

As lovingly as possible, I hope we can share the truth about this subject without wounding anyone's spirit.
classimami713 said:
I don't mean to offend but I believe it is a cult. Not only because of what some of the other ladies posted, but the mormon church also teaches that men are dive and can achieve "god-status." If that isn't a cult, I don't know what is. I go to school with a lot of Mormons and although they are friendly and they don't try to convert anyone, there is something not quite right with them as a whole (and I hate to label a group of people).

I was lead to pray for them last year (one person in particular) and hope that God would lead them to the light of truth.

Excellent...;) You've shown a heart of integrity; versus a heart of condemnation.
I found this on my roommate's Myspace. I'd like to add that I don't think it's a cult. I'm impressed by so many young people living righteous lives and being so active in the church. I've never seen that before until I was introduced to the Mormon church.

Truth about Mormons...
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Newspaper article in Santa Claire, CA
>> I have heard and seen enough! I have lived in the
>> West all my life. I have worked around them. They
>> have worked for me and I for them. When I was young,
>> I dated their daughters. When I got married they came
>> to my wedding. Now that I have daughters of my own,
>> some of their boys have dated my daughters. I would
>> be privileged if one of them were to be my son-in-law.
>> I'm talking about the Mormons. They are some of the
>> most honest, hard-working people I have ever known.
>> They are spiritual, probably more than most other
>> so-called religious people I have encountered. They
>> study the Bible and teach from it as much as any
>> Christian church ever has. They serve their religion
>> without pay in every conceivable capacity. Not one of
>> their leaders, teachers, counselors, Bishops or music directors
>> receive
>> one dime for the hours of labor they put in. The Mormons have a
>> non-paid ministry - a fact that is not generally known. I have
>> heard
>> many times from the pulpits of others how evil and non-Christian
>> they are and that they will not go to heaven. I
>> decided recently to attend one of their services near
>> my home to see for myself. What a surprise! What I
>> heard and saw was just the opposite from what the
>> religious ministers of the day were telling me. I
>> found a very simple service with no fanfare. I found
>> a people with a great sense of humor and a
>> well-balanced spiritual side. There was no loud
>> music. Just a simple service, with the members
>> themselves giving the several short sermons. They
>> urge their youth to be morally clean and live a good
>> life. They teach the gospel of Christ, as they
>> understand it. The name of their church is "The
>> Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. Does
>> that sound like a non-Christian church to you? I
>> asked them many questions about what they teach and
>> why. I got answers that in most cases were from the
>> New Testament. Their ideas and doctrines did not seem
>> too far fetched for my understanding. When I read
>> their "Book of Mormon" I was also very surprised to
>> find just the opposite from what I had been told I
>> would find.
>> Then I went to another church's pastor to ask him some
>> of the same questions about doctrine. To my surprise,
>> when he found out that I was in some way investigating
>> the Mormons, he became hostile. He referred to them
>> as a non-Christian cult. I received what sounded to
>> me like evil propaganda against those people. He
>> stated bluntly that they were not Christian and that
>> they did not fit into the Christian mold. He also
>> told me that they don't really believe the Bible. He
>> gave me a pile of anti-Mormon literature. He began to
>> rant that the Mormons were not telling me the truth
>> about what they stand for. He didn't want to hear
>> anything good about them.
>> At first I was surprised and then again, I wasn't. I
>> began to wonder. I have never known of a cult that
>> supports the Boy Scouts of America. According to the
>> Boy Scouts, over a third of all the Boy Scout troops
>> in the United States are Mormon. What cult do you
>> know of that has a welfare system second to none in
>> this country? They have farms, canneries and cattle
>> ranches to help take care of the unfortunate ones who
>> might be down and out and in need of a little help.
>> The Mormon church has donated millions to welfare
>> causes around the world without a word of credit.
>> They have donated thousands to help rebuild Baptist
>> churches that were burned a few years ago. They have
>> donated tons of medical supplies to countries ravaged
>> by earthquakes. You never see them on TV begging for
>> money. What cult do you know that instills in its
>> members to obey the law, pay their taxes, serve in the military
>> if
>> asked and be a good Christian by living high moral standards?
>> Did you know that hundreds of thousands of Mormon
>> youth get up before high school starts in the morning
>> to attend a religious training class? They have
>> basketball and softball leagues and supervised youth
>> dances every month. They are recruited by the FBI,
>> the State Department and every police department in
>> the country, because they are trustworthy. They are
>> taught not to drink nor take drugs. They are in the
>> Secret Service - those who protect the President.
>> They serve in high leadership positions from both
>> parties in Congress and in the U.S. Senate, and have
>> been governors of several states other than Utah.
>> They serve with distinction and honor. If you have
>> Mormons living near, you will probably find them to be
>> your best friends and neighbors. They are Christians
>> who try to live what they preach. They are not
>> perfect and they are the first to admit this. I have
>> known some of them who could not live their religion,
>> just like many of us.
>> The rhetoric which is spread around against them is
>> nothing more than evil propaganda founded in untruths.
>> (Others) had successfully demonized them to the point
>> that the general public has no idea what they actually
>> believe and teach. If you really want to know the
>> truth, go see for yourself. You also will be
>> surprised.
>> When I first moved here some 25 years ago there were
>> five Mormon wards in Santa Clarita. Now there are 15.
>> They must be doing something right
MissJ said:
I found this on my roommate's Myspace. I'd like to add that I don't think it's a cult. I'm impressed by so many young people living righteous lives and being so active in the church. I've never seen that before until I was introduced to the Mormon church.

Truth about Mormons...
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Newspaper article in Santa Claire, CA
>> I have heard and seen enough! I have lived in the
>> West all my life. I have worked around them. They
>> have worked for me and I for them. When I was young,
>> I dated their daughters. When I got married they came
>> to my wedding. Now that I have daughters of my own,
>> some of their boys have dated my daughters. I would
>> be privileged if one of them were to be my son-in-law.
>> I'm talking about the Mormons. They are some of the
>> most honest, hard-working people I have ever known.
>> They are spiritual, probably more than most other
>> so-called religious people I have encountered. They
>> study the Bible and teach from it as much as any
>> Christian church ever has. They serve their religion
>> without pay in every conceivable capacity. Not one of
>> their leaders, teachers, counselors, Bishops or music directors
>> receive
>> one dime for the hours of labor they put in. The Mormons have a
>> non-paid ministry - a fact that is not generally known. I have
>> heard
>> many times from the pulpits of others how evil and non-Christian
>> they are and that they will not go to heaven. I
>> decided recently to attend one of their services near
>> my home to see for myself. What a surprise! What I
>> heard and saw was just the opposite from what the
>> religious ministers of the day were telling me. I
>> found a very simple service with no fanfare. I found
>> a people with a great sense of humor and a
>> well-balanced spiritual side. There was no loud
>> music. Just a simple service, with the members
>> themselves giving the several short sermons. They
>> urge their youth to be morally clean and live a good
>> life. They teach the gospel of Christ, as they
>> understand it. The name of their church is "The
>> Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. Does
>> that sound like a non-Christian church to you? I
>> asked them many questions about what they teach and
>> why. I got answers that in most cases were from the
>> New Testament. Their ideas and doctrines did not seem
>> too far fetched for my understanding. When I read
>> their "Book of Mormon" I was also very surprised to
>> find just the opposite from what I had been told I
>> would find.
>> Then I went to another church's pastor to ask him some
>> of the same questions about doctrine. To my surprise,
>> when he found out that I was in some way investigating
>> the Mormons, he became hostile. He referred to them
>> as a non-Christian cult. I received what sounded to
>> me like evil propaganda against those people. He
>> stated bluntly that they were not Christian and that
>> they did not fit into the Christian mold. He also
>> told me that they don't really believe the Bible. He
>> gave me a pile of anti-Mormon literature. He began to
>> rant that the Mormons were not telling me the truth
>> about what they stand for. He didn't want to hear
>> anything good about them.
>> At first I was surprised and then again, I wasn't. I
>> began to wonder. I have never known of a cult that
>> supports the Boy Scouts of America. According to the
>> Boy Scouts, over a third of all the Boy Scout troops
>> in the United States are Mormon. What cult do you
>> know of that has a welfare system second to none in
>> this country? They have farms, canneries and cattle
>> ranches to help take care of the unfortunate ones who
>> might be down and out and in need of a little help.
>> The Mormon church has donated millions to welfare
>> causes around the world without a word of credit.
>> They have donated thousands to help rebuild Baptist
>> churches that were burned a few years ago. They have
>> donated tons of medical supplies to countries ravaged
>> by earthquakes. You never see them on TV begging for
>> money. What cult do you know that instills in its
>> members to obey the law, pay their taxes, serve in the military
>> if
>> asked and be a good Christian by living high moral standards?
>> Did you know that hundreds of thousands of Mormon
>> youth get up before high school starts in the morning
>> to attend a religious training class? They have
>> basketball and softball leagues and supervised youth
>> dances every month. They are recruited by the FBI,
>> the State Department and every police department in
>> the country, because they are trustworthy. They are
>> taught not to drink nor take drugs. They are in the
>> Secret Service - those who protect the President.
>> They serve in high leadership positions from both
>> parties in Congress and in the U.S. Senate, and have
>> been governors of several states other than Utah.
>> They serve with distinction and honor. If you have
>> Mormons living near, you will probably find them to be
>> your best friends and neighbors. They are Christians
>> who try to live what they preach. They are not
>> perfect and they are the first to admit this. I have
>> known some of them who could not live their religion,
>> just like many of us.
>> The rhetoric which is spread around against them is
>> nothing more than evil propaganda founded in untruths.
>> (Others) had successfully demonized them to the point
>> that the general public has no idea what they actually
>> believe and teach. If you really want to know the
>> truth, go see for yourself. You also will be
>> surprised.
>> When I first moved here some 25 years ago there were
>> five Mormon wards in Santa Clarita. Now there are 15.
>> They must be doing something right
The majority of Christians do all of these things (and more) as well. But it is not of 'works' which men can boast...it is acknowledging the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord....

I feel sad about this. There is no denying that the majority of these people do have hearts. I'd never deny what is written above. As caring and loving human beings, I'd never take that away from them.

But this thread is about the doctrines upon which they follow and are believed upon. The Mormon faith does not acknowledge the diety of Jesus Christ and the truth of His Lordship. :( They 'pride' themselves in 'good works' alone, but not in giving God His true honor...as God and Lord of all. Their doctrine 'minimizes' Jesus.
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Well, sorry, that was the way it was posted on her page.

Wouldn't God be pleased with the good works that Mormons do reguardless or what they have been taught to believe?
MissJ said:
Well, sorry, that was the way it was posted on her page.

Wouldn't God be pleased with the good works that Mormons do reguardless or what they have been taught to believe?
Most definitely, God is pleased with good works. On the other hand, doesn't it hurt His feelings to not be truly honored for who He is?

It's almost like...

Parents who do good for others and treat their children as the lessor.

Children who give respect to everyone else and not acknowledge their parents.

A husband who is wonderful to other causes and people and treats his wife as a street walker.

An employer who gives and treats others outside of his company better than those who work for him.

The thing is God is being ignored as God and 'good' works are being glorified rather than God Himself. It's almost like saying, 'they' are pulling God down to a lower level than He deserves to be.

For years, I always thought that I was going to heaven because I was a good person and most always nice to people. Big Awakening...I was on my way to hell, because God was not my true and personal Savior... I was and it wasn't good enough.

Our works can never be good enough which is why we need Salvation and acknowledging the Lordship and Sovernity of God and all that He is. We have to give God His 'due' honor.
I tried to stay out of this thread but many of the things said here hit too close to home to let pass.

You can’t call someone a member of a cult and then ask or demand that they defend themselves, their faith, and beliefs and expect an open and intelligent conversation. The words on this thread are insulting to the majority of people of true faith. How can anyone who really claims to be a Christian say these things?

This thread was started from a pov of being shocked and appalled that a black person would dare to fall into the realms of the supposed hedonistic racism of the Mormon faith. And subsequent posts went on to hammer the points of “If you’re black (African American) you do X but you don’t do Y….” and the righteous “Mormons are, do, believe…..” Its narrow minded, dismissive, and insulting. None of which is supposed to be applicable to a person of Christian faith.

How could a person expect any Mormon, black or otherwise, to feel welcome to discuss their faith and beliefs in this thread?

The apologies are not mine to offer but I do so for the Mormon members who read and posted on this thread – as well as the others who may have and wisely decided to pass on the “opportunity”. It is a painful position to be in to be told that your way of respect and worship are deemed unworthy in the eyes of your supposed fellow Christians. That because your way is not their way it is therefore wrong.

Then again – the irony revolving the definition of Christian behavior and these posts is just staggering. I really never expected to learn this much about the deep lessons of walking a Christ-like path from reading the posts on this board. I wonder if I can count my membership fee as a part of my tithe?
There have always been doctrinal differences between Mormons and Christians. It didn't start on this forum, this has been going on for many years. And this thread wasn't about attacking any of our members. If anyone took it that way, then I personally apologize to all offended. The questions were asked about differences in doctrine. There are doctrinal differences within every faith on the planet. Christianity is certainly not immune.

In the interest of peace, this thread is now closed.
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