Oh No! Gladys Knight is Now a Mormon !!!

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"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
I'm watching her on the 'View' right now and she's sharing how she moved from Christianity to become a Mormon.

Well here's what I think...controversy or not. African Americans don't seem to 'fit' in this. It's completely outside of our heritage...faith wise. Had she said Muslim, it wouldn't seem so odd.

As a race, no one can praise God the way 'we' can. I'm not discrediting anyone White ... (too many Whites are in my life in a loving way). However, African Americans have a connection to Jesus that none can compare to.

It's her choice to worship as she wants, but Mormonism (???) just doesn't fit with Black Heritage, let alone true Christianity. Also, it is a cult.

I've always been a fan of hers. I like her, so this has my attention. I'm praying that her 'search' for truth brings her back to Jesus...who is Lord and none other can compare.
She needs pray. She is not busy enough in Jesus that's why she got drifted off by the devil but not into the sunset but to hell.
I believe her husband is mormon, could be part of the reason, I remember at one point Mormons didn't want to have anything to do with Black folks.
So I know the mormons are a little "wild", and I have never ment one black mormon, can someone enlighten me as to why this is so "bad"?

I only know the Utah Mormons are "bad."
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StrawberryQueen said:
So I know the mormons are a little "wild", and I have never ment one black mormon, can someone enlighten me as to why this is so "bad"?

For nearly 150 years, the Mormon Church taught that all blacks were cursed. Hence, a black Mormon male could not hold the highly regarded LDS Priesthoodbecause of his dark skin. And since he could not hold this Priesthood, he could not enter the Mormon Temple.​
Some examples below.

From the book of Mormon 2 Nephite 5.21:

The Nephites separate themselves from the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses, and build a temple—Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cursed, receive a skin of blackness, and become a scourge unto the Nephites. Between 588 and 559 B.C.

Joseph Felding Smith (10th president) explains:
There is a reason why one man is born black and with other disadvantages, while another is born white with great advantages. The reason is that we once had an estate before we came here, and were obedient; more or less, to the laws that were given us there. Those who were faithful in all things there [pre-existence] received greater blessings here, and those who were not faithful received less. . . . There were no neutrals in the war in Heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every man had his agency there, and men receive rewards here based upon their actions there, just as they will receive rewards hereafter for deeds done in the body. The Negro, evidently, is receiving the reward he merits (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:61, 65-66;

Mormons teach that when the "council of the Gods"were planning how to redeemed mankind Jesus desired to save man by giving them their free choice, however Lucifer objected and wanted to force men to serve God.
When the plan of salvation presented . . . and when the need for a Redeemer was explained, Satan offered to come into the world as the Son of God and be the Redeemer. "Behold here am I, send me," he said. . . . But then, as always, he was in opposition to the full plan of the Father, and so he sought to amend and change the terms of salvation; he sought to deny men their agency and to dethrone God (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 193).

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Lusa said:
For nearly 150 years, the Mormon Church taught that all blacks were cursed. Hence, a black Mormon male could not hold the highly regarded LDS Priesthoodbecause of his dark skin. And since he could not hold this Priesthood, he could not enter the Mormon Temple.​
Some examples below.

From the book of Mormon 2 Nephite 5.21:

The Nephites separate themselves from the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses, and build a temple—Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cursed, receive a skin of blackness, and become a scourge unto the Nephites. Between 588 and 559 B.C.

Joseph Felding Smith (10th president) explains:
There is a reason why one man is born black and with other disadvantages, while another is born white with great advantages. The reason is that we once had an estate before we came here, and were obedient; more or less, to the laws that were given us there. Those who were faithful in all things there [pre-existence] received greater blessings here, and those who were not faithful received less. . . . There were no neutrals in the war in Heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every man had his agency there, and men receive rewards here based upon their actions there, just as they will receive rewards hereafter for deeds done in the body. The Negro, evidently, is receiving the reward he merits (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:61, 65-66;

Mormons teach that when the "council of the Gods"were planning how to redeemed mankind Jesus desired to save man by giving them their free choice, however Lucifer objected and wanted to force men to serve God.
When the plan of salvation presented . . . and when the need for a Redeemer was explained, Satan offered to come into the world as the Son of God and be the Redeemer. "Behold here am I, send me," he said. . . . But then, as always, he was in opposition to the full plan of the Father, and so he sought to amend and change the terms of salvation; he sought to deny men their agency and to dethrone God (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 193).

Oh thank you Lusa ;). First for saving me a lot of typing and pasting and for showing why I was so surprised by an African American being in this religious cult. However, they are now trying to 'down-play' or 'hide' the offense to African Americans. It's still there.

I will add this about them:


Is the LDS, Mormon, Religion a Cult?

Mormonism is classed as misguided or a cult by 98% of Utah clergy (Deseret News, August 2001).

The term "cult" in modern connotation has evolved to include those religions which have demonstrated characteristics which are detrimental to the individual, society, or government. Tim Miller in the Fall of 1995 issue of Communities magazine identified thirteen characteristics that would classify a religion as a cult.

Using these thirteen criteria, the LDS, Mormon religion qualifies in all thirteen categories as a cult.

Characteristics of a Cult (Tim Miller)
1. "The group focuses on a living leader to whom its members appear to be extraordinarily committed."

2. "The group focuses heavily on recruiting new members."

3. "The group focuses heavily on making money"

4. "Members who question, doubt, or dissent with the group's beliefs are discouraged or punished."

5. "The group uses techniques that numb the mind to suppress doubts about the group and its leaders. These include long work routines, denunciation sessions, meditating, chanting, or speaking in tongues."

6. "The group's leaders tell members how they should act, think, and feel. For example, members must get their love life and jobs okayed. Leaders may tell them what kind of clothes to wear, where to live, how to raise their children, etc."

7. "The group sees itself as especially and uniquely blessed; for example, the leader is believed to be a Messiah or avatar, or the leader and the group have special orders to save the world."

8. "The group has an us-versus-them outlook, which puts it in conflict with mainstream culture."

9. "The group's leaders are accountable only to themselves and are not guided by or disciplined by any higher authorities as are, for example, military officers, and the ministers, priests, and rabbis of mainstream religions. The group believes its goals justify methods that members would have considered unethical before joining, such as raising money for fake charities."

10. "The leaders manipulate the members into feeling guilty in order to maintain control."

11. "Because members become subservient to the group, they cut ties to friends, families and the personal goals and activities they had before joining."

12. "The group expects its members to devote inordinate amounts of time to it."

13. "The group encourages or requires its members to live or socialize only with each other."


You're my guardian angel today. Now I can finish putting the lights on my Christmas tree. :lol: Thanks to you my hands are free.
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Lusa said:
For nearly 150 years, the Mormon Church taught that all blacks were cursed. Hence, a black Mormon male could not hold the highly regarded LDS Priesthoodbecause of his dark skin. And since he could not hold this Priesthood, he could not enter the Mormon Temple.​
Some examples below.

From the book of Mormon 2 Nephite 5.21:

The Nephites separate themselves from the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses, and build a temple—Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cursed, receive a skin of blackness, and become a scourge unto the Nephites. Between 588 and 559 B.C.

Joseph Felding Smith (10th president) explains:
There is a reason why one man is born black and with other disadvantages, while another is born white with great advantages. The reason is that we once had an estate before we came here, and were obedient; more or less, to the laws that were given us there. Those who were faithful in all things there [pre-existence] received greater blessings here, and those who were not faithful received less. . . . There were no neutrals in the war in Heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every man had his agency there, and men receive rewards here based upon their actions there, just as they will receive rewards hereafter for deeds done in the body. The Negro, evidently, is receiving the reward he merits (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:61, 65-66;

Mormons teach that when the "council of the Gods"were planning how to redeemed mankind Jesus desired to save man by giving them their free choice, however Lucifer objected and wanted to force men to serve God.
When the plan of salvation presented . . . and when the need for a Redeemer was explained, Satan offered to come into the world as the Son of God and be the Redeemer. "Behold here am I, send me," he said. . . . But then, as always, he was in opposition to the full plan of the Father, and so he sought to amend and change the terms of salvation; he sought to deny men their agency and to dethrone God (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 193).

Now I understand. And now I don't understand how a black person could be a Mormon. Why be down with people who think you're inferior? How sick!
I'm really surprised and disappointed that she would do this. I wonder what made her feel she needed to join this group? I just don't know...:ohwell:
My 20 year old black cousin just became a Mormon. She was baptized a couple weeks ago. Before she became a Mormon, she was drinking heavily, smoking, and wearing skimpy clothes. She doesn't engage in any of that behavior anymore. She says that she's married to Jesus!

I studied with two Mormon gentlemen for a couple weeks my sophmore year in college. After much prayer, God revealed to me that the Mormon faith was not right. The curse of "black skin" was just one of the reasons I knew that I couldn't get down with Mormonism. The gentlemen were so nice and it broke my heart when I had to tell them that I couldn't study with them anymore. After they left, I prayed to God that he open their eyes to the truth.
WomanlyCharm said:
I'm really surprised and disappointed that she would do this. I wonder what made her feel she needed to join this group? I just don't know...:ohwell:
She said she was searching for answers and that her children were a part of it before she was. She said it 'felt' right and she joined them.
EbonyEyes said:
My 20 year old black cousin just became a Mormon. She was baptized a couple weeks ago. Before she became a Mormon, she was drinking heavily, smoking, and wearing skimpy clothes. She doesn't engage in any of that behavior anymore. She says that she's married to Jesus!

I studied with two Mormon gentlemen for a couple weeks my sophmore year in college. After much prayer, God revealed to me that the Mormon faith was not right. The curse of "black skin" was just one of the reasons I knew that I couldn't get down with Mormonism. The gentlemen were so nice and it broke my heart when I had to tell them that I couldn't study with them anymore. After they left, I prayed to God that he open their eyes to the truth.

You know what? I'm glad you mentioned this. Just a few years ago, I was approached twice by Mormons who wanted to 'witness' to me.

AND it was always two white men dressed in a white shirt and tie. Never women (as in Jehovah's witnesses), but always two white men. They were always extremely polite and perfect gentlemen.

However, if any of you know how I am...you already know how it turned out. :rolleyes: Ummm, They left. They couldn't handle me. :lol: What more can I say. Their white faces were so red...they weren't ready for me. I turned the tables and witnessed to them. Oh well.
I just found this...

Late '60s and early '70s R&B singer Gladys Knight became a Mormon in 1998 after her son Jimmy and his family did. Gladys Knight was the singer in the R&B group Gladys Knight and the Pips. Today (2001 A.D.) she writes and performs Mormon Gospel music.

It came from this website "The Black Mormon Homepage"


I truly had no idea that this was this 'big' with 'our' people. :confused: But the group is still racist and it is still a cult. For it denies the diety of the Lord Jesus Christ.

All I can say, "Lord lead them into the paths of Righteousness for your namesake." Whosoever will, let them come freely into the waters of life. It's their choice.
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StrawberryQueen said:
Now I understand. And now I don't understand how a black person could be a Mormon. Why be down with people who think you're inferior? How sick!

This is a very intriguing question you raise. From my readings of black Mormons they maintain that the Bible “contains curses and blessings upon various lineages (bloodlines), tribes, nations, and peoples; in accordance to how their fathers obeyed or disobeyed God’s commands, and how they accepted or rejected His Prophets. The Book of Mormon and The Pearl of Great Price (LDS Revelation) also contain similar curses and blessings upon bloodlines (lineages); one such being the blessing of wisdom and the curse pertaining to the Priesthood upon the Hamitic lineage.” (Mormonism and Black Folks). This lineage includes all black Africans (with the exception of brown Africans–the Hottentots), and white Ham-ites such as the Berbers, Bedouins, and Mulattoes.”

Cain being the first-born of Adam and Eve had the birthright to the Priesthood. However, when he and his brother, Abel made their offerings before God, his was rejected and Abel’s accepted. Because of this Cain lost the right of the Firstborn; or the right of Cain and his posterity to hold the Priesthood first before his brother and their descendants. In an attempt to regain his birthright, he killed Abel. For this crime, God put a curse upon Cain; a denial of the birthright to the Priesthood (Genesis 4: 8-15). This meant that instead of the Cainites receiving the Priesthood first, they would receive it last among the descendants of Adam, according to Mormon interpretation.

His descendants, through Ham, the son of Noah who was also cursed (Genesis 9:18-27), continued to bear the mark (black skin) and the curse, in the Mormon view - (Ham-ites). However, upon a revelation the priesthood could be restored to the Ham-ites, and apparently this has happened – the 1978 revelation – See the official declaration

REVELATION given to Spencer W. Kimball, March 6, 1978, Salt Lake City, Utah.
1. Hearken, my servant Spencer, unto the voice of the Lord thy God, and receive my word in answer to thy fervent pleas!
2. Lo, I am well pleased with thee and my servants the Apostles and with all the righteous Saints of my Church. Because of your righteous obedience you are blessed, and I now reveal my Word unto thee, to proclaim unto my Saints and unto all the World;
3. For thou hast oft inquired of me regarding the skin of blackness which marks many of my faithful children, because of which the blessings of my priesthood and of my exaltation have been denied to them;
4. And thy cries and the cries of my black children have ascended unto me, and I now reveal unto thee further light and knowledge in this matter.
5. For my Church is like unto your father Abraham, whom I did sorely tempt, in that I commanded him to take his beloved son and offer up his life as a sacrifice to me;
6. And lo, Abraham in the fulness of righteous obedience did take his son, and did bind him to an altar of rough stones, and did raise the knife to sacrifice him, according to the command which I had given him.
7. And by mine angel did I stop his hand, for his sacrifice of obedience was complete.
8. For human life is not to be taken as a sacrifice to me, except the sacrifice of the Only Begotten, of which Isaac was a type, for such a doctrine and practice is repugnant to me.
9. But it was for Abraham a test of obedience to my Word.
10. And lo, likewise the doctrine of the curse of Cain and the mark of blackness, as well as everything pertaining thereto, is also repugnant to me, but was given unto my Saints as a test.
11. And ye have been valiant and righteous in obeying the words of my mouth which were given not as true doctrine but only as a test for your benefit.
12. Now, therefore, rejoice in my blessing and receive my Word! For no more shall ye make any distinction among my Saints as to their race or as to the color of their skin; for I the Lord God am no respecter of persons, but all shall come unto me and all may be worthy to receive all the blessings of my Gospel without let or hindrance.

So, why did this happen?

There are various reasons:
1) The Church was building a Temple in São Paulo Brazil; the first in that county. Most white Brazilian priesthood-holders were doing genealogy and discovering they had at least one Negro ancestor; which would make their priesthood null and void. This created immense problems in Brazil; where most whites have at least one black African ancestor.
2) In Africa huge numbers of black African "Mormons" who belonged to independent congregations were asking the Church to baptize them. Without the Priesthood, and local Priesthood-leaders and holders, these local congregations could not properly function

And so, with this rationale Mormonism is not racist since black people were/are not thought to be inferior. They just bear the mark that barred them from attaining priesthood and full temple privileges for worthy members until after decades of supplicating, “the Lord said yes” to the removal of the priesthood ban.

Hope this helps.
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Shimmie said:
You know what? I'm glad you mentioned this. Just a few years ago, I was approached twice by Mormons who wanted to 'witness' to me.

AND it was always two white men dressed in a white shirt and tie. Never women (as in Jehovah's witnesses), but always two white men. They were always extremely polite and perfect gentlemen.

However, if any of you know how I am...you already know how it turned out. :rolleyes: Ummm, They left. They couldn't handle me. :lol: What more can I say. Their white faces were so red...they weren't ready for me. I turned the tables and witnessed to them. Oh well.

I've heard that the men only 'witness' like this when they are seeking marriage mates. They have to preach or something before they can date. I've never researched it, but I've heard this from several people. I've been witnessed to by Mormons also...however I was reared a JW. Our beliefs shut em' down quick. :look:
Why are they a cult? Not trying stir up things, but labeling a religion a cult just because you don't agree with it is dangerous. I am a Seventh Day Adventist, meaning I worship on the original Sabbath, Saturday. For this, my religion has been labeled a cult because someone doesn't have the same convictions as I do. I don't agree with Mormans either, but unless thier killing chickens and drinking laced Kool-aid, I'm not calling any religion a cult!
StrawberryQueen said:
Thanks Lusa. I still don't know what to think though.

You're welcome! While I do not agree with Mormon doctrine I am glad to be of help as we try to see "what makes it tick" so we can have a healthy discussion.
Well, my roommate is a Mormon, and the missionaries live downstairs from us. They asked me to be baptized. I didn't want to do that, but I do listen to what they have to say. They even got special permission to come into our apartment to show me a DVD. I don't know if this is a coincidence or not, but ever since I met them great things have started happening to me.
Starian said:
I've heard that the men only 'witness' like this when they are seeking marriage mates. They have to preach or something before they can date. I've never researched it, but I've heard this from several people. I've been witnessed to by Mormons also...however I was reared a JW. Our beliefs shut em' down quick. :look:
Men go on their missions when they're 19 and girls can go when they're 21. It's your choice to go, and if a guy finds a girl he wants to marry on his mission he can't do anything about it. At the end of his 2 years as a missionary, he'll call his mom and tell her to get in touch with the girl so that she can move to Utah and be waiting on him to marry her when he gets home.
dicapr said:
Why are they a cult? Not trying stir up things, but labeling a religion a cult just because you don't agree with it is dangerous. I am a Seventh Day Adventist, meaning I worship on the original Sabbath, Saturday. For this, my religion has been labeled a cult because someone doesn't have the same convictions as I do. I don't agree with Mormans either, but unless thier killing chickens and drinking laced Kool-aid, I'm not calling any religion a cult!

My aunt was Seventh Day Adventist ;). She passed away some years ago. My cousin (her daughter) and her family are still very faithful members. I have several close friends who are of this faith as well and I have worshipped with them at Berea Temple here in Maryland.

As a child (when my parents divorced) I grew up having Devotions with our neighbor at Sundown each Friday and we worshipped in church with them each Saturday. We observed the Sabbath as they did until Sundown on Saturday. I loved it and still do.

I find no fault in this faith. None. If nothing else, I've learned that they love God no less than I do. The thing is, God was sealing my foundation in Him all along. This is where I learned all of my Bible stories as a child..."Daniel in the Lion's Den; Shaddrach, Meshach and Abindigo (sp?). John the Baptist....Jesus and the cross. I praise God for 'your' faith. ;).

As for the Mormons, it is Cult based. And I do not say this to be critical, cruel or to offend. :nono: It's just the truth. :(

Here is more information:


Because Mormonism denies the biblical truth of who God is, who Jesus is, how forgiveness of sins is attained, and what the gospel is, the Mormon is not Christian -- in spite of all his claims that he is.

Why is Mormonism a non Christian religion? It is not Christian because it denies that there is only one God, denies the true Gospel, adds works to salvation, denies that Jesus is the uncreated creator, distorts the biblical teaching of the atonement, and undermines the authority and reliability of the Bible.

CARM does not deny that Mormons are good people, that they worship "a" god, that they share common words with Christians, that they help their people, and that they do many good things. But that isn't what makes someone Christian.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23, " Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" (NKJV).

Becoming a Christian does not mean belonging to a church, doing good things, or simply believing in God. Being a Christian means that you have trusted in the true God for salvation, in the True Jesus -- not the brother of the devil, not the god of Mormonism, not the gospel of Mormonism. Mormonism is false and cannot save anyone.

Some other information from this source: CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry):


and here: http://www.biblebelievers.com/jmelton/Mormons.html

Regardless of all of this...I don't hate them nor do I see them as 'bad' people. I prefer to love them as God does. They are still human beings; just simply lead into error. They are not Christians as they profess to be.
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Shimmie said:
My aunt was Seventh Day Adventist ;). She passed away some years ago. My cousin (her daughter) and her family are still very faithful members. I have several close friends who are of this faith as well and I have worshipped with them at Berea Temple here in Maryland.

As a child (when my parents divorced) I grew up having Devotions with our neighbor at Sundown each Friday and we worshipped in church with them each Saturday. We observed the Sabbath as they did until Sundown on Saturday. I loved it and still do.

I find no fault in this faith. None. If nothing else, I've learned that they love God no less than I do. The thing is, God was sealing my foundation in Him all along. This is where I learned all of my Bible stories as a child..."Daniel in the Lion's Den; Shaddrach, Meshach and Abindigo (sp?). John the Baptist....Jesus and the cross. I praise God for 'your' faith. ;).

Great post Shimmie!

As for the Mormons, it is Cult based. And I do not say this to be critical, cruel or to offend. :nono: It's just the truth. :(

Here is more information:


Because Mormonism denies the biblical truth of who God is, who Jesus is, how forgiveness of sins is attained, and what the gospel is, the Mormon is not Christian -- in spite of all his claims that he is.

Why is Mormonism a non Christian religion? It is not Christian because it denies that there is only one God, denies the true Gospel, adds works to salvation, denies that Jesus is the uncreated creator, distorts the biblical teaching of the atonement, and undermines the authority and reliability of the Bible.

CARM does not deny that Mormons are good people, that they worship "a" god, that they share common words with Christians, that they help their people, and that they do many good things. But that isn't what makes someone Christian.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23, " Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" (NKJV).

Becoming a Christian does not mean belonging to a church, doing good things, or simply believing in God. Being a Christian means that you have trusted in the true God for salvation, in the True Jesus -- not the brother of the devil, not the god of Mormonism, not the gospel of Mormonism. Mormonism is false and cannot save anyone.

Some other information from this source: CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry):


and here: http://www.biblebelievers.com/jmelton/Mormons.html

Regardless of all of this...I don't hate them nor do I see them as 'bad' people. I prefer to love them as God does. They are still human beings; just simply lead into error. They are not Christians as they profess to be.[/QUOTE]
this is eye opening. a good friend of mine is a mormon and one of the sweetest people i know. we've never discussed religion in detail nor was i aware of their "curse of black skin".............. interesting. i won't say they are bad people because i only know one who happens to be very kind.
SweetCaramel1 said:
this is eye opening. a good friend of mine is a mormon and one of the sweetest people i know. we've never discussed religion in detail nor was i aware of their "curse of black skin".............. interesting. i won't say they are bad people because i only know one who happens to be very kind.
There are some wonderful and very sweet people in all faiths. It's not so much the 'religion' as it is the character and the heart of a person.

It's just that true salvation is in our Lord Jesus.
Shimmie said:
It's not so much the 'religion' as it is the character and the heart of a person.

Thank you Shimmie. In reading this thread, I don't need to take anything else from it but this very statement.

I think you're the best teacher on the subject of religious tolerance that I could ever hope for.
Laginappe said:
Thank you Shimmie. In reading this thread, I don't need to take anything else from it but this very statement.

I think you're the best teacher on the subject of religious tolerance that I could ever hope for.
Thank you Laginappe for such a beautiful comment. Coming from your is an honor. For you've also seen my times of 'weakness.'

God bless you...;)
StrawberryQueen said:
So I know the mormons are a little "wild", and I have never ment one black mormon, can someone enlighten me as to why this is so "bad"?

I only know the Utah Mormons are "bad."

umm Karl Malone, yeah I think he's the only one :lol: They are making subtle changes to the Mormon church, like they are no longer condoning polygamy etc. Maybe they like coloreds now. Why do they all live in Utah?
Shimmie said:
I'm watching her on the 'View' right now and she's sharing how she moved from Christianity to become a Mormon.

Well here's what I think...controversy or not. African Americans don't seem to 'fit' in this. It's completely outside of our heritage...faith wise. Had she said Muslim, it wouldn't seem so odd.

As a race, no one can praise God the way 'we' can. I'm not discrediting anyone White ... (too many Whites are in my life in a loving way). However, African Americans have a connection to Jesus that none can compare to.

It's her choice to worship as she wants, but Mormonism (???) just doesn't fit with Black Heritage, let alone true Christianity. Also, it is a cult.

I've always been a fan of hers. I like her, so this has my attention. I'm praying that her 'search' for truth brings her back to Jesus...who is Lord and none other can compare.

No sweetie WE are NOT a cult and I say we because I am a Mormon.... A Black Mormon.

Just because we don't worship the same way you worship or we don't praise God the way you praise him DOES NOT make us a cult and that certainly does not mean that we dont have the same love for God, Christ or the Holy Sppirt like you do!

Like most other religions, we are free to come and go as we please. There is no one forcing us to stay. No one forced me or brainwashed me to become a Mormon.

And you said that G. Knight moved away from Christianity to become a Mormon, ........ the name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are Christians.
SexySin985 said:
No sweetie WE are NOT a cult and I say we because I am a Mormon.... A Black Mormon.

Just because we don't worship the same way you worship or we don't praise God the way you praise him DOES NOT make us a cult and that certainly does not mean that we dont have the same love for God, Christ or the Holy Sppirt like you do!

Like most other religions, we are free to come and go as we please. There is no one forcing us to stay. No one forced me or brainwashed me to become a Mormon.

And you said that G. Knight moved away from Christianity to become a Mormon, ........ the name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are Christians.

This is very interesting. Thanks for weighing in! :) One of the reasons that Mormonism is not viewed as Christian, (among other things), is because the jesus of the Mormon teachings is different from the THE CHRIST JESUS who IS THE GOD OF ALL, made flesh, and came down from heaven to save us.

I want to know if it's true that the Mormon faith teaches the following:

-That Jesus had a goddess mother, and is the son of GOD, who HIMSELF is one of many gods.
-That GOD HIMSELF was once a man like us who lived on another planet and by following the laws of that planet became an exalted being.
-Is dark skin considered a curse?

I've heard this, and read it, but would love to hear from a Mormon about this.

In short, I guess it boils down to what you believe to be the truth; the teachings of John Smith contradict much of what is in the bible, and that has always been a huge problem between Mormonism and Christianity. :)
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SexySin985 said:
No sweetie WE are NOT a cult and I say we because I am a Mormon.... A Black Mormon.

Just because we don't worship the same way you worship or we don't praise God the way you praise him DOES NOT make us a cult and that certainly does not mean that we dont have the same love for God, Christ or the Holy Sppirt like you do!

Like most other religions, we are free to come and go as we please. There is no one forcing us to stay. No one forced me or brainwashed me to become a Mormon.

And you said that G. Knight moved away from Christianity to become a Mormon, ........ the name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are Christians.
I don't discount your feelings; neither do I discount why you share what you have been 'taught' or what you believe. But have you been in this long enough to know all that lies beyond the surface?

But one must still consider the origins and the foundations of this faith. The origins of Mormon are not scriptually based, neither are the beliefs founded upon salvation recognizing Jesus Christ for whom He is...God, who Himself came to us in fleshly form, born of a virgin as was prophesied and came forth.

I know that considerable changes have been 'presented' with the Mormons, such as acceptance of Blacks; monogamy as opposed to poligamy...yet, none of which is the base for true salvation in Jesus.

Go deep...go beyond what's been presented to you that 'they' want you to see. Is it really 'now' Jesus, son of the living God who is indeed God, or is it still John Smith? Have all of his teachings been renounced or have they been covered up in deception.

No one can take away from Jesus whom He really is...God.

Peace and blessings. And I am sorry for offending you. It's not about 'you' and it never will be. To me, you are not a Mormon, you are person who has feelings and I don't feel happy about 'hurting' them. You don't deserve it.

Although it's hard to see compassion and differentiation, it's the subject that I'm speaking of...not you. I wish there was a way to present the facts without hurting anyone. Hurt is surely not my intent; just knowing the truth.

I hope we can fix this...
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