Oh, He’s Smooth.

Pat Mahurr

Pun intended
True story, ya’ll. I have not embellished the facts.

On the train this morning it was standing room only. I’m right beside this 20-something couple. He has long black locks, a short mustache and goatee. Dark skinned, about 6’3, bright eyes. Fiiine, IMO. She’s about 5’4, medium brown skinned, with red locks. Her only make up is a beautiful red lipstick. The both are dressed for office work.

They can’t take their eyes off each other.
He’s holding on to the rail overhead, she’s holding on to him. They sway together when the train rocks, and she pretends they’re dancing.

She says, “Tell me you love me.”
He says, “You know how I feel about you.”
She says, “I want you to say it.” She tucks a lock behind his ear and smiles up at him.

And brace yourself, ya’ll. He looks her in the eyes and he says this:

“I love everything about you. The way you walk, the way you talk. The way you say my name and smile. I love the way you move me, the way you soothe me and talk to me softly in bed at night. I like seeing your face when you open your eyes in the morning. I don’t want to miss a moment of the time you exist.”

Some other passengers, myself included, start to giggle and look away.

At this point, the girl is pretty much inside out. You could see her soul floating on the ceiling (ok, slight embellishment).
“Now do you know how I feel?” he says, never breaking eye contact with her.
She nods and kisses him passionately.

People are giggling uncomfortably.

The train stops. He says “Imma be thinking about you at work today.” She hesitates before pulling away from him to step off the train alone. She looks like she is about to faint. People push past her to get on the train. She stands there on the platform watching the doors close with a blissful look on her face.

Mr. Dreadlocks is still holding on to the rail. A woman in her fifties looks at him smiling and says “Man. I love that song.” Then the giggling starts. An older gentleman says “Yeah, That was my jam.” Another woman says “We played that at my wedding.” Mr. Dreadlocks breaks out in a big grin and says “I was hoping she hadn’t heard it before. I meant it, though.”

The older guy starts singing, and a few of us chimed in for a line or two.

I hope he’ll do right by her.

Does this not count?

"I love everything about you..."

She said, “Tell me you love me.”

She then said, “I want you to say it.”

And he still didn’t say, “I love you.” For me, at my age, I would find his response frustrating. But I also wouldn’t have asked him that in the first, especially in public. The fact that she asked twice and he still didn’t really say it outright makes me pause and go hmmm.

A friend and I were talking recently and we were saying how some men give you a lot but never exactly what you want. You want apple pie with ice cream and they give you blueberry pie with whip cream. You ask again for apple pie and they give you peach cobbler. They are indeed giving you something, appearing to try to please you, and yet they never quite give you exactly what you want. Men like that make me pause. And women pursuing like her make me pause as well.
A friend and I were talking recently and we were saying how some men give you a lot but never exactly what you want. You want apple pie with ice cream and they give you blueberry pie with whip cream. You ask again for apple pie and they give you peach cobbler. They are indeed giving you something, appearing to try to please you, and yet they never quite give you exactly what you want. Men like that make me pause. And women pursuing like her make me pause as well.

A word.

And men who do this will swear they do so much for you and try so hard and you're just impossible to please. Meanwhile, you were direct and specific with your request, and they're playing passive aggressive games or being manipulative.
I'm hoping that he threw that verse out there simply because he was on the spot, and didn't want to feel vulnerable professing love around a bunch of people. (Either way, that was a good line though).
Interesting. When the mods moved this thread from Off-Topic to Relationships, the responses turned from light-hearted to in-depth analysis.

I still hope y’all enjoyed reading it. Personally, I will never forget it.

Omg I thought your story was great! Very entertaining! I absolutely enjoyed reading it. Even shared it with me daughter. I only got deeper because someone asked me a question directly. And well this is the relationship forum and we don’t know when something has been moved from from off topic. It’s a great song too by the way:yep:. I can’t imagine what it would have been like to witness something like that. It’s surreal. And all of you singing at the end too :lol:. You are a great storyteller too. I also wish they hadn’t moved your thread — your intention was to share a fascinating (and funny) experience, not to discuss relationship dynamics.

Was this your first time seeing these people?

I hope he’ll do right by her too:yep:.
Thanks @hopeful. You give great relationship advice. I’m sure there were many insights to be gained from this little moment of time after the laughter subsided.

Yes, this was my first time seeing these people. I caught an earlier train than my normal one yesterday and traveled with a whole different crowd. I hope to see them again, though. They really made my day.
Cute, but red flags are flying.:look:
All she wanted to hear was " I love you"
Twice she asked, and he refused both times.

True story, ya’ll. I have not embellished the facts.

On the train this morning it was standing room only. I’m right beside this 20-something couple. He has long black locks, a short mustache and goatee. Dark skinned, about 6’3, bright eyes. Fiiine, IMO. She’s about 5’4, medium brown skinned, with red locks. Her only make up is a beautiful red lipstick. The both are dressed for office work.

They can’t take their eyes off each other.
He’s holding on to the rail overhead, she’s holding on to him. They sway together when the train rocks, and she pretends they’re dancing.

She says, “Tell me you love me.”
He says, “You know how I feel about you.”
She says, “I want you to say it.” She tucks a lock behind his ear and smiles up at him.

And brace yourself, ya’ll. He looks her in the eyes and he says this:

“I love everything about you. The way you walk, the way you talk. The way you say my name and smile. I love the way you move me, the way you soothe me and talk to me softly in bed at night. I like seeing your face when you open your eyes in the morning. I don’t want to miss a moment of the time you exist.”

Some other passengers, myself included, start to giggle and look away.

At this point, the girl is pretty much inside out. You could see her soul floating on the ceiling (ok, slight embellishment).
“Now do you know how I feel?” he says, never breaking eye contact with her.
She nods and kisses him passionately.

People are giggling uncomfortably.

The train stops. He says “Imma be thinking about you at work today.” She hesitates before pulling away from him to step off the train alone. She looks like she is about to faint. People push past her to get on the train. She stands there on the platform watching the doors close with a blissful look on her face.

Mr. Dreadlocks is still holding on to the rail. A woman in her fifties looks at him smiling and says “Man. I love that song.” Then the giggling starts. An older gentleman says “Yeah, That was my jam.” Another woman says “We played that at my wedding.” Mr. Dreadlocks breaks out in a big grin and says “I was hoping she hadn’t heard it before. I meant it, though.”

The older guy starts singing, and a few of us chimed in for a line or two.

I hope he’ll do right by her.

Never heard the song either. But, he is a little too smooth. Managed to still never say he loved her ...

ETA: Just listened to the song. Yes I have heard it before but I didn’t know the lyrics well enough to put it together.
Right that’s what I thought the take away was going to be. Telling someone you love things about them is not equal to loving them. Geez his game is on 100. The fact that he was just ready with the line, the fact that it worked, he fact that he didn’t even answer her question, almost had baby girl contemplating missing work lol
Interesting. When the mods moved this thread from Off-Topic to Relationships, the responses turned from light-hearted to in-depth analysis.

I still hope y’all enjoyed reading it. Personally, I will never forget it.
Hate that! Wonders if people report/tag ask mods to move threads!

Something not to be geared towards a specific topic, say this post, in which it wasn't about relationships but the smo'ove acts of this one man one to a young lady using MUSIC to get a reaction on a public transportation ride for all passengers to experience, and then comment on at appropriate time was premise of thread not so much a relationship, lmfao!

Often times, things are not that deep...
Often times, things are not that deep...

True, but I'm glad that there was some analysis placed on this, because I was tickled pink at first, even though I had the nagging feeling that him answering her in song wasn't quite right. I too thought that his "loving everything about her" said it all, but moving further into this thread, identifying where men want to appease you but still hold back was critical to the conversation. This is where many women get tripped up. The profession of love as simple as it seems is a serious thing.