i'm definitely down
lets see
i have about 3 inches in the back, maybe 5 on the side, and a whole lot in the front
the front of my hair goes just past my to that
yea so add me on

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That's a good question! Hopefully it will be up to the individual since some have naturally layered hair. I'm wanting APL all around so that might take a bit longer.
sassyhair said:
Are we going by all around length because me hair is naturally layered.

As redRiot said it is up to the individual...I am going for all around apl but for the ladies who have layers...if your back reaches apl first that's still apl imo :)
I have layers too and by my birthday 2/26 my longest layer should be a little past APL (its past my collarbone now) and my shortest should be at shoulder length.
Following the tips on here I would say YES!! It all depends on how fast our hair wants to grow with us.

I am praying to be there by February if not I wont cry just work harder.

pink_n_green_iz_me said:
I'm not sure I'll be there by next year. I am chin length now, is it possible for me to be at APL by Aug 2007?
tsmith said:
Ladies, it seems that everyone has their own individual goals of reaching apl, so we will not set a definite goal date until we reach our goals....but we can do our first christmas...(some of us are on the hide hair until christmas challenge)....but after christmas we can update like every 3 months... Some of you might reach apl before christmas and if that should occur...and if you want...(being that you are NOT on the hide hair until christmas challenge) can post pictures....any other suggestions?

ok count me in, I'll have pictures soon
so the big question is......

what's everyone's big secret to get to this APL???

i'm doing mtg on my slow spots
and taking 3,000mg of MSM and 3-4 mg of Biotin
Low manipulation
Twistouts, cornrows, and buns!!!
I am doing no direct heat
stretching relaxers to 2-3 months
mtg'n when I remember
deep conditioning every wash
moisturizing every night and morning
I want in too. I want to reach armpit length (stretched) by the beg of 2007.

ETA- Hopefully APL by March 2007
Ok..I will look around for some product recs to make this happen. It is time for me to relax my hair next week, so I will start this challenge after then :)!
Okay ladies,

I have a problem not a big one but still it's a problem...It seems that my hair absorbs any kind of leave in conditioner or moisturizer I put in my hair which makes my hair feels dry...I baggie my ends so that it not the problem and my hair is not breaking but when I put my hair in a ponytail and baggie the ends my hair at the top until you get to the ponytail holder seems dry...I moisturize 2x a day...The leave ins I have are rusk smooother, ntm, organics best leave in mayonaise, ors evoo moisturizing I said it is not really a prob because my hair is not breaking but if I can get my ponytail to feel moisturized that would help.....actually the ntm works well and the leave in mayonaise but I want to have a variety of leave ins...I want a leave in that leaves my hair feeling kinda greasy...I don't mind because my hair absorbs everything else so maybe I need a creamy, thick moisturizer...any suggestions. I wear my hair in buns anyway so I don't mind the greasy feeling not to greasy though.

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Since you wear it back all the time try spritzing your hair with a water and conditioner mix and then you can try using silk elements leave-in, bb growth lotion or cantu sheabutter leavein. Cantu is great for smoothing back into a pony and it has protein in it for strengthning a lil bit is all you need, silk elements leave my hair soft, and bb growth lotion really seals in moisture from water.
sassyhair said:
Since you wear it back all the time try spritzing your hair with a water and conditioner mix and then you can try using silk elements leave-in, bb growth lotion or cantu sheabutter leavein. Cantu is great for smoothing back into a pony and it has protein in it for strengthning a lil bit is all you need, silk elements leave my hair soft, and bb growth lotion really seals in moisture from water.

Sassyhair, that is probably the problem..I put too much in my hair and when my hair dries it feels hard...I have cantu leavin conditioning creme in the jar and it makes my hair feels hard also when it dries...I will try the silk elements and the bb growth lotion...I am probably putting to much on my hair...when you say spritz my hair with water and condtioner...what kind of conditioner?

Any conditioner you like that moisturizes. Since you think you are putting too much on your hair you should maybe just spray with water and then use the leave-in. I also stopped using the cantu because of the protein, also with that you have to really use a lil because too much can make it hard.
sassyhair said:
Any conditioner you like that moisturizes. Since you think you are putting too much on your hair you should maybe just spray with water and then use the leave-in. I also stopped using the cantu because of the protein, also with that you have to really use a lil because too much can make it hard.

It's funny my 13 year old daughter uses it now and her hair is so soft and moisturize,you are like me a nite owl huh...girl I go to sleep about 3 in the morn every nite.

Thanks again I will try spritzing and a lil leave in but my hair only acts that way since I been using the rusk smoother and ors evoo moisturizing lotion...It does not act like that with the ntm leave in or the leave in mayonaise...I am trying to find alternate leave ins because I want to alternate leavins.