now you know thats bad


Well-Known Member
things you do that you know are a no no on this forum.

mine are:
i love to wear my hair down EVERYDAY. pea coat and all
i brush my hair
i comb my hair
i still get my hair pressed and curled once in a while
and i use grease(granted its all natural and i only use it on my scalp)

so what are the things that may not be looked at as "good" that you just can not give up
Sometimes, if my hair looks really great. I'll go 2 weeks without washing .. instead of one.Grease it up and bun it for the second week so I won't have to straighten it for it to look neat.

Saturday I got a boarbristle brush and blowdried my hair. Then flatironed.

I usually don't do that. But it turned out great.
9 times out of 10 I sleep with hair uncovered.

I dont see the point of no combing and brushing. Please break it down for me somebody.
RUBBERBANDS !!!!! but with my method they dont cause me or my lil girl breakage at all. Her hair is thriving. So I'll keep doing it. I use them when I do certain styles.
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I didn't moisturize today.
I flatironed yesterday, wrapped, then flatironed again this morning to touch up
Wore it down and heard it on my wool collar
Wrapped it using a brush that was not a Denman
Almost fell asleep without wrapping it up.

That was just today. I usually bun but I will brush those nappy see through edges into some baby hair. :yep:

My daughter said that my edges look like the golden arches. I can't be having that.:nono:
Dominican blowouts - once every five weeks but I know I should only do it 4 times annually.:blush: That round brush just be callin my name though (Chris Rock in New Jack City):lachen:
9 times out of 10 I sleep with hair uncovered.

I dont see the point of no combing and brushing. Please break it down for me somebody.

As far as I'm concerned, its along the lines of having a little girl, washing her hair, conditioning it, and braiding it up for a week. No manipulation. No unecessary breakage. And for some, no prematurely shed hairs that were pulled.
  • rubberbands
  • wearing it down 98% of the time
  • no DCs
  • i have a sulfate shampoo...nexxus aloe rid. i don't use it much though (love my co-washes)
  • not wrapping my hair or using satin pillowcase when i wear my hair curly. i need to start doing this.
  • i've been trying to rollerset w/o a flat iron, but i've still been flat-ironing afterwards. i haven't perfected the rollerset yet
better yet, probably the only things i do that are good are:
  • moisturize with coconut oil
  • co-wash almost daily with a cone-free condish
  • wrap my hair when it's flat-ironed
i don't know if i'm just lazy or set in my ways (probably both) but i hate time-consuming regimens.
Sometimes sleeping with stocking caps (with the elastic on the edges, pulling on my hair line). That's only when I can't find my scarf.
things you do that you know are a no no on this forum.

mine are:
i love to wear my hair down EVERYDAY. pea coat and all
i brush my hair
i comb my hair
i still get my hair pressed and curled once in a while
and i use grease(granted its all natural and i only use it on my scalp)

so what are the things that may not be looked at as "good" that you just can not give up

See this is what is messing me up now. I would pin it sometimes but I know I wore it down way too much. I figured oh its past the shoulders...yeah and I had to begrudgingly cut about 1 inch off bc I they were splitting:wallbash:.
wearing my hair down too much.
I flatironed last week Tues and again this week...all the way to the ends. I have to pack that flat iron away out of sight.:nono:
blowdrying ... i use a heat protectant tho:ohwell:
and i trim like once a year if ever
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- most days of the week, I wash, blow dry and flat iron my hair.

- don't deep condition as often as I should

But, my hair is still healthy. Go figure....:drunk:
9 times out of 10 I sleep with hair uncovered.

I dont see the point of no combing and brushing. Please break it down for me somebody.

Cosigning to the Bold...I working on it though, I bought a satin pillowcase, but when I wake up, that bad boy is on the floor...and when I do tie my hair up, I wake up with the thing tangled in the sheets...:nono:
  • Although I co-wash weekly, I DC about once/month...if that.:look:
  • I love my sulfate shampoo (Motions Lavish), but I always dilute it.
Not CO washing every other day. I'm now down to just doing "hair treatments" (which are 2 to 3 DC's in a row)on the weekends to "make up" for not washing during the week. Once I get home, it takes courage just to oil my scalp with coconut oil, let alone washing. I have so much hair, it gets so tiresome wetting it all the time and then messing with it. I'm afraid that the longer it gets (please don't get thicker, not that much) the harder it is going to be for me to deal with it. That's why I'm turning it over to my man, he can handle it! I'll have him CO wash it at least once a week to start. I'll entice him by asking him into the shower.:wink2: