nothing on the scalp

I'm in this club as well. My scalp does not like the greasing process at all. I never put two and two together until there was a post about this on another board. Since I've been applying my oils and shea butter to my hair only, my 'druff has pretty much tampered off.
*raises hand* Me. I haven't used anything on my scalp for yeeeeears. My scalp thanks me for it--the dandruff I used to have, the constant itching...all gone.

My mother has dandruff and a constantly itchy scalp. I told my her that I used to have those issues, but they stopped as soon as I quit oiling my scalp. She looked at me like I had grown another head.

"You don't put anything on? At all?"
"Well, I can't do that."

I think some people need the extra lubrication and moisture of products on their scalp, but I found that it was completely unnecessary and detrimental for me.
*raises hand* Me. I haven't used anything on my scalp for yeeeeears. My scalp thanks me for it--the dandruff I used to have, the constant itching...all gone.

I totally agree with you on this one. The same was true for me. I didn't get over my dandruf woes until I stopped greasing my scalp!
Nothing here. Except a mild shampoo.

I used to occasionally do scalp massages with oil. I haven't done it in a long while though.
i also hate stuff bein on my scalp. but im tryin to use bee mine consistantly so im trying to just suck it up. but i co-wash 3-4 times a week so the oil doesnt stay on my scalp very long.
I don't put anything on my scalp. If I try I always end up with an itchy, inflamed scalp. So I end up washing it off anyway.
I put my oil treatment on my scalp before I wash my hair but other than that I only put moisturizer on my new growth to soften it up a bit. I find that the oil treatment and shampoo that I use treat my scalp and act as a groth aid so I don't need that extra stuff.
I don't oil my scalp or anything really. The most I'd put on my scalp is a growth aid and I haven't done that in months. Mainly b/c of laziness...
I don't put anything on my scalp either. I experimented with growth aids off and on, but nothing consistent.
I stopped a long time ago, tried growth aids for a minute but they're just useless IMO. Water can't even reach my scalp sometimes these days. My hair seems to be growing just fine though. I have some dandruff but I attribute it to the Accutane. I dont really know if putting anything on my scalp would help though :(
The only thing I put on my scalp is MT, and I do my best to rub it in so that I can't feel anything. I don't like feeling 'stuff' on my scalp - never did. Heck I don't like using lotion because it feels like it leaves a 'film' on my skin. :nono:

Just pretend I wrote this ^^^^^ it's me, exactly. :yep:
The only thing I put on my scalp is MT, and I do my best to rub it in so that I can't feel anything. I don't like feeling 'stuff' on my scalp - never did. Heck I don't like using lotion because it feels like it leaves a 'film' on my skin. :nono:

me too. only mt. i like a clean scalp. sebum only thank you.
I don't put anything on my scalp because I am just simply lazy. At first I REALLY needed it because I my scalp was itchy( it was recovering after years of grease). But now that I do daily co washes the need is gone. However once I started wearing my hair straight this week I probably will need to use some oil. I honestly think I need to start using some coconut oil and rosemary atleast every other day just so that I can stimulate my scalp and do some scalp massages.
megatek i think. i think theres a big thread on it.

Oh I didn't know they started abbreviating it lol. I saw a thread titled Megatek/Ovation challenge or something and breezed past. Good to know, I thought MT meant something else but I didn't want to be wrong
When my hair isn't in a protective style, I cowash daily, so I don't feel the need to oil my scalp, when I can't wash daily, my ezcema ridden scalp has a fit, so I must (!!) use some coconut oil or at least aloe vera gel on my scalp, but only a little. When I was relaxed, I never, ever used any oils or grease and my scalp rarely protested.