Now that your natural hair is long... :)

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do you discover that more white men (and other races) are trying to get your number? /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Ha! I do! If so, how do you feel about that? Do you wonder "Why not before when my hair was short or average?"
I haven't gotten any more attention. I guess maybe because my hair isn't hitting my shoulders yet when natural.
When you say now that your natural hair is long, do you mean natural as in no chemicals or natural as in relaxed without weaves or braids?

I ask because it says your hair is 4A relaxed but this could be a mistake.
Hi Luvablelady,

I think Blossom means without extensions or weaves. At least that's what I thought she meant. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Whenever I put in a long weave, white men would always talk to me more often. When I have braids, I they are not as persistent /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
Wow! It's something about long hair and men. They really get off on it. Since I've grown my hair long, I almost have to beat them off with a stick! /images/graemlins/smile.gif)

I never gave much thought to long hair and its appeal to men until I had it.

Something else I've noticed. Women seem more FIERCE when they see a woman with long hair, especially white women. And black people when they see my hair, their expressions are priceless. They stare and stare...
Actually I've been getting more compliments when I wear my natural curls...then when I wear it straight... I even had one guy tell me he didn't like my curls(like when I do a wet set or when I used to curl it after drying it straight)as much as he did my natural curls...I was surprised when he said that cause he usually has some 'smart' comment about what someone(usually women) was wearing or about their know like what happened to your hair or are you having a bad hair day(you know the kind...every office has one /images/graemlins/arguing.gif )
I do, but I have curly hair that is only about 5 inches. 'Other' men that I come in contact with love my hair. They don't understand why we always straighten our hair or wear hair pieces becuase they think natural hair is so beautiful.

I am married to a wonderful white man. It is funny. People don't if they should stare at my hair or stare at us. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
It is very interesting,

I have ALWAYS gotten it more when I wore braids. Since being natural, I am me. Maybe that is what comes out(don't give a darn about what everyone else thinks). From my understanding, soft afro hair is unique in other mens eyes. To understand what I am saying, check out the black men with locs, who is on their arm? So I think it is the same the other way around. I have heard and straight from the horse's mouth that they like afro textured hair and that it is different. Long afro hair would certainly catch eyes, maybe because they don't see long afro-hair too often because it is sometimes cut very short. So if some like Ms. Suthers shows up.......all eyes would be on her. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

That has been my experience too. Everyone sees straighten hair to some degree or another everyday but afro-hair is unique---my exact point.
It is different.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
kalia said:
They don't understand why we always straighten our hair or wear hair pieces becuase they think natural hair is so beautiful.

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Yes very true, they (others) can't understand why we hide our beauty. We have our own natural goldmine. Our hair can do anything.

**Try wearing Egyptian styled braids with extensions. The style wear it is longer in the front than the back and put some gold on the ends. YOU WILL GET ATTENTION!!!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gifBelieve me I did it a couple of times and got stopped all over the place. Even the sista's were asking about it. I couldn't go any where w/o someone asking me about my hair.** /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif

i am not too fond of saying 'white men or men of other races' (as if a compliment from white men is priceless or that we need a compliment from them to feel as if we have 'made it' to some standard of beauty, no offense BTW!) so i will stick to MEN in genereal in my post.

i think it may be that many if not most women of color are walking around not taking proper care of their hair and skin so we are somehow overlooked period. if i go out it wont take me long to see over and underprocessed hair, ugly ends, braids or weaves that have been in for 4 months straight (no wash!!), unconditioned hair that breaks when you touch it, dry dry dry hair etc etc......

so i guess when guys see one of us that, at last, looks great it is awesome cos it aint the norm, so they take notice.

if it was the norm to see a sister with lovely hair (perhaps regardless of length) nobody would butt an eyelid.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
hada said:
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
kalia said:
They don't understand why we always straighten our hair or wear hair pieces becuase they think natural hair is so beautiful.

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Yes very true, they (others) can't understand why we hide our beauty. We have our own natural goldmine. Our hair can do anything.

**Try wearing Egyptian styled braids with extensions. The style wear it is longer in the front than the back and put some gold on the ends. YOU WILL GET ATTENTION!!!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gifBelieve me I did it a couple of times and got stopped all over the place. Even the sista's were asking about it. I couldn't go any where w/o someone asking me about my hair.** /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif


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Hada is there anywhere online, I might be able to see Egyptian hairstyles please?
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Pandora said:
i am not too fond of saying 'white men or men of other races' (as if a compliment from white men is priceless or that we need a compliment from them to feel as if we have 'made it' to some standard of beauty, no offense BTW!) so i will stick to MEN in genereal in my post.

i think it may be that many if not most women of color are walking around not taking proper care of their hair and skin so we are somehow overlooked period. if i go out it wont take me long to see over and underprocessed hair, ugly ends, braids or weaves that have been in for 4 months straight (no wash!!), unconditioned hair that breaks when you touch it, dry dry dry hair etc etc......

so i guess when guys see one of us that, at last, looks great it is awesome cos it aint the norm, so they take notice.

if it was the norm to see a sister with lovely hair (perhaps regardless of length) nobody would butt an eyelid.

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So true.

As a black straight woman /images/graemlins/grin.gif I notice and compliment a black woman if her hair is looking good. If it's not and YES I see to many jacked up, wrong colour to skin tone, hair dos going on and you know what, it may not be on my head but it's down right embarrasing. Damn!!! Fix UP /images/graemlins/spank.gif Or wear a hat or something. If we notice it as women and it catches our eye then I guess men of all races sit up and take notice.

It's getting a lil better though. But I'm still seeing like an 10:1 ratio of bad heads to presentable heads.
Ok LD,

I'll get back to you on it but basically glance through some Egytian subject books with alot of pics in them and try museums too. I like to utilize African culture to "enhance" myself. The style I wore was basically a "Cleo Patra" shape with the sides slightly lower than the front. Put gold on the ends and middle of hair to frame the face, if you'd like, for added drama- wear a little eyeliner and sandalwood oil. If you are into being different and want to stand out from the crowd this is a creative way to go. Any man black ,white, or whatever would sit up and take notice. /images/graemlins/smile.gif (Especially when this style is worn on the ORIGINAL face)

Asian women have their way of dress and styles
East Indian women have their styles and ways (which l love)
Where is ours??????? We seem not to utilize that and this is one way to express it.

My hair isn't very long past shoulders in the back for a few inches, but I notice I get more attention when my hair is straight, rather than when I wear my natural curly look. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

Hair should be a division in Psychology, I tell you the truth! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Hi Pandora,

I must say that is a way of looking at it. I observe it myself and I admit I am embarrassed for those Black women who look like that. Unfortunately we do have to represent. When they see one, they see all.

May I be critcal for a moment out of love? I am in no way criticizing all Black women.

Why we may be overlooked:
1. over 80% of us is over weight (sadly according to society is out of favor)
2. we have low-self esteem (not speaking about all black women)
3. chicken necks ( no explanation)
4. chewed up hair
5. broke down weaves (if you wear one, make it look nice atleast)
6. sometimes we don't carry ourselves in a feminine way (i.e. loud mouthed, smacking and popping the gum , loud laughter and etc. etc. etc)

So I can understand when a sista presents herself in her best manner, inside and outwardly, people do take notice. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Thanks for bringing it up Pandora, this has ran across my mind many times beforehand .

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Pandora said:
i am not too fond of saying 'white men or men of other races' (as if a compliment from white men is priceless or that we need a compliment from them to feel as if we have 'made it' to some standard of beauty, no offense BTW!) so i will stick to MEN in genereal in my post.

i think it may be that many if not most women of color are walking around not taking proper care of their hair and skin so we are somehow overlooked period. if i go out it wont take me long to see over and underprocessed hair, ugly ends, braids or weaves that have been in for 4 months straight (no wash!!), unconditioned hair that breaks when you touch it, dry dry dry hair etc etc......

so i guess when guys see one of us that, at last, looks great it is awesome cos it aint the norm, so they take notice.

if it was the norm to see a sister with lovely hair (perhaps regardless of length) nobody would butt an eyelid.

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I feel you Pandora. I will only speak for me, but the attention from Black males was not really new. But I did get a strange increase in non-Black men when I grew my natural hair to it's current length. It's not really about being better or the same, it's just about being different. And boy, having a white dude trying to holla is different. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Bright Eyes...

That was my point exactly. I was walking home from work Friday and I past 3 Indian/Pakistani looking guys and all of them turned and stared at my hair. It's crazy when you have naturally long hair as a black women, all the attention you receive.
Ah ok,

I should have been waistlength this May. I will make it there next time.

I do know what you mean about being different, esp. when you are not the norm. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
